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II. R. IIILL ATTORNEY AT LAW. ollico No. X, Opera House Ulook. Aun Arbor, Michigan. WILLIÁM CASPARY, TJAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 32 Detroit atreet. JOSEPII CLINTON, Merchant Tailor. Bhop over Win. Alhiby's boot and slioo store, All wörfc ffuamnteed orno clmrge. JOHN F. LAWRKNCE, ATTOKNEY AT UW, Offlce, Nos. 1 and 3 Ilill's Opera HouHe, Aun Arbor, Mioh, FRANK EMERICK, TTOBNEY AT LAW.- Offlce over BrowD & Co 's Drug Store, Corner Main and Hurón Streets, Ann Arbor, Jiicli. l.URON MARKET. f} C. FREER, Dealer In Fresli, Salt and j Smoked Meata, l'n'sh Fisli, Oysters, l'oultry, etc No. 3(3 East, lluron Street. MICHAEL II. BRENNAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OUtee with E. D. Kinne, Slawson Blook, comer Hurón and Fourth Btreets. ■jn Arbor, Mich. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Suecessor to Stone & Puraoiig, OFFICE AND DISPENSAltY, Corner Hurou and Fifth Streets, Anu Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, OüHQEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 32 East O vvaaliington Struet, furmorly oecupied by Dr. Frotliinghaui. Ann Arbor, Mlch. GEO. A. BOYLAN, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Palnter. 6hop under tlie Star Clothing House. Ordera lert at-C. Boylau's will be promptly attended to. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Cloaner.thlrd door south of the Opera House. Samples of work can be seën at the shop. Satisfaction guaran peed. TOBACCO STORE. IT WILL, BE FOUN D that F. S. Buck ktieps the best nssortment oí ÜIUAUS AND TOBACCO in tho city. Best brands Of eigarettesa speclalty. No 7 East Huroii St. ANTÓN EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and Oravcstones, manufacture)] froin Tminessee and Italian Marble and Scotch and unerican ürauito Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Anu Arbor., Mich. PATRICR McKERNAN, A TTOUNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real XX Estáte agent, Money to Loau and Kecords 8earchud. Omveyancing and all legal docuinents drawn on reasonable terms. Office in the courthouse, Aun Arbor, Mich. E C. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof. of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHIC DEl'ARTMENT, Univprsity of Michigan. Residence and ofttce 41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklin wlll attend surgical cases liere, or by consulta tion Indifferent yarts of the state. SI'I.AL CUBVAJURES AND DEFORMITIES 01 ' lihlt) by his improved method. E MANUEL MANN, 1 nEALERiN' Drugs and Medicines " ToOot Artiolcfl, Dyo Stuffa, &c. PreSCTlp tions carpfully prepared at any hour of the day or olcht by first-class chomists. Emani.'kl Mann. No. 39 South Main street. Ann Arbor, - Michigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. 1JIANÓ8, OROANS, SHEET MUSIC, InstrueUon Books, riolins, Quitara, Flutes. ico., cbeap at Wilsey'8 Muatc Rooms, cast side l'ublie Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The larest and best Shul; of Musical Ooods ever brought into Washtenaw County. Violin ahdGuitar Strlnes a gpeclalty. N. H.- It wMI be to yemr interest to oall before purchasing anythtag in tlie Musie Une. FOR INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY 00 TO C. II. MILLEN, INSITRA.NOK AGÏSNT, No. 4, South Main Street, ANN ARBOK, - - MICHIGAN. The oldest aRency in the city. EstahliRhed n quarter of a century ago. Eepresenting the folowing first class coinpauirtr. Home Insurance Oo. .of N. Y. , ARKets over $0,00(1, OM Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y.,Assetuover$3.00(i,ii': Nlacara Fire Ins. Co., N. Y Assets $1,44'J,4Ut OirardofPa Aisets over 1 1 .000,00 Örlent of Hartfonl Assets $700,001BATES O W. Ix38e3 llberally adjusttsd and proraptly paid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Orsranlïed 1869, onder the General Banking Law of thi.s state) has now, iucluding capital Stock, etc., etc., OVER $230,000 ASSETS. Business men, Quardlans, Trustees, LadieB and other pereons wlllflud this liank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at which to make Deposita and do business. Interest s AMowed on All Savings Deposits Of 1.00 and upward, ftccordlng to the rules of the bank, ana interest compounded leml-annn ally. Money to Loan in Sums of f25 to 5,000, Secwrocl by Unincumbered Keiil Kstate and othor Koud becuiitles. DIRECTOR '- rtiristian Mnck, W. W. Wines, W. ]). HMTtman, Willinni Dcnble, H. A. Beal, Dudal HiscockaiKl W. 1!. timith OPPICEHS- ('hristiim Mnck, Prenidont; W. W. Wines, Vicu President; Chas. B. BlMOCIk, Onshier. Livery, Saïe, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a J .ivery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the Courj;House on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Brcaking colts andhandling track horses a specialty ; good reierences given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber.


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Ann Arbor Democrat