The Tramp Question

Last week we briefly alluded to the ramp nuisance, and stated that unless omething was done the taxpayers of Washtenaw county would be startled at he enormous expense being piled up lailj, which, if it continúes, %vill amount o thousands of dollars by the time the upervisors meet in the fall. How to remedy the evil is a question which concerns us all. We have only to ay that since the ftrst of February every ramp going east or west stops ia this city, and of couise they have no money, alhough many of them manage to get somehiny lo drink. They are arrested by the olice and constables, and like other evil ioers taken to jail. In many cases senence is suspended if they leave the city, which soine of them are only too eager o do. Tramps that have been ordered to jet off of the streets by the pólice, have been followed and arrested by certain officials.and of course taken to jail. It has been a fat job for some of these guardians of the peace, and as the county is a good paymaster, they are sure of their fees. Some years ago the office of constable went a begging, but of late years there has been considerable strife for the nominalion, and particularly in this city, and he is a fortúnate individual who is elected to the office, judging f rom the amounl of business being done by some of themj Last year we had occasion to speak of the expense being incurred in Yysilanti on account of the tramp nuisanc, little thinking that what was done there would be repeated in this city. Yet it is only too true. As high a number as 17 tramps have been in jail at a time, and as the officer making the arrest receives $1.75 for his fees, which with the addltionalexDense of board and arraigning them next morning before a justice.amounts to abouc $6, taxpayers will discover tbat it is rather an expensive luxury. The question which presenta itself is, what can be done to put a stop to this whole business, or what plan eau be devised to lessen the expense, if the tramps must be carred for? It bas been suggested by a supervisor that a place be fitted up in the northeast corner of the court house basement with iron bedsteads where the tramps can be given a night's lodging and somethiug to eat, and then sent on their way in the morning. Scarcely a night passes that the pólice are not importuned to find tramps a place to stay, and ïf they could be given lodgings at a small expense, it would cost but little, where we havealready mentioned, every one taken to jail cosls the county not less than $(3. It is time something was done to curtail expenses. The matter is one which interests every taxpayer, and if the supervisors would convene in extra session, pe.-haps some means could be devised and the county saved severa! thousand dollars, which it will otherwise be obliged to pay if this state of things 3 permitted to longer exist.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat