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HEALTHI8 WEALTII. Dr. E. C. West 's Nerve and Brain Treatment : a speciñc for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsious, Nervous Headaehe, Mental Depressions, Loss of Memory, Spennatorrhoja, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgence. Rhch leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box containsone month's treatment. One dollar a box, or RU boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee m boxeo to cure any case. With each order received by us forsixboxes, accompanied with flve dollars, we will sendthe purchaser our written guarantee to return the inoney if the treatment doos not effect a cure. Guáranteos issued by Brown & Co. , sole authorized Agts. ior Ann Arbor, Mich. John C. West & Co., Sole Proprietors, Chkajto, III. Friezelle & Co. wholesale ALts., Detroit, Üich. KIDNEYPAD THE GBEAT DISCOYERY FOB DI8KASE3 OF SBB KIDNEYS. BLADDER AND URINARY 0RGANS. A remedy tbat will positively euro DIABETES, GRAVEL, DROPSY, BRIGHTS DISEASE, HIGH COLOREO URINE, INCONTINENCE ANO RETENTION OF URINE, NERVOUS ÉEBILITY and FEMALE COMPLAINTS when NOTHIND ELSE CAN. lts success provea the effleacy of ABSORPTION. It aaved the llfe of lts dlscoverer and is Bavlnsr the lives of thousands of others. For ale by DruggisU or sent by mail on receipt OithePrlO8'(2-00)DAYK.DNEYPADCO.I Sole Proprietors, Toledo, Ohlo. tST" Send your addre9a for our pamplüe. "How a Life was Saved." For Sale by EBERBACH & SON. Druggists. WIARDS FATENT NEW 1880 SERIES Malleable Iron and Wood Beam Chilled PLGWS ure otrcrcn to the Farmora of the country for the coming Boaeon with inany valuable impro vemen ta. THE WIARD is the strongeet and most durable Plow in the zuarket. THE WIARD is the best for general purpose work, iu both sod and ntubble. THE WIARD has the nimplcst and most com píete uiljuimeiit for uaing two or three homes abrcast. THE WIARD is the best Plow extant for hard ctay una etony ground. THE WIARD rival Ml other chilled Plowa foi i U aiiing in loóse aud adhesivo boíIh. THE WIARD cannot be excellcd for Lightnew üf Diaft. Our Malleable Iron Beaxn is the only practical niljur-utlti imial lWuiu made; itt guúrnnlct-d aj;a!n6t bendin or troaking; fs perfectly adjuetable for 2 or 3 haneêj over L0,UOü ili uue, and nut oae ia a thou&and failua. Our Joiuters, Wheels and Handles are all adjustable. Ot r Moldboarda excel all others for fineness and tiiiifoniiny. Our Plows wiirrnntcil to nny reaeonable extent, If you are going to buy a new PtOW, be sure t give the W'i Auu a tnui. I have also the Gals Plow, manufactured by t!e Gale Manufacturing Uo., Albion, Mich. Also the Nkw Dodoe Plow, manufactured by theDodgePlowCo., Kiiltinuizoo, Mich., with all the Latest improveraents Now is a good time to encouraire the boys juat ■oitmu'ncingto pJow, by buvingthe best Plow in the market. DoiTt mnke them disgustod with 'arming by coinpelliiig them to do their work with inffrïor touls. The time spent in foollng with oíd styletl t oís produces no income, and discourage the voung men who use them. A ittle forethought exercised in the purchase of a good Tool of nnv kind is worth more than a praal deal of aftert hought ver a bad bargafn. Cali and examine my stock, it will cost you nothíntf.. A ten per cent discount will be given 'or cash down. AH tools work much better whca 'ully paid for. Yours VTery Respect f ully for Past Fa vors, nn Arbor, Mich. M. ROGERS. SÍ5OO REWARD. We, will pay the above reward for anv case of LiviT ComplÁlnt, Dyspepsin, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Wesfs Vegetable Liver Pilla, wheu the directions are strlctly complied with. They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give Batisf actiou. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, eontalning 30 Pilis, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggist. Beware of counterf elts and imitations. The gen uine manufacturad only by John C. West & Co., "The Pili Makers." 181 & 183 W. Madison St. Chicago. Free trial package sant by mail prepaio n receipt of a 3 cant stamp NATUKK'K iiviUMI'H. Frszisr's Root Bitters. If y OU are weak or languid, ie Frazier's Bitters. II' your llt-sh is fiabby and yoiir complexion dajlow, nsc Frazier's Bitten. If you live in a malarial district, nse Frazier's Bitters. If worn down with the care of children, use Frazier's Bitterg. If you have the blues, use Frazier's Bitters. Il' you have kept late liours and lived contrary to the laws of health, use Frazier's Bitters. Ifyou need toning up, take Frazier's Bitters. If you have abused instead of iised nature's gifts, use Frazier's lütters. If you feel old before your time, use Frazier's Bitters. If life has become a burelen and you have gloomy forebodinga, use Frazier's Bitters. If your hands tremble and your eyes have grown dim, Frazier's Eoot Bitters will mak e you feel young again. Sold by all dmggisU everywhere at the low price $1.00 per bottle. JAS. E. DAVIS & CO., Wholesale Drugists, Detroit, Mich., Agents. Chicago & Western Is tho OLDESTI BET CONSTRtTCTEDl BEST EtiUlPPED i and henee the LEADI2TG RAILWAY, OPT11K WEST AND NORTHWEST! Itis the short and best route hetween Chicago nd allpointsin STortherB nilatis, Iwa, Dakota, Wyonkj, Kotraaï, Calii:::la. Ore.-::. rtaa, Utah, C:l"i.i;, liiio, Hsitinl, :?s7ida, a=i Í5P COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMilHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, iglOU.V CITY, Oslar Iip'.di, las Uoisca, Columïas, ani all Poïata is tho Territorief, and tho West. Also, i::íí:1tíuícc, Groes Bit, Oihïcsli, ShsïoTsan, Marsuetto, Toni dn La:, Watertoñ, Hiugh'.c:, Meeian, Honain:, "t. Fasl, Uinncapolis, uu:::. Volja, Pareo Bisma::!:, Winosa, LaCroxs, Owatna, asi all polnts in Uinscsott, Eakota, Wiicossia And the , west. At Cotincll Blulft the trains of the Chicago 4 ,_. North-Western and the U. P. R'ys depart f rum, arrive at and use the same joint l nlon Depot. At Chicago, close conne 2tions are made with the Ijilte Shore, ilichisan Central, Baltimore & Ohi . Kt. Wayne anti l'ennsylvania, and Chicago t liraiul Trunk K'ya, and the KankukOC and Pau Uandlc Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It is the only line runnig Pullman Hotel Dining Cars betwefn CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLÜFFS. FVLLXAN8LXXPEBS0M A LI. DJOHT TRAINS. Insist upon Ticket Agenta peiling you lickets via lilis toad. Kxammoyour tichets, and refuso i bny if tlioy do nut reiul ver tho Chicago óí North-Wíslcrn Raihvny. If ywiwishthe B st travelincAccommodations yau will buy your ticket) by this route, and will ialc none ottier. AU Ticket Agents scll Tickets by this liat. JÍAKVI.N III ;lill I', Sil V. P. 4 OeniKuz'r, flUcigs.


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