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In the British house of coinmom Mr. (Jlad8tone sairl tlsut a telegram froin Sir Evelyu WooJ anuoiiaced that the Boers subsUutially aecepted the Brlttflt) ppoposals for peae. They iucliid a coneession of the rnttfe iudependence of the liuurs, butrecoijiiize the suzaraiuty of tlie qneen, and the establishment of a liritish resident at the future cuiiita!. The negoUatlona will ! completad, Imt ihe armiatice wil! bc extended for two unmths, pending the final ratiflcaUoa of the agieeinent. The ander forelgn secretary aaid that Fronce desired to enter tnto a commercial treaty with BuKland, as soou ub the tariíT bilí p;isstd the Yeneh MOatAi Eighteea mutinoua peamen of the Amwican ship Oriental, from San Francisco to Huil, wilh vrlieat, havo been placud u Irona liy order of the American consul at Queenstown and tlio ahlp sent to Huil with a new orew. A eouncil of regoncy lias boen i;ilntt'd tn take chaise of the Ruaeiai empire in cise of lbo as-uissination of the present czar. Pilgrims are Ilockinsr fro:n all parts of Russia to visit the spot where tue emperor feil. A pared was Bent from Maucheatcr to f ir WUliaoi Harcourt, whicli, on beinarojenc.l b the pólice, was rovnd to coota'n a loaded pistol, set so as to íe dinrliarged If carclessly opéue I. This u'.tempt ut asxassination ha oaosed mucb excltetneut in Bxgland. Tlie Uritisli ollicöis at l'oche stroom riolated the artnlstlce by orderhiK an attack apon the Boers who garrlsoned the prison in that place. The attor wero driven out, aud lt of them weru killeil. The Londnn Times thiuks thst the resulta of the international monetary conference will b favorable to a bi-uietallio curreuoy. Tlie Ore at the Nioe opera house broke oat BOOD after the curtaiu had riseu. Shortly afier It besan the u:is explodcd, leavini ili house in complete ilarkncss. Btrókoacb, the impressafio, was süghlly hurt, and the total of live lost is noarly 100, mosily of the poorer classe. A female nibiüs!, rtwntly arrested at SL Petersburi;, bas imrliTcvolations wliich necessitate aii outire change in the progranune of nrooeedlaga against thoae indic.ed for the assiiüsinnüo'i. Ia the üritish house of commoss tlifl Candahar debate was resimied. The niarquis of Harlington made a (;enoral dufenseof ihe ' . é.;t!. i .. . .111. . .tii í MIOLIUU Idl! demnloe tlio governmcnl's action was voted dowu, 21t; ayea lo 336 noes. Au anti-slavery meeting in Madrid condenaned the l.iw of Febrnary, ISSO, as coutrary to tlio principies ol Jostice. The antl-shreiy so cicly lias doclared Us inteutiou tn cuntiune ín ngitatlon nntil slavcry is aboüsliel m all tüe Spantah coloniza, r.niell, in a speccli n London MTgeá tlie organiz.uion of a laiid iMfae in Jinglan I and Scntlaixl, and boasted tdat [relamí wna draininf; the United St:ites at ttio rat of $200,mW n week. Besolutlons were ad'-pted to consUt te tlie oatlooal land ifam) of (rt-at Brttnln, witii Justin IfoCacttiy as presidiMit. Detecttvet Grom London haTe koho to tlie Lizard to li'teroept tlie eteamer Ans ralla, whicli saiiod Tliursitay for New York, nnd in Bupposed to have ('olt'Miau oa board, 011e of the nen'NippoMd to be coucerned ia the plot t" blow up tlio Mausiou house. The total loss of lif by the fire at the Nico opera houae is otatal by ouo dispatch to be 69, Auothnr dispatch says that S5 victiius have already been buried. The steam tugs sent out to meet the stoamhip Australia and arri'Bt ('olumaii, siiKpected of belog in the plot to blow u) the Maiütloii house, London, failtni ti Mt;ht Uie Bteamer. Ouo oí the penóos burned to tleaili at tliu ïloeflrewns tlie (Ifnimi) sav.iut, Dr. Aniult scliilline. No Americana are Icoown to Um ui-u killeil A story cornos troni ltiissia f tli wuy in vrhidi niiiUinu, In Buaslan uniforma, nnt Rbead ot the regular Russian oRicials and took gooi! care of a liirge amoi'ut of flynamtto vvliich the officials were iateudiug to seize on Sla arrlval :t the fioutier. Tli pope has directed that a warnlóff be ssued to ilevout Catholics every wheru DOUfjlng tliem tliot tli íelics ot saints uow iu tlie mar kets are Iiogu9. A large uumborof boues pur porUde U be those. of early Christian sainta aud to liavo bon Uku fro in the catacomb have bem eeut to America; but it s now au nounced liy tho Vatican tliat no bodien have been taken from the catacotnbt for 80 years. A six hours' fight lias occurred between Hritisb auil lfcisutos. The result was ' mt do cisive Col. Cairington aud otliers ware wounded.


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Ann Arbor Democrat