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DRAKES 0Y8TER DEPOT 2O E ast Hu ron St. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Piire WInes and IJquore for medicinal pnrDoses. Choicest brands of CUrars alwaya on han.l FRED SORG Dealer in PAÍNTS, OILS, VÁRNISHES BKU8HES, WINDOW QLASS, And all I'aintors' Supplies of the Best Qualüy SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington tot. ANN ARBOB. - MIC-MIQAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington St Have on hand a complete stock of everytbiug iu the Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, ColToes, andSugars In large amounts, and at Casli IPz?ioOs And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Tea they 39uy and Sell, 1 a good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thoy Uoast their om Codees every week, uud nune but prime articles aro uscu. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cukes and Crackers. Cali and see theiu. JACKSÖOlRr CLAY Ca Manufacturers of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - JDTULÏJST TILE. All our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, anof nnuKuni strcngth and lijW vxiyht, wlücb materially reduces the breakage and expeimo .f transportation. The dltchbiK for thiB clans of titïnp s leeg expen bívc. as Uiey do not roquii ■ to be laid beloTrfrost, but onlv dfep enough to escape the plow. WbOe thi is more ecoiiomical it also aidq lu obtaining better 'fall" or grade to the drain. A f uil assortment of all sizes, for sale la malí qnantitiee, or car load lots, at th FERDON LÜBEI YARD. _ JAS. TOLBEET, Agen, ff C EmU IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In every case of Malarial FvOr or Kever and Agie, while for disorders of the Btomach, Torpitlity of the Li ver. Indigestión and dfftturbancefl of the animal wliicli debilftate, it bas do equivalent, and oan have do Bubstltutè, It Bhould not be confoimded with triturated compooiids of cheap spirits and essential oils, often Bótdunder the name of Bittere. FOR SALE BY C. E. Holmes, ('ook hotel bloeit KENDALL'SSPAVINCURE The most successful RemedY'r diacoverèÜ, a.s it ís certain in its effecta and does nol blister. Read Proof Belcw. PRESEVERANCE WILL TtLL titoughtoii, Mass., Man-h lüili, JP8O. B. J. Kkndaï.l & Co.. Gnts:- In judflce t yotl andinyself, I think I ought to Let you know tliat I have removed two bono spavins with "Kendairs Spavin Cure," one very larw mi': ilon'i knuw bowlong the spavla had been there. i h&va owned the horse ght months. It took me for nmiulis to taJce thelare om off and two for lbo snmii one. I havo used ten bottles, Tho hone is entirely well, nut at all stifT. and no buncSi 10 btt seen or ft'lt. Thla is a wonuerful mecUclDe, It Ík n now thing hero: tit il' it does for all wliat 11 done for roe Itesaie wlll be very great. Kespectfully youi-s. ('has. K PaIÍKBB, Kkndaix's Spavjn e i sure in its effectff, mild in ti aiü'i) as ii does i"i blister, y%i it is penetratlng and powerfal to reacb evejy deep seated pain or to remove &py bon] growth oi [ther 'nl;u-K'tnient.snehasspa"'lints. ciuiis. :'allous, Bprabis, su elllngs, anv Lamenes and ai': gnlaiemente of the joints or Qmbs, or rtienma tisni in man and for any purpose for Hhlcfa H tlnlmenl is used for man or beaat. R is nor trnown tobe the best Uniment for man over used, icting mild and vet cditaln in its effeots. St'ml addreesrorlUustraled Circular wblcfc we iiiinK Livs pi.sitive prooi or its nrtueft, remedy has ever nu t vrlthsucb unqualtfled antena M our k&ftwtadge, Cor heast as weU as man. l'iii-c il. Iniitle. or 8li bott]n tor fS. All DrilEKists have t dreun t'i't i for y or it will p Beul to nny nddresB on reoelpt of prfce by the jroprietore. in:. U. .1. KKNDALL & .:., ËnogirRli Falls. Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS VEGETABLE BALSAMIC J It. a sure cure for Coughb, Colds, 1 Whooping-Cough, ai.d all Lung B Discase, whcn laken in beabon. ÍM Pcople die of cousumption tö 8 y because ot negiect, when the B g, timeljr use of Uno remed wouidH H have cured them ai once. ij Ftfty-otte years ot con-g B$ stant use provcb tin. lacl that no S S couglt remed luu stood the test fi ■ likt 1DOU11 Jbtütil . tríe 36c. ftx. nii.l Jim peí buitlo. Dr. Baxter's MandrakeP 9 Will tuie Jourulice, Dyspeps!;i, B H Liver Coinplaintb, Indigestión, J3 ? and all diteast-s arising from j? Öj iousnes. Pnce 5 ets. perbottle. 3 iiE.Mu di. juiuuowa ÁRNICA AND OIL ílinimentI 3 J'or .11 ftn attil Heetst. gTlie most perfect liniment evern K conipounded. l'ricr 'T'jc. nnd 50c. Ël


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