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The Hon. Hunler Savidge, president ol the Cutler & SsTidce luiuber conipuny, died it lns rmideaea in Spring Lake, aíter a short illuesH, pronouncod ly pliysioians Brlghlta dismise of the UdDeys. He was 58 yeiirs of un.6. HÍB partner, ]). Cntler, who, witli liis tomily, lias been spending tbe wiuter ín Florida and Hot Spriugï, Ark., arriving homo onl oue hour üeforo bis dealli. Charlee M. House was conmiisBioned postuH8ter at Hasty, (rntiot couuty, April 5. Tlie ïtar íwtí(! trom Williamston t Brlstol was discoutinupd April 7. Mrtiseneer servio lias been cstablished iu Horton, Jacksnu couoty, from the railioad 6latiou, as orten i rcquired. A little daughter of Frank Carmanof Worth, Sanilac cnunty. was posbed olí a Biraw-stack iii play with other children. aud receiTed injurie from whleh sbe died a few daya ago. This is thp second child of the sanie family killed by ih carelessuess of oUif.r children. MrB.Elizabeth Brenner of Constantinc,Micli. has eaused tbe arrest ol Win. Snowden on the cliarge of foro ug her to marry bim. A mal! riot occurred at Mantón, a station on the north eud of the (ïrand Rapids & Indiana rnilroad, in whicb two nolorious eharacters took part. A man known as "Fito?1 and a stranger got into a quarrel. "Flip" drew a revolver and placiug it at the back of the trangei'ri head pulled the trigger. A uiovment ou tlie part of the Btrauger caused the liall to graze lus face and strike anotlier man named "Texa9 Jack" in the head, f rom the effects of wbich he reeled and feil acoso the railroad track, just as a freiirhi train was passing. One of the purties seeiug his danger removed Mm just in time. The ftranger's face is eomewhat filled with powdor pud "Texas Jack" witl recover. "Flip" wb arrested acd taken to Fife Lake, where he ís iu jail awaiiing a trial. Tbe extensión of the Flint and Pere Marquette railway to Detroit is coDteuiptated. The New York Tribunes Washington special says that Ex-congressman Brewer will receive a foreign mlsslon, probably either to Spaiu, Belgium M the Netherlands. But Mr. Brewer him8el' Las not yet heard auy sucb uews. OfBf.ial returns of the spring election from 27 co ties of this state iihow large majurities forali .'ïi coustitutiona'. aiuendiiipüts, and indieate a pluralily of at least 40,000 tor the Republican state ticket. The taking of testimony on behalf of Mrs. Christiancy in the divorc suit brought atpiiust her by ber husbaml whs commenced oefore an examiner iu N--W York. Mra. Cliristiaucy, her mother and auother ladï were present. Mre Lillie Meloy U-stififit that hy iuvitation she went to the house of Mrs. Christiancy on the afternoon of December 24, 1S78, to remain over Christmas: that day she received a telegram (having previously received a letter from Edil (iiro, statuut ttiat he woulii arrive in the afternoon froui New York city, and askiug Mrs. Christiancy to meet him at the depot Miss Meloy, accompanied Mr?, ('hristiaucy to the depot, was present at the nieetiug between her aud Giro, aurt heard the entire conversatiou. Tbey parted with (iro in front of the depet, and' she accuinpauied Mrs. Christiancy home. All tbe uext day (Ohristinau) sw was in the house wilh Cliristiaucy, who was unwell and uiost of the day lay on the sofa iu the dining-room, aud ber pareuU were there nearly all the time. In the evening, betweeu ti and 7, ii!" called and was shown into the diniug room. Tbe witness, as well as the father and mother of Mis. Christiancy, was present during tl'e ntire inteiTiew, which was not very long. The cross-examinatio was uot cono.iuded. Theie are tliree more witnesses to le examined on the same point, The object of the testimony is to contradict that given by Giro to tbe eilect that Mrs. Cluistiaucy vieited Min at the SU James hotel on the afteruoon of Cb rist mas. The U. S. interna) revenue ofllttrs have Tor a long tinit' been worUne tO secure evidence sutficient to convict A. C. Arnnlil of Battle Creek of selliu; contrabatid whisky, aud they think they have at kist sue'ioded. Tbey have procured evidence which tbey say 8liows conclusively that li pa for a long time past been selling wliinky with a sinall aniount of eider in it under ttie uise of "hard oidor," and tbus evading the license law; and tliat lie would also buy poor whisky, put it op h'to bottles with a little aunar in il, and eell it as ' Rock aud Rye." The evidauce against him is said to be positive. Thia is the same Arnold vrtjO whb conTicted of couspiracy to defraud a bank at Sturgia, Mich., out of $2,000. He is a wealthy hotel keeper. Considerable exeitemeut prevails at Pontiac over an atteuipt to arrest Drs. Lobaron and Galbraith for their refusal to repo.t their coutacious diaeases. A coinplaint was made by Dr. Elliot', aa tnemberof the board of health. After prouiiöins Constable Colé to appear, the aecused refuseil to do so and closeted Üiemeelves iu B-.ildwiu t Di-aper's law oflic. Constable Colé puanicd the office until they came out auil g:iv UitMiisekes ip. They were Uikeu before JuBtice Fitzpatrick and eacb gare bail witb lr. Earl iu the 9nin of $200 to appear before bis honor for trial April 20. A convention of the temperance organizatioiiB of the stat, called by the red ribbou central coimnittce, met In Jackson Wednesday. Henry Howard was made permanent president of the proposed temperance alliauce, Prof. J. B. Steere of Ann Arbor secretary, and Zack Chase of Flint, treasarnr. The majority report of the conimittee on resolution declared aainst the support of any party which does not avow in itë platform the right of the people to vote upou a prohibitory auienilment to the coustitution, and whicb will not pledge itgelf to enforce such an auiendiáent if adopted, and favors the electiou of eandidates to office pledged to coustitutional aud statutory probibition. The uiinority report diflered from the majority in doclarini; iu favor of separate politica! actiou iu case pieseut parties do not meet these demauds. Tbe miuority report was adoptfd. Tbe coiivention adjounied uutil the third Wednesdy iu February, 1882. At Battie Creek Wart and Hughes oonducted a pucoessful temperance revival, secnring over 1,599 sigueru to the pledge, over 200 of thew beiug railroad men, and the teinperauce people are protractiug the revival, and this week have socured the services of (ïeorge W. Bhíh of Kentucky. avid Prichard, one nf the proprietors of the Eureka coal mine at .Jackon, feil whileascending the main shaft and was fatally ciushed between th rage and the timbers. He lived but half an huur. He was 80 years old and OBmarried. Diphlheria and scarlet fever are raging in Flint, and in mauy cases with fatal resulto, tbere having been deaths tbere nearly every day for 3oaie time from ttiose diseases. A brakeman ou the rmiog train from Port Huro1; to Saud Heah was struck by the cattle guare near Amadori, and so serere'j injured that 'ie died soon after aviching CrosweU. Mai .' I nn l'etoskey. wife of Ignatius Petoskey, riied last woek Tuursday, aged 86, in Petuskt'.v. She was an ludían wonian. Ignatius Petoü'key is suppupwi to l)B about lOOyeare old, and is the fint whit BeUlei of vicioity, and üie only one for many years. He has 10 cliiliren, 'i graud childreu, aud two great grxnil childrea now living. Charleo Sanger, aged 23, üght complexion, ahoul 5 feet 9 inrhes higb, weight 170 pounds, scar on one eheek inaile vyith a knife, is want ed by Daniel Campau, city marshal of Wyanioit, on a charge of shootiug Thoruas Melody Saturday night, April 9. Soine Htir has been created in Bay City by a report that thftr is to be a change of postinsitera. The Tribune discredits the report A son of John Jolliffe of Bxnks, Charlevoix ounty, cauglit in a trap an migle wliirh measnr, 1 seven feet from tip U tip of its ontsprtad wingg. A Mre. Tall of Jacksnii suod her husband for slandering hr, but tlio jury disagreed. Thn pair liv togeUior, whicti make the uit a intnilar one. The Rev. Wells H. Utley, who was exclnded from memlwrahip ia the astern Congregatdonal associatloii of this stat some time ago, nppHed for membership in the (ïrand Kivcr Valley associat ou, and was admitted, after a prolonged debate, aud one vote in which he was rejected by 11 to S. A committee was appointed U further investígate his case. Hr. Klliott has beun arrested at Ponüae for not reporting bis scarlut fever cases. Hog cholera is breaking out in Kalamazoo county tlius early in t!. fieason, and farmers are heilig dlacouraged with the effort to cultívate this bram-h of farming. Eobert Knickerbocker of Battle ('reek is dead. He leaves n properiy wortli $2,000 to $3,000, with uo known relatives or heirs to claim 14. He had juet obtained, a few dajs before liis death, a divorce from bis wife who )k1 left him, and she is llms sluit out froin claiuiing the proporty. Hia only eblld is dead aad no relativee are known of auywhere, but claimauts will doubtlesn turn up Boon. He was 71 years old. In case no hwrs or laimanUappear the property will go to this stato. Poatmaster J. A. Sweet diel from tlie effecto of a paralyttcstrokeat hls resldeDee In KeWitt, Clinton county, aged altout 88 years. Mr. Sweet had been a raudent of DeWltt nearly 30 years, and had been poetmaster and justice of the peac in that village about 20 years. State band tournament at Laneing, June 8 and 9. Charlevoix is to have a new sash and blind factory. Sbeep shearing festival at Manchester, Friday, April 21. Tweuty-five cents bounty for ach owl or hawk killed in KeDt County. Arbor day, the 28th of April, it is hoped, will lm oliserved by the planting of shade treea alongthe highways all ovr the state. Twelfth semi-annual inissionary meotlnp nfthe dioose of western Michigan at St Maik's churcli in Grand Rapids, April 2(i, 27, and 2K. A case of small-pox wa8 reportad to exint n Tayiiiotitti townnliip, Sagiuaw county. John Diffen was appointed to look after it. Mre. Dtffea wouldn't Ivthim eo unlees lie out off his oiik Iiair aud beard, for fear they migbt bring lufecüon lióme. Jolin cut aud phavetl and Wfiit. It wasn't sinall pnx afliT all. The sossion at Ann Arbor of the northwcsteru bianch of tho wouian's foreitju niissions society of the Methodist church coocluded ts meetiogs ly electing Mrs, J. R. Hitt, Evaustou, 111 president; Mrs. J. F. Williuff, Chicago, 111., correepondine secretary, and Mrs. F. P. Craudon, ETanston, 111., treasurer. Frankliu C. Upright, the dastardly wife murd( rer, bas been found guilty of murder in the flrst degree by a jury at Stanton. The majority of the farmers in the vicinity of Marshall express opinions souiewhatdiscoiiragine conwruing the wheat erop. In couversation with some of the uiobI extensivo what growent in this locality it was learued that but ouehalf the average yield was expected, and some placd the harvest eveu less thaii tliat fiiíure. Personal examinaiiou has satisfied mauy that the wlifat in some parts of the county is winter-killed. Oceasionally field are fouml which with warm weather aad rains would yield two-third8 the average erop. Theswinging foot-bridge at tne bromino works, Midlaud, was carried away by high water. Charlotte O'Conner, Margaret Quigley and Margarat Quiun uxk tne black veil at Mercy I hospita!, Big Rapidfe. Mrs. J. Newsome of Coral left her 8W year oíd child alone a few mouienU, and when Bho returned ehe found it with its clothing burued off, lying oa the floor. It lived about three houra. Wdne9day evening, at Watrousville, tho expressnian was knocked down and robbed of hls exprese book, money pouel) and $10 froin his n ts. He gave an alarm and the thief was chased, but escaped to the woods. Thmsday a man who gave his name as David Martin was arrested, charged with the robbery. A young man named Gerrit Nyhof was fatally injuifd by a falling limb in the woods near Holland. i'ifty-eight coiinties, inciuding most of the lower península, but none of the upper península, show Maistcn's, Kep.,plurality over Daldwiu, Dein., 46,081); Marston's majority over all, 2,4(W. The Rcpulilican plurality now seems likely to reach 50,000 or more. The preliminary report on the iron and steel industries of the United States, in the census of tiie year 18M), has jast been inade pubiic ly the cbi)6U9 bureau. Among other inatters of interest, tbls report shows on a comparison of the productiODs o the states iu 1870, and in 1880, tliat Michigan iucreased ite production in ten years, from 8t,79 toiis to 142,716 tons or l5 perceut.taking the eiglith place in rank in 1880. Michigan in ÏSM) had tl blast furnaces, rolling luills, steei works, and forges and bloomerif s, witli an iuvested capital of $4.175,S.Sti, employing 3,üSy handí, payinif $922,5'J7 in wages. Thsn establishmeiits use1 materia! valued at i;i,27S),420, aud their producto were valued at $4,öUl,t13. Judge Birney Hdyt of the Kent circuit court has returnml lo (irand Rapids with Mis. Hoyl, haviug goue to Detroit to meet her on her return from Búllalo, her foruier home. Sbe bas i ecu Hjiti' visitiug her father iu his last days, and was with him when he died. He was a man of large wealtli, whicb he left iu good, availahle Bhape, and tüose best informed estímate Mrs. Hoyt's share at a fair competonce. Pt'ter Osterhoff, for the past two years hridgetender on the toll bridge bet ween ( I rand Haven and Spring Lake, was drowned Saturday afteraoon. He was looseuing some drift wood whicli had accuniulaled nuder the swing bi idge, lost his balance, and feil iu. The body has Dot yet been recovwed. Hwab an unm.irried iuau.aud his nvt;ier is l.Ti'ig at Ferrysburg.


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