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Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is iiow taking the Best Cl of Fhotosnils In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, Ground Kloot1 Gallery. GOODRICH: BLOC K, Eivst Sido of the NEW COUBT UOü.SXi:. CITÏ DRUG STOBEr lof C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor -OF TUKCity Drug Store WouW Thank the Citizens of Ann Ailmr, and Yiciiiiiy for llicir li'ieral patronage tbs pasi year, and aak for n cootinuaDce i1 llie s;imc. A complete stock of EVERYTH1NG IN THE DRUG LINE, Toilet 'and Fancy Goods. Prcscriplinns carefully preparud. C. E. Höllhes, Anti Aibor, Midi. No. 12 Cook Hotel Block. Thell'iirest nuil Best Medicino cvcr Made. Acolmbinntioti of Hops Buchu, Man I drakle-'"1 Dandelion.withailuiebestand I most e%in-:i lii ■■■ !i Mt"'i Li. of all other Bitters, I inakotlifivau:t Blood Purlfier, Llver Regu iVator, and U'' '"' '-lth Itestoiing HbdtaaueakanpoalldTloag exlst rhereHop Bitten are h.mI,u vuricd mul perfect are uuur operationx-BHk H07 givs siliV aal Tisor te tïi igsd aJ laflra. Toallwliono c %nii-loti! ntsriuiHo irregulari" tyofthcbowdiioA uriuary organs, or who reqilil-ean ApnlirV'1'""" n1"' "lil1' stifulM". Hop Bitters are invi1ILbll;. without IntoxNn nutter whatyour feLelintf or ymptoms aro wlint 1 he ii leaaeor fiil%ment 8 U9e Hop Bitters. Don'twaituntilyoualkre siclc "' " you onlyfeelbad or misei-able.mus" them at ome. It may h:ivü yirar haxl" ed hundreds. $500 WN be paid for a eaïs" they will not cure or help. Do not suffer ■ko '" yotirfrieiiils suffer.but useaiid ursro themk to I1SIJ Hop B Remptnljrr, Hop Hilter is noJllot druggnd I dnink-n iiM-!tl;:n. li 11 11;c ruii--:t n d Iiet I Mudirin ever mde ; tiie "istílidsíkibid I and HOPE" uii'l 110 ii-jou or family BH ehould be wltliout tiu m. SHBIBBS9BHU k D l,Ciis an a'woint'! and Irresistible ciirt'li fürbniiikuniT'KK, w of opium, tobáceo antllB narentics. All soW by arasglBt& Stnd#LJ for Oirt'uiar. Hop Bitters 5!rp. Co., M Wá RoclKtvr.y.Y an'i.Tn'TTtrOiTt___J Hr PtHMMNtNTLY CURES UKIDÏÏEY VISEASES, ■ lIYEPt COMPLAIim, 1 □ CQirSIlPATIQff ar.d PILES, C Q Dr. lï. Tl. C'lrnk. Bohtüt Hero, Vi. aáyg, "Ir r;ts- P H hns cni-cn uuiiiy vcry bad caíos of Il!cs. )■ f y ni-Tcrfuiled to net i!t lently." ITelson Fálrcl ' i i Iñ ■ OÍprii-i ! ' B ■V piiíTcrintí froni rüca aud C" com H U plctcly ninrl nie." I C. S. Hogabon, o[ TVrkfliirp soys, "Oitf M age haa done wonden for ine4n completeJy H m iriyr 1 wvciv j.ivr ,■ and BTfdi ej ' ' . 1 1 ■ L. ■ L ut . ' - j bIX KITHKIi LiqUlO ïlt DïïY POBS IT HAS WUV9 I 1 WONDERFUL W 11 [ 9 POWER I JM JmSlMi! 2 ïïoi'i"'?"tactson the LIVKÏÏ, ItOM'ELS F and KIDNKYS ;it l!ic RBine timp. Because it cleaneos tho cyatem of the P H oushuraors that developo in Kidncy and H II nary Dlaeases, Biliousuess, .Tauudic, H ■M pation. Piles, or in Rhoumatium, Keuralia b I NervouB Diaortïcm and Pcmaïe Coniplaíntw. H t3TTt is put upin lry "f(ït'iuï-ïo Forra, in Lj ■ tytincans, one of Uii--li makei kít m mm ty quartw of nu'i1ithip. CyAlso in T.lquM Form,vprtnptní rated. W ■ j"for the eonrwüenee f thow that canñ# I I JiSTreadily pieparcit. Í twts :'? -[nntej$rf m- E I gy fa either f'rtn. I GET IT ATTHEDUUGGISTS. l'KK'K.IH.Oft. Ld ; WELLS, llICHAlt;)soA; t o.. Prop', j (Willsondthedry post-paid.) IiUtM; ïov, vi. C MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNNjMASS. '■- 'S Á ■ '■ ' S diícüveher oí LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOTOD. Tbc Positivo Curn For all Female Complaints. Thispreparation, as iís name significa, consista ot j Vcgctablt! Propertlea that mv hArmleea tr the mout del' ioatcinvalid. L']o:i ono trial tbc nierïtg of this Compouad will bo rucogenizod, ay relief is lmniediatc ; and i when ita uséis continued, ín ninety-nine cases in a hun. dred, apf-rmniK'titcnreïaeffected,:;! hoosuidi will tea tify. Ou aoOOOnt of lts proven merltn, it Ís to-day rcommendod aud pruscribed by tho best physicians In the country. It will euro entlrely tho worst form of fallin of the uterua, Leuoorrhow, IrreoUr and poinful JIenstruation,ai:ovariuuT-u!)U s, liifiaimnation and L'Iceratlon, noodlnps, all liví!acc-!iirii(.s and tho conBcquejitspinal wrakiK-ss, and in c'sjwrinlly adapted to the Change of Life. Jt will dissolvo and expel tumors from the atorüAin n:i eiirly siago of development. Tho tendeficy to cnnt-eroiiH liumorathero ij checked very ieedily by ity tise. ín i .et it has provcd to bo the jjreatHrf ud boet remedy that has ever luien discoverpl. Itpérmeat evory portion of the sy:itpm,imdglveai in-w llfoanlTiiror. It remn R&tnJency, deitruyn iili it fot ftiimÍEitíe, and it'licves weaknes of the stomnch It cnrvi T:i,i .itiit;', ' (ïerrona Prosfration, CriHT.i] DebU . epresslOQ and IndiK-csiion. Tlmt fctlintrof bearinydown, causinf? pain, : welgbi i:1 bi lys permanent ly cured by ',ti dm. ItwlllfttaH tiims. :iDdundcrall eircumstanees, net In li;ir:;inny withtho law that governa the f cíñale Hystem. For KidiK'yi.'oinphiinfs -f liilnr m-j tbia compound IfltuMUrpu Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is preiwired at 033 aiil L■ Wet(rii Avenue, Lynn. Maxa rrlceJl.OO. Sli bclt!.ar..rS.-i.wi. Sent by mailln the form of puls, Uso in the form of T.o7.:ii&[rs( on recelpl of prlce, UJOD, ier bo.t, for etthar. Hn! l'l.NKHAM frecly finswcis sil letters ot inniii-y. Scnd for pamphleti Address as abare HenttoH VU imper. No UUtaUystaoaldbe rithout LYDIA E. I'IXKIIAM' uvEit riLi-s. Th,-y mre Oomöpatloo, BOioasMai andTorpiu-t.v of the Unr 80 ctmta ter box. Sniii by C. E. Holmes Cqofc hotel blook. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE ! C. J. WHITXKY, . Lessee and Manager. THE DKAMATIC BVENT OK THE 8EA80N. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 18S1. The Distinguished Actress, Miss Jane Coombs In her wonderful creation ot Lea Hendersou In Sardo 's Latest and Oreatest Success, Dan'l Rochat! Olí, THE TRIUMPH OF FAITII OVER 1MPIETY. Supported by Her Superb Company. MJMISSIOX 25, 50 and T5 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats now on salo at Watts' Jewelry store. Titile Citas of Aon Arto The Board of Health calis attention to the necessityof CLEAN ING VAULÏS, CESSPOOLS, PIG PENS, BACK YARDS, ALLEYS, etc., and all other nuisances PjXDANGERING PUBLIC HEALTH, belbre the ist of May. All complaints of non-compliance with this notice will receive prompt attention Trom the Board. V. F. Breakey. C. Georü, President. Sccretary. Ann Arbor, April 13, IS81. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlenaw ss The underaigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Conimissioners to receive.examine and adjust all claims and demands of all perrons against the estáte of Aaron L. Feldkamp, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed. by order of said probate court, for credltora to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they wül meet at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor in 8akl eounty on Saturday, the Bd day of July and on Monday the Sd day of October next at ten o'clock a. in., of each of said days, to receive. examine and adiust said claims Dated April nd 1881. Adam D. Seyler, E. B. Fond, D. P. McLachlan, omniissioneift. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw ss.- In the Matter of the Estáte ot Frederiek Lee, deceased. Notice is hereby given, That in pursuanco of an order granted to the umlprsigued Administrator of the óslale of sui.l deceasKd, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of April A. D. 1881, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased in the towitghip of Webster, in the county of Washtenaw iusaici state, on Saturday the twenty-eighth day of May A. D. 1881, at ten o'clock in the rorenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existingat the time of thedeath or said deceased and subject to the right of dowerof the widow of said deceased therein, the following describedReal Estáte, to-wit: All the right, tille and interest of the said dsceased in and to the undividnd one -half part of all that certain piece or parcel of land, sitúate in the township ol Dexter, counlj of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, known, boundedand describedas follows, to-wit: Beginning on the east bank of the Huron nver, seven chains south from thequarter section line of section number twenty-four (24) in said township, thence