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THE GREATEST BLESSING. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, anti prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the grealest Messing ever conferred upoo man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blesscd by thousands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try it? See another column. - Eagle. WIIY WEARPLASTERS ? They may relieve, but they can't cure that lame back, for the kidneys are the trouble and you want a remedy to act directly on their secretions, to purify and restoie their healthy condition. KidneyWort has that speciflc action - and at the same time it regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't wait to get sick, but get a package to-day, and cure yourself . Either liquid or dry for sale at the druggists.- Binghampton Republican. Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. This salve is guaranteed to givc. perfect satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box Por sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor Mïch. Write to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, No. 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets relative to the curative properties of her Vegetable Compound in all female complaints. REAL ESTÁTE EXGHÁNGE. o MANLY & HAMILTON'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First fioor, Opera House block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnrnished on short notiee on any I parcel of land in Washtenaw county, from French Claims of Ypsüanti, to the most complicated titles in the Village of Manchester. Money to Loan on Real Estáte secureties. Foi? Sale I I 2O Acres at $50 per aere in the township of "Webster, good buildings. Terms to suit purchaser. hiOUSe and Lot, in bWek 4, nrlle, Ann Arbor elty, terms to suit purchaser. En t re Block NR13 E, except21ots. Qood building sites. Terms to suit purchaser. A Cood Farm, 200 acres, well lmproved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $ti5 per acre. House and Lot on Catherine street for sale, or exchange for lot near the Methodist churoh. Terms easy. A House and doublé Lot at Whitmore Lake, $700. HOUSO and Lot, on the corner of Packard and Main streets. House and Lot, onlngalls sti-eet, north of University, $3,000. HOUSO and Lot, on Lawrence street, $2,000. House and Lot, o" north side of West Huron street; also 6 1-2 acres situated on south slde of Jackson road, about one mile from court-house, $2,600 for both pareéis. Terms to suit purehaser. One HOUSe and two acres of land sitúate in Ingalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Itiley property, good barn and well. HOUSe and Lot, on Elizabeth St., $3,000, A House and 1-3 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, In the Fifth ward, Rood locality, $1,000. House and flve LotSonMiller avenue. Will be sold at a bargain. Good barn on the premises. 3O Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road, within 3-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exchange for city property. Ten Acres of Land, ttn good buildings, situated near the Eber White rood, one mile from Court-llouse, Lots 77, 78, 90, and part of lot 89 and a large brick house with 12 rooms, K. S. Smith's addition. Cood Improved Farm, consistingof ïoo acres, 3 miles north of Wayne, and 18 miles from Detroit. Two orchards, large dwelling house, and baru. This property will be sold at a bargain, and ou the most liberal terms. A Fine BriCk House, Barnes, Orchard, with nice well and spring, and six acres of land, on West Huron and Jewett streets, known as the Jewett property. Price $15.000, or two lots off said property on Huron St., price $700 each. MONEY TO LOAN. $2,000 to loan on gilt-edge securtty on long time at 6 per cent. Cali soon or you will be too late. From $500 to $2,000 to loan on good secnrity.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat