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The Streets Of New York

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The condition of the streets of Xew ï'ork duriug the present winter luis been frightful beyond all precedent even fox the dirtiest city in the United States, [t was bad enough when the snow and i-c blockadëd all out thoroughfares, and made it next to impospossible forman orbeastto get about; ■ui the thaw that fullowed aggravated the evil, and to-day the citj Iiea ankledeep in liqnid ftlih, through wbich pedestrlans are obliged In wade and Mounder. There s nosuch picking i)!u-'s way, lor, with few exceptions, one spot isas liad asanothcr, and everybody plunges inan 1 plougua through itwithoui i egard to consequences. At many oí the crossings tiio icy mounds have not entirely diaappeared, and these are used as stepplng-stones acrossthe pools of slush; bul thcy are treaeberous to the footing, and not a íew nimble walkers have cimi toglief in attwnpthig to spring trom one oí these slippery hills to anóther. The spectacle of a citizen lying on his or back In one of these inkv holes was not uncoiinnon, and many, besidej being soaked, were injured more or less by the fall. Nor was tliis all, for i'i aildition to having to walk thiougli the mire at the risk of a tumble, the traveller was liable at anv moment to h(3 Bpattered fnun head to foot by passing vehlcles. A mimbei' of ineidents oí mishap to luckless pedastiians have appeared iu t!ii daily newápapere. A man crossing West stieet, near Washington Market, in trying to avoid a deep pool of black mud and water, Bllpped and feil into it. As he drew hiinsdt' Out, and was walking sadly away amid tlie laughter of tho bystanders. lie wasseized by atrucknian, who denaanded a dollar for damage done to the harneas oí his lioree, wiiicii bad been valnly elutched and broken by öie man in his endeavora to sai' himself Erom a fall. Witíi diré imprecations on I he condition of the streeto, and the greed -f truckmen, he paid th'" non 'y, and walked away witli a look of disgust on his face. Au 'xnis:iriy iimsseu gentleman getting out of a stage in Crontofthe Astor house, feil f uil lengt li on hia face, and w;;s pasted Erom liead to foot witb mud. Ilis övercoat was open at the tiiru', and every outer gannent had its sharc of the vile stuff. Ilis silk bat ivil uil' as a matter of cowse, and his forehead was so dirty (hat he didn't put the hat on again. Both hands were iripping, and his shirt front was oovercil with filth, WJien he rëacliéd the sidewalk, he stood theie in an attitude of perfect helpleasness, with eime ín O!ie hand and hut in the otlier, aaid an expression of despair and neaa on what Iittle coukl r seen of lus lace that beggars all description. It was the noon liour, when many ware passing, and B03W good Samaritans unong thema mannged, by ilint of inueli sciapLug and wiping and rubbing, to get "tho worst of it olT," and tlic unfortunate man ïosumcd his jouraey. ïo bis credit, be it raid, lie never sjioko an angry word from iiat to last - that is, i'rom Hip lime lie got up until tlit; rub[uir w as over hut there is no knowing wiiat lic said when lic trol awav from


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