south, eighty-oue degreej east thirly-nine chains and sixty links tlieneesoulh one degree east ten chains and forty-four links, thence north eighty-one degrees west six chains and twenty-six links thenee north eighty-one degrees west, to the bank of the river, thence north along the bank of said river to the place of boginning. Containing about twentyseven(üT) acresof iand. Also the right ol way reserved by Allen G. Boyden by the commissioners in dower in the matter of the estáte of l'omoroy Boyden, deceased. LEVI K. LEE, Dated April 9, 1881. f Administrator Notice of Chancery Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In Chancery. Cliristiana Scluiholz, complainant, vs. Andrew Schuholz, defendant. Suil pending in said court, It satisfactorily appearlng to thiscourt by aflfl iluvii and the return of the sheriff that tbe residence of the defendant is unknown, and out of the jurisdiotion of this court On motionof Pat riek McKernan, solicitorfor[the complainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause nis appearanee to be entered in this cause within three months from the date of this order, and that in case heshall appear heiwise bis answer to the complainanl's bill to be flled in this cause and a oopy thereof to be served on the complaiuant's solicitor within twentydays after service upon him or bis solicitor, of a copy of said bill of complitiut and notice of this order; and in default ihereof that said bill of complaint be taken as o'iifi-ssed by said defendant. And it is further ordered, that within t wenty days from the date of this order the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Ahbok Democrat, a weekly newspaper printed in saic county, and that the puolication continue al least once in each week for six succesive weeks or that she cause a copy of this order to be served personally on said defendant, according to the rules and practice of this court. Dated March 22nd, 1881 . HOWAKD STEPHENSON, Circuit Court Conunissioner, in and for Washten av county, Mich. PATRICK SlcKERXAN, Solicitor for complainant. Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In Chancery. Rlioda Fuller, complainant, vs. James C. MeGee, William B. Osbuni, John J. Robison and James IJ. Watson, deüendants . In pur8uance and by virtue of a decree of sait! Court made and entered in the akove entitled cause on the eighth day of July, one thousand eiht himdred and seventy nine, notice is hereby given that I shall sel] at public auction (or vendue) to the highest bidder on Saturday, the fourteenth day of May A. D. 1881. at two o'clook in the afternoon at the east frontdoor of the Courl House, at the city of Ann Arbor, Washtena county, and state of Michigan, the following described real estáte, being the sanie mentioned and described in said decree. to wit: The east half of the north-west quarter of section twenty-one, township three south, ranee three east, contaiuing eighty acres of land, more or less; all of said land being in the township of Sitaron, Washtenaw county, Michigan, together with the tenemei ts and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging or thereupon situuted . Ann Arbor, March 28th. A. D. 1881. PATRICK McKKRXAN, Circuit Court Commissiuuer in and for the COUD ty of Waslitenaw. LAWREaS'CE & EMERICK solicitors for compluinant. Estáte of Christopher McGuinness, STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for tlie county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofticein the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the Lthday of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty one. Present, William D. Harriman. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Christopher McGuinness, deceased. Patrick McUuinness the administrator with the will annexed of said estáte, comes into court and represents Uíat he is now prepared to render his final account as such administrator. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Friday, the 2Slh day of April instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examining and aUOWbia surh account and that the devisees, legatees and heii-s-at-iaw of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, Uien to be holden at the probato office. In the city of Ann Arbor, in said county and show cause, if any there be, why the said account Bbould not be allowed: And It is furtlier ordered that said administrator givenoticetuthe persons interested in said estáte, of the pendenev of said account, and the hearing thereof, by caus ing a copy f this order to be published m The jLnn Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said connty.three successive weeks, previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM l. HARRIMAN', (A trae copy . ) Judge of Probate. William ü. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Martha M. Snow. QTATE OF MICHKiAN, County of Washtenaw, O 88. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the lflth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and etghty-one. Present .William 1. Harriman. Judge of Probate, In the matterof the estáte of Martha M Snow deceased. On reading and ñlingthepetition duly verifled, of William G. Snow praylng that administra tion of said estáte may be granted to some suitable person, Thereupon, it is ordered, That Monday, the -!d day of May next, at ten o'cloek in the fnreiinon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law nf said deceased and all other persons in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Anditis further ordered.thatsaid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in saidcstate.of the pendency oï said petition and the hearing thereof, ny causing a eopy of this urler tu ba published in The Aun Arbor Ih morrat, % oewspapar printed and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wu. G. Doty. Probate Register. fpa week in yourown town. Terms and $5 OÖUoutfltsfree. Address, H. Hallett & Co. Portland, Malne. LEÓN AR D HOUSE, rp F. LEONABD, Proprletor, JL Ann Arbor, Mich, PHILIP WINECAR JUSTICE OFTHK PEACB, room No. 1, Opera House Block, Aun Arbor, Jl k'higan. JACOH 1IALLER & SON, D K.U.KR IN WATCHES, CLOCK8, Sneriacle, Plated Ware Gold Pens and Fine Jewelry. Bpecial attention given to repairing Watclies and Jeweity, 24 South Main Street. 4nn Arbor. FOR SALE OR RENTTlio wéü knowii propwrty of the Ntte T. A. Havilnml located In PHftn Wanl. win be iold on reasonable tenns. rented, exchanged tor tlifreity properto. The propertj embraces aiul. blacksmitli shops aiil wotjd sliops. If aoi okl In a reatonaUe tune the property rlll be 'nr rent. For partlculara Inqulre of Q. 11 Rhodes, executor, Ann Arbor, Kuch. ARARE CHANCE. A good little house and FOUR ACRES OF ,AN1) on the Ann Arbor and Saline gravel road -hree niiles froni Ann Arbor, for sale at a bargain. The house is nearlv new, and there is a ;ood well and ayoung oi-eliardon the preinist-s. also asmall larn. In.iuire on the premisos. JAS. C.'AHH. MUSIC STORE. -The chcapest place to buv Pianos, Batey Organs, Vlolina. Quitara. Banjos, Tainbourines. Drums, Kit'es, Klageolets, Sitners. Aocordeons, Piano Stool, VIoUb lioxes, [nslruotion Books for all kinds of instriuiieiits, slnrt Mnsiciiicwi. Strinus, iii'st iMiality, nllkimls; ïouth Organs. Bridges. líuws, K-s and Risin. Ëverythin in tho music Une erom a Chickerin l'ianoto a Jew's Harp can be fountl at J. R. SAGE'S Musiu Store, fío. 4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE CIIEÁP. Two lots and a hrick liouse on the corner of North University Ave., and Twelfth St. , known as the HARRIETJUDSON HOUSE, )or sale at a bargain. Inquire of W. B. Smith, executor, Ann Arbor, or of L. Judson, executor, Brighton, Livingston county, Mich. OSCAR O. SORG, HOI BK, sicn , ANI) Fresco Pilii, AL80 FAPKB i' VNGINO. SHOP NO, 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, FLOÜR AUDJP STORE. We have constantly on hand ALL KINDS OF GRAIX, FLOUR AND FEED, which will be promptly cleliveretl to any part ot the city. Ottice cor. Föurlh and Anii Slrccts. Ann Arbor - - - Mlcb. THE CITYISTORE In conneotion withthe oM Pioneer lïakery yon will flnd F.esh Baked Bread, and Baked Stuffs Oonstanily on band. We ateo keep a fnll asBortme&t of fumiiy grocerietj, we make Teas, CofTees and Spiets a Bfpecfal[tytnthe (rade. I-ook out for THE TEA-KETTLE 3IGN! At No. SSNorthMainSt. Thankful for past patronage we wouïd still solieit your favors. Respect fully Yours, A. R. HALL. M. D. L. BRANCH M R S . '07 07 E 1 L , (Formerly Mrs. Beach.) Dress and Cloak Making, Nn 20 south Main streit. over WlneS & Wor den's. HaviiiK Just received the Latest Sprinu Styles. wonld respectfully solicit an Ingpecgon of the sanie. I un prepared to Cut, Iï:iit5 and Drapc, After the latest dt'siins aml ezecute all ordetra promptly. The TAYLOR SYSTEM Of Dress Cotttng tauíílit. Thankful for pa&l liberal pat I wouíd must respecttullysollcll a continuante of the same, FOR SALE_OR RENT The present resldenceoi Krs. l'. A.llill, witH The 11 1 .d.i o i íi i ii jr, Consisting of about Hl acres, 80 of which cao be cultivated. Kunt, $800, or the House and 8 acres will be reuted seperate. Rent $fOU. The ábove property is also for sale bythe lot, or by the acre, or in larger quantities. TITLE PERFECT. For further partimlars enquire of HENRY R. HILL, Office No. .'i Opera House Block, or Wm. M. WHITE, Canasci;i;:a, Ni-w Torif. HENRY MATTHEWS, Hasthe pleasure to inform the public that he ií ready to receive them in liisuav orick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEOXARÖ HOUSE. Everything in his lino wiil be first-class, and At Rcasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks fco all liis old ourtoruers for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and atl uew customers lo his npw quarters, where he hopea by fair dealing to enlarde his airead y growing business. "D0O0N THB OU) HAT." A. A. TEBB7, HATS ANN ARBOB, inca, EBERBAGH&SON, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And afine lot of French Hair Brushes - Engüsh Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own Importation. A fu 11 line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricce. STTTTDEISTTS! Vre oonlially Invited t our BtOcV ;ls tl( quaiity and priocs. EBERBACH & SON. h 7O A WEEK. $lí a day at home easily made. pLCoBt]f'oatQtsfree. Address, Tbvb & Co., Augusta , Maine HEALTHIS WEALTII. Dr. E. C. Wesfs Nerve and Brain Treatment: a speeiflc for Hysteria, Dizzim-ss, Oonvulftions. Nervous Headache, Mental Depressions, Loss of Memory, Sermatorrhoea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissfons, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgence. whch leads tomisery, decay and death. box will cure recent cases. Each box eontainsone month's treatmentl One dollar a box. or tíx boxes for flve dollars; sentby mail prepaid on reeeipt of price. WO guarantee six boxest to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with flve dollar, wfl wil! sendthe purchaser our written guaran) to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by Brown & C '■ . . sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor, Mlch. John C. West & Co., Sole Proprietors, Chicago, DL Kriezelle & Co. Wholesale Agts., Detroit, Mkh. I UAVE OPENED A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the south-east cy.nerof Ann and Fourth streets, and will sell alf WHOLESALE I RETÁIL ! Anything in my line. GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVEKKlV To any part of the city. J. ROSS, Pkoprietor, Ann Arbor, - - - Michigan WIARD'S FATENT NEW 1880 SZEIES lialleable Iron and Wood Beam öhilled PLOWS are oCcncl lo the Farmers of the country for the coming Masón with many valuabJc ïmprovcmcnia. THE WIARD i the etrongeüt and most durable l'low in ihu market. THE WIARD is the best for general purpose work, in both bod and etubble. THE WIARD h the simplent and most com pleie udjuHlincut for uaing two or tbrce homos ubreast. THE WIARD i the best Plow extant for hard cluy and 8tony ground. TTIE WIARD rivals 11 other cliilled Plows Tor t a-anin in loose and adhugire soils. THE WIABD cannot bc excellcd for Lightneta of Uraft. Our lialleable Iron Beam is the onlv practical HdiuMahlc lnetJ Beau madv; la guaninctcd naintt bendiuj; or bri'aking: is porfectly adjnstablo for a or 3 horKi; over 0,OOO in uue, and not ono ia a thousand laiied. Our Jointers, Wheols and Handles are all adjusiablc. Oi r Moldboard3 oxcel All others for flnencss and uni;ri!ii;y. Our Plows n' uiirrantc:! (o any rensonable exIf yon are goin to buy a uuw Pl-ow, bo surc t give "the Wuüii u trial. T have also the Oalb Pi.ow, manufacturi-il by the (3ale Manufacturing Co., Albion, Midi . Also the Xkw Dodok Plow, manufacturad by theDodgePlowCo., Kalnmazoo, Mlch., with vil the Latest improvements. Nciw is a good time to encourage the boys just commencihgto plow, by buvinnthe best Plow in the market. Don't make thiin dbgusted with fanningby compellinti them to Ho their work with inferior tiols. The time spent in fooll&S with oíd styleil toóla produces no income. and dtsoow&gP the young m60 who use them. A linie forethoilffht exercised in the purchase of a good Tool of imy kind is worth more than a greatdealof af tertbought over a bad bargain. Cali and examine my stock, it wlll cost you notliing. A ten per cent discount will bc Klven for cash down. All tools work much better when fully paid for. Yours Very Kespect fullv for Past Favors, Ann Arlwr, Mlob. M. KOOEKS. 5OO ItEWAITD. We wil! pay the above reward for any case oí Livor Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Constipation or Costiveness we cannoi cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pilis, wheu the dtrections are strfcïly complied with. Thy are purely Vegetable and never fail to give aatisfaction. SugarCoated. Largeboies, contalnine 30 Pilis, 25 cents. For sale by all Drugglsti. Beware of connterfetts and imitations. The gen uine manufacturedouly by John C. West Co., "The Pili Makers," 181 & 183 W. Madison St. Chicago. Free trial package sant by mail prepaii nreceiptof a 3 cut stamp N'ATÜKK'S nviUMPH. Frazisr's Root Bitters. I; roa are weak or Inngnid, u-e Frazier's BitteVa. 11' your Henil is fjabby and your complexión sallmv. use FrnzierV Bitter. If yon live iti a malarial district, use Fratier's Bitters. If wnni down with the care of children, use Frazier's Bitters. If you have the bluef, iise Frazier's Bitters. If you have kept late liours and lived contrary to the lom of henlth, use Frazier's BitterH. If you need toning up, take Frazier's Bitters. If you liave abused instead of used nature's cifts, use Frazier's Bitters. If you feel old before your time, use Frazier's Bitters. If life has become a burdcn and yoti have gloomy forebodings, use Frazier's Bitten. If your hands tremble and your eyes hare grown dim, Frazier's Root Bitters Will make you feel young again. Sold by all druggiata everywhere at the low price $1.00 per bottl. JAS. E. DA VIS & CO., Wholesale Drug gkts, Detroit, Mich., Agents. - - )ThM Chicago 8t Western w BAILWAY Is tha OLD EST t BE.ST CONSTRÜCTEDI BIST KQUIPPED 1 and hen e the LEADIff_GnFRAILWA7f WESÏ1 AND'NQRTHWEST! Tt is the short and bent route bctween Chicago and all poinwin ilorthern Illineis, lcwi, Esiota, Wtobüsj, Hatrasïi, Cll:":rs:i, Orer:-, Aiizoao, UUh, C:!::íí:, litho, Kosut, ImU, iai for 00UN01L BLUFFS, OMAHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, nr ijíwoon. siovx city, Ccdir SapUi, res Ifobcs, Ooluctas, and all Points is tht Territorio, ;: ths Wc:t. AIso, for UiivauïM, Oreea Esj, :;h'.:csh, Sheïoygjn, MirriCtte, Tond da Las, Witertowa, "j-ghto:. Koor.ïh. Ussish:, "t Pul, Kiissipolíj, Burea, "elj, Firjo, E:sacï, Wiscsa, LaCroiia, Owatcua, sol lll ;::;:: ia Minnesota, EakoU, Wlscoasis anl Ut ifettbwest. At Coundl Bluffs the trains of tho Chicago & Western and the ü. P. R'ys depart froui, arrivo atand use the same joint Inion Depot. At Chicago, close conne:tionsaremade wlth the Lake Shore, Alichican Central, Baltimore &Ohio. Kt. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago &. liranilTntnk K'ys, and the Kankakee and Pau Handïe Routes. Closa connectlons made at Junction Polntl It is the only line runnig Fullinan Hotel Dining Cars BETWEKN CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLÜFFS. Prtl.MAN Sl.KKl'ERS ON ALI, NIGHTTHAINS. Insfst upoo Ticket Aents selling you Tickets via this raid. JKxaiuinv your Ui '.-.ets, and refuse tn lniy iftiicy do not reod ver the Cblcagotk Ntirrh-Westcrn Roilivay. Jf youwishthe li st TrttvelingAccommodation fouwill buy your tic kets by this route, nd will tuUf none (illlrr. All ïicket Agents sell Tickets by this Iiae. MAKVIX III UIII'I'T, Ssi 7. S. i Oesi UtiE'r, OblsigS, .'


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