Death Of James Renwick

James Renwick, wliose death is here reeorded, was born in the towuship of Greocc, Monroe county, New York, the fourth day of June, 1827, and died the 17th day of March, 1881, thus being nearly lifty-four years of age. ín 1827 be carne to Michigan wilh his parents who settled in the township of Salem and remained there lwo years, when the family moved to the township of Northfleld. One year Mr. Renwick rcsided at Lansiug nnd one year in Webster and in Northíield fifty years. He was a son of the late Hon. John Renwick of Northfield, and a brother of ex-supervisor Kenwick now of Lyou township, Oakland county. In 1852 he was married to Temperance Fitz Siinmons, daughter of Thomas Fitz Simmonp, of Ann Albor township. His wife, one son and one daughter survive him. He has left them in tears and iu sorrow to continue life's jouiney and bearlife's burdens alone. Sadly will they miss the comfort and happiness of his presence, the guidance of his counsel, and his care and protection. Mr. Renwick was well known in the township where he lived, and also in Ann Arbor city and other parts of the county. He was a man of strict integrity and was held in high es. teem by all who knew him. He had an intelligent miad and was quick to perceive th; right and defend it. He was equally quick and positive in condemniug what he belleved to be wrong and yet he had miny friends. One of his old friends said to the writer the other day that Mr. Renwick had as many friends as auy man in Northfield, and with faltering voice, he added, "No man could have more friends than he, tor he had them all ; all were his friends." Deceased is moulderiug back to dust, but if he were living to-diiy I arn sure he would ask no higher praise thau this; that all were his friends. Many of these have been LU companions and associates for forty years and it is no wonder his death comes to them in a mensure like a personal bereavement. Long will he be remembered by them and have an abiding place in their best recollections. It has been extensively reported that Mr. Rouwick died insane. That his inind on some subjects was much clouded and impaired, during many weeks of his last iilness is fully conceded, but that the state of his mind was wholly attributable to the paralytical nature of the disease which was preying upon his systera, I think there can be no doubt. After the disease had mostly finished its work, his miud rallied and for six weeks immedtately preceding his death he was perfectly rational. Mr. Reuwick had been in poor liealth for many j'ears, but the shadow of death hasulterly enfolded him now and "he sleeps hia last sleep." May lic rest in peace.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat