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G1VEN LP BY DOCTORS. 'Is is powsible tliat Mr. Godfrey is up aml at work, aiul curcil by so simple a remedy?" "I assiire you it is true thnt lio is enlirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten days ago his doctors gavo him upand said he must diel "Well-a-day! That is remarkable! 1 will go this day and get some for my poor George - I know tiops are goorl." - Salea Post. REGÚLATE THE SECRETIOXS. ín our endeavors to preserve health it is of the utmost importante tliat wa keO] the seoretory system in perfect condition The well-kñown reniedy, Kidney-Wort has specific action on the kidueys, liveí and bowels. ' Use it instead oí dosinj witli vile bitters or drastic pills. It is purely vegetable, and is prompt and mili in aetion. It is prepared in both dry anr liqutd form and sld by drugghts everywhere.- Reading Eagle. The Greatest Remedy Known. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is certaiuly the greatest medica reinedy ever put within the reach of suï fcring humanity. Thousands of once hopeless sufferers loudlv proclaim their praise of this wonderlul Discovery to Which they owe their lives. Not only does itpositively cure Consumption, and Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Hoarsèness, but all affection of thh Throat, Chest and Lungs yield al once to its wonderful curative powers as if by magie, We do not a3k you to biiy a largo bottle until you know what you are getting. We, therefore, earnestly request you to calí on your druggist, Eberbacb. & Son, and get trial a bottle for ten cents which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits, and show you what a regular one dollar size will do Professional Testiraony. Many of the best physicians use Uowns' Elixir in their daily practico because it is the best cough remedy that can be made. Now is the time to use Raxter's Mandrake Bitters and prevent Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Jaundice, which are so prevalent in the spring months. Only 'Jii ets. a bottle. Henry & Johnson's Amicaand OH Lioiment isa family remedy which should be in every family. Used for Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, &c, il has no equal. CITY ITEMS. A book of designs for decorating was lost recent ly bet ween Oscar O. Sorg's shop and the residentie of Jas. Clements. on State street. The finder will be rcwardcd by leaving the book at O. O. Sorg's ptiint shop, No. 11, Liberty street. Dr. W. W. Nichols will take possession of his new office the last of the week, over Joe T. Jacobs' clothing store. The rooms have been elegantly flxed up, and a finer dental office cannot bc found in the city. Entrance on Maiu St. GO TO THK ANN ARBOR NUItSEUY for apple trees, grape vines, and for everything else for the garden and orchard. Prices the lowest in the city. Jacob Ganzhorn, proprietor, at the head of Hprinc St. Hack Link.- All ordeus left at Brown & Co. 's drug store, or at Hangsterfer's State street restaurant, will be puompti.y attended to. Residence No. 10 Maynard street. Thad E. Thompson. I sell apple trees, 0 to 7 feet high, (nice trees), for 15 cents each. le?s by the hundred. Concord grape vines one and two years old, from 3 to f5 per 100. Jacob Ganzhorn. If you necd furniture do not fail to see Koch fc Halier before you buy. The largo sales of this firm are the best proof of their way of doing business. Michigan Central Kailroad, wlth its connectins at Chicago, aflfords the most direct and destraille routo to travel from Michigan to all points in Kansas. Nebrasba. Colorado, Texas, Minnesota, Dakota, Manitoba. etc. Michigan Central train mako ure and close o0fUi6Ctioiis at Chicago with through express trains on ;ül V gt'-rn linos, liates will always be as low ux the lowest. Parties Koiig West will llnd it t their interest to correspond with Henry O. Went worth, General Passeniter and Ticket Agent of the Line, at Chicago. wh will iheerfidly impart any information relativo to routes, time of trains. inaps and lowest ratcs. Do not purchase your tickets nor contract your frelght unil you haveheard from the Michigan Central.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat