Silk Manufacture

With a rate of duty ranging froniCO to 120 per cent., there were imported into the Unitod States last year $33,305,460 worlh of silk goods of foreign manufacture. This is an i.icrease of nearly $8,000,000 over 1879, and $13,000,000 more than in 1878. It is desirable tbat the United States should import none but raw silk, if indeed it prove impossible to raise our own silk worms, and the duties have beenmaintained at their present excessive ratos mainly with the view to protect the domestic manufacture. This is conducted chiefly"in Connecticut, Xew York, Jlasssachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and has proved very successful as regareis certain classes of goods. A silk manufactory on quite a largo scale was establisbt d here in Baltirnore about 1870, but it did not prosper, and the enterprise was abandoned. Our present silk manufacture, as wil! bo seen below, is very smal!. Governor McClellan, in his last ;umual message, in adverting to the valuable work of uiGjew jersey rjtaie uureau oí .Labor and Industrios, said that his state con sumed more than sixty per cent. of Uio raw silk imported into the United States, and that it was eminently deirable to have some action taken upon the recommendation of that bureau ín favor of oxtending special encouragemeut to the culture of the silk worm. The Jiew Jersey silk milis give employment to 13,982 hands, to whom they pay wages to the extent of $4,047,746- $300 per capita, which is considered nominally good wages, considering that a good rnany of the employés are women and children. The gross valueof themanufactured silk products in the United States for the census year 1880 was $40,975,285; the gross value of material and supplies for this manufacturo waa $22,371,300; net value of iinished goods was $34,410,463; the number of silk factories in the country was 383; the capital, real and personul, investod in this industry was $18,899,500; the number of looms at work was 8,467; the maximum number of bands employed during the year i was 34,340, (iacluding 9,350 males over sixteen years of age, 16,344 females over lifteen years old, and 5,605 children and youth), who rece', ved $9,106,835 wages, equal to $264 per capita.- Baltimore Sun. We are so made, almost -all of us, tbat tho false seeming which we have thougbtof withpainfulshrinking, when beforehand in our solitude it has urgecl itself on us as a necessity, will possess onr muscles and more our lips as if nothing but that were easy when once wo have come under the stimulus of expectant ejes and ear. - Qeorge Eliot. femininedebftting society, knotrn as the Wranglers, has lately l)een established in London.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat