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Anarewii. wnue nas resigntni me jieriin mission. Dispatches from the west indícate that ttie Dakota floods are subsiding, but that in Nebraska the Mlnont) river is stil) risiug. Kx-Congressman Hiram Price, nf Iowa, has been nominatwl for oommiasionei of Indian allairs, vice Thos. M. Nichol, declined. Henry Ward Beecher told his congregation on Sunday how he advised a young lady wlio wlshed to join the Roman Catholic church k doso. The Republicau eenatorial caucus liae voted tocontinue in its present course of iiisisün on the appointmeutof new senate officers, and not to yield to executive business. It is, bowever, reportd that sonie Republican senators will, before a week has passêd, vot i with the Democrats to ko into executive session and act upon a number of noininatioes. President (iarfield is desirous that speedy action should be taken upon some ïiupurUnt nouiinations iibiniltfi by him. RichardWelch was shot dead by his son Montgomery at Derby, Perry county, Ind., Sunday erening. The shooting was done in self-defense. Thompson, convicted of the murder of the old man Scbumacher in Texas, has been sentenced to hang June 1. Smitti F. (ianHor, passenger agent of the WisconsiH Central, was killed near Whitewater, Wis., on the St Paul road. He feil under the cars and had bis bead cut otí. He lea ves a wife and one cbild. The steamboat Gilbert haviog come ofï the Vicksburg dock Sunday, burned at the landing Monday. She was owned at Evansville. No insurance. W. Frazer, Arthnr Wright and a young man f rom Maitland, name unknown, went duck sliwi)tinr at Brockville, Ont. The boat mpsized and Wright and the young mao from Maitland were drowned. Frazer was found clinging to the boat and insensible. The society of the army of theTenneasee met at Cincinnati. (eneráis Sherman and Sheridan and President Hayes were among Uie many distinguisbed persons present An interesting bubiaess meeting was held in the morning, and in the afturnoon a recuption was givun at the chamber of comuerce, al wtiicli (teñerais Sherman and Sheridan made brief speeches. At 8 o'clock the statue of (ien. McPhei-son, who was, muil liis death in the Atlanta campaign, the coinmauder of the army of the Tenuessee, which ís to tie placed over bis grave at Clyde, Ohio, was unvciled in the presence of tlie society, aud a vast crowd of spectators. In the evening l.he oration was delivered by Col. Ozro J. IXHlds of (Mucinnati, and speeches wero made by Mayor Jacobs, (iov. Fouter, President Hayes, and others. Thcre is evideutly going to be troublt between the eecretary of war and the general ol tht army, as there had been during the last tWO ailuiiüistrations. (íen. MeOook, who has heen ou (en. Sbennan's staff for years, lias twen ordered to join bis regiment at White river, and Seeretary Lincoln says he inoantt t(i aend a Wffofficers generally to their regiments and replace them with offlcers who have bmu in active service on the frontier. How ien. Sherwan will take this order can easily te forseen. A 14 y-ar old sou of Mis. Howe of Sunhury, Pa., quarreld with his eister throe years older, at diuuer, leftthe table, got a shut-gun, and shot liis eister dead. He g;ive as a reason for oommlttlng the crime, "ïhey could not give me puough to eau" Gapt. F. H. iMason, American consul at Basle, has made a very interestiug report upon the pork excitoment in Europe. He shows tliat the deaths froui trichiuosis have in no case heen causcd hy American pork, and that the most of the diseased pork came f roui (ermany. The President and Seeretary Blaine are lioth anxions for an executive sesslon of the senate, to take aotion on important noininations; bot tle majority of the Republican senators still insist ou maintaining the wrangle over the senato olnces. It is ïumored in Washingtou that Stillwell H. Russell, United States marshal of Texas, will succeed James N. Tyner of Indiana as assistaut postmaster general. The utroet car drivers and conductora of Chicago have voted to stop work. A paraljsis of Btreotoar travel will be the couseiiuence. California reports a half niillion tons oí wheat in store in tho interior, and favorable prospecis ror an average yiem. In Lowell, Mass., (ieo. W. Harris's loom and harneas factory was burned. Loss $40,000; iusurance $6,000. A loss of thirty or forty livee is reported, caused l.y the floods in Dakota. The Democrats were succesBful in the municipal election at Chicago. Messrs. Evarts, Thurman aud Howe, United States commissioners to the internatioual monetary conference, sailed for Europe Tuesday. An appropriate message from the czar of Russia, in response to the resolutions of condolence on the death of his father adopted by the United States senate, was tiansuiitted to the senate through Minister Foster and Secretary Blaiue. Fires. - At Mifllin street wharf, Delaware, the factory of the boue fertilizing compauy; loss $15.000. - At Lnuisville, Ky., tobáceo mnnufacturlng establishment of W. S. Matthews& Sons; loss $20,0u0.- At Wheeling, W. Va., drug store of Houston fe Bingell; loss, f 10,000. The Mexican sheepherder arrested on suspicion of ïavishing and nmrdering Mrs. Sargent at Santa Rita, California, was hauced by a mob. The Rev. Thomas B. Miller, formerly paator of the Lefaieb avenue Biiptist church, Philadelphia, aud uow dean of the Philadelphia medical college, and Dr. Isaac Hathaway, were arrested charged with criminal malpractice upou Mary Butler. The stoamship United States, from Boston for Savannali with a general cargo, went ashore at Cape Romain, S. C. The body of James Sweeney, the missing agent of the Cleveland chair faetory.wasfouml in the ranal. Foul play is suspectód. The bill to settle the Tennessee debt at par and 8 per cent passed the senate by one vote, and will be signed by the governor. Miss Duel, the lowa faster, has wasted away until slie is mere skin and bon. AtnoonTueday she began her 42d day without food, and is even stronger than for many days. Charles Cunningham Boycotte of Ireland, whose treatment of the laud leaguersgaverise to the term "boycotting," arrived in New York Monday on the steamer Italy. The National telephone association met in Chicago, Tuesday, with over 200 exchanges rerrese.itod. Iuteresting papers were read, and reports made of the great progresa of the inveution. A resolution was adopted by the New York board of aldermen requesting the board of healtb lo cbemically analyze the article known as oleomargarine, and asceriain whether or not as an article of food it is detrimental to the public healtb. Two hundred and sixty-four nominations made by the President are yet untouched by the senate. Bradstreet's commercial reports show the failures in the United States and Canada for the first quarter of 1881 to be 1,986, againBt 1,394 in the corresponding period of 1880, and 2,850 in 1879. The Texas western narrow-gauge road has oeen soio unaer roreciosure ror g;iuy,uuu. A new coinpany is to be foruied, of wbicb H. H. Honore of Chicago la to be president, and Fred. D. (Iraut cbiof engineer. The strikiug street car drivers on the west división linee in Chicago Beem to have had the sympathy of the public. Tho road ia alleged to have beeii careless of tho comfort of passengere, aud to have abused the power which ist monopoly gave it. The company has finaliy yielded to the demand of the strikers. A huse standing on the bank of the Missouri river, near Parkville, Mo., occupied by a woinau named Cordell and three cliildren, was swept into the the stream by the curreut cuttini into the bauk. After tkmting down the river about Beven miles the house was discovere 1 by two young huntors named Burch andFurd, from Kans s City, who put out to it in a skiff, cut a hole in the roof, tho only part of the building above water, and rescued the terrified inuiatos and took thom back to Parkville. Chas. Ulazier. superintendent of Scott's elevator in Indianapolis, was run over by a coal car and fatally injured. He wa9 60 years old. A meeting was held in Chicago Friday night to further tlie erection of a memorial to commemorate the great fire. Comin.ttees to raise money and consider plans of incorporatiou were appointod. Tiiere was a colusión on the Northern railway of Canada Friday morning, between Barne and Allaudale. David Thoruton, a railway employa, was killed aud several others were badly iujured. The nngine and three cars were destroyed. The schoener N. H. Skiuner carne inte colusión with the schoouerFred Brown, off Vineyard Haven, the latter sunk immediately. Nicholas Jeremiah, was the ouly persou saved. Tbe captain, mate and the ïnate's wife and three children were drowned. (ieu. Mahoue and Alexander H. Stephens are tsaid to have fraternized in the work of bringing about a political millennium in the south. It eaetns probable that the Coleman who arrived at New York on the steamer Australia b not the man who was connected with the London Mansión house conspiracy. Tbe United States bas brought suit in San Francisco against tbe Central Pacific railroad company for over two hundred thousand dollam arrears of income Ux. The remains of the late Senator Carponter reached liilwaukee Saturday afternoon and were received by thousauds of citizens. A procession esoorted them to the court-house, where they laid in state uutil Sunday afternoon, wlien the funeral oceurred. Senator Conkliug inade a brief speech, which was responded to by (ov. Smith. Fires.-- At Mt. Vernon, Ohio, C. & J.Cooper's entine and irou works building; loss $150,000; inmired. The fire is believed to liave been incendiary. Another fire was diecovered Saturday hl auotlier huilding beiouging to the same firui, which must have been incmidiary, as tiiere had heen uo fire in tlie building daring the day and there was no combustible material there. - At Burlington, Iowa, Harrison's elevator; loss $10,000, ineured. A man named (ioodwin, lodfed in jail at Clearfield, Pa., was found dead iu his cell from a knife wouud after a visit from a man and woman who came to see hini, and claimed to be hU brotlier and sister. The latter were arrested. It subsequently appeared that the murder was cominitted by another prisoner.


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