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The Smoke Will Case

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Some threc years ago tUere arrived in this city from Cunada, a young man without meana and poorly ciad, d.rawn bere mi accouut of the groat rcputation of the law department.for the purpose of persung his studies, aud, in timo, to gradúate. Although poor, lie had ambition and was williugto do unything to earu an honest penny. Ho was givon work by the chairman of the street committee, and although the jol) lasted only five dnys hè feit grateful ti) the autliorities who had befrleaded him. He was ruady to undtako anything, saw wood or do chores for his board, aud ashe showed a dlspositioa to turn an honest peuuy peoplo fo tdisposed to assist him . He rented a chóap room and boarded himself, ofteu living, aa he afterwards infornied tlio senbe, on sixty cents a weeki In the slimmer ho worked n the hay and harvesl Beid, and accuinulated moiiey enough to matricúlate in the L.vw DEPAETMENT. 11e was a hard student, and having con siderable ability, ho mauaged to work his way to the htad of his class. He toni pletedhis junior year, and the following summcr went to work on a farm cast oi the city. Here he remained sevcral months. At the commencement of the law term lasi October, on the application of .ludge Cooley, the dean of the department, tturpby was givon a posilion in the homeopathie hospital as he was poor. and wished assistauee. A short linie after he went to work a patiënt by the name of Lewis C. Smokt;, from Jiany couuty, carne to the hospital fot ticalineut. He was waited on by Murphy, whodid bim many fáVorS, for which he, Smoke, feit very grateful. As Smoke had expressed a desire to renard hiin for his services, he informed Murphy oue day that, owing to the nature of his dUease be did not expeet to recover, and desired to inake a will. Smoke Jietated the will which was drawn up by Murphy. After Smoke had signed U, Dr. A. K. Wheeler, the house surgeon, and .1. W. Vidal, a nui-se in the hospital, wituesscil his signaturo. By thu terms of the will Murphy was lo receive $400, the homeopathie hos pital $100 and the nu'-se $25. The will was dated Xov. 20, 1880, and on tbfi 'Jih oï December following SMOKE DIEÜ. Smoke's relatives, however, did uot bel.cve the statement, that he made a will, and wlien the matter carne up in the probate court of Barry county, they gave notice of contest. The lirst time Drs. Wheeler, Vidal, Tyler and Horton gave their testimony whoa the case was eontinued, and a week or so later, on the adjourned day of hearing, Murphy Drs. Wheeler and Dodge and Prof. Franklin were present. Considerable e videnee was given in the case by the partiea who witnessed the will and by Prof. Franklin who swore to Smoke's sanity about the linie the will was executod. Murphy also lestified to its geuuiueness but in direct opposition to all the f acts, Judge Ciement Sniith refused to admit the will to probate, wheu Prof.Franklin, asdcan, and n liehalf of the homeopathie hospital, gave NOL ICE OP AITEAL. This was a stunner which Ömoke's brothers didn't relisli, as thty evidently supposed the matter was finally disposed of when probate of the will was refused. Some two or three weeks ago last Friday Murphy was 'bouuced" by the facultjof the homeopathie college for get tiog Jnmk. when he went on a prolonged debauch, and while in this condition made allidavit that t lic will purporting to have been make by Lewis C. Sinoko WAS A FORGERY. Last Friday morning under sheriff Powers, of Barry county, arrived in this city with warrants tol ïhe arrest of Jas. F. Murphy and Dr. A. Et Wheeler. The ofiicer infornied sheriff Wallieethat Wheeler was the man he was particularly interested in, aud that he did not want Murphy unless he could secure Wheeler. Murpliy and Wheeler were Bubsequently arrested, and Friday afternoon were laken to Hastings on the Grand Rápida express. The party was accoinpauied by a friend of Wneeler's, and a DSMOCBAT reporter. After the train left Charlotte, Murphy informed officer Powers that he would like to talk with the scribe, and was permitted to do so when he volunteered A STATKMENT. This statement is now iu our possession bnt owiug to cortaiu proceedings about to be commcnccd we withhold the same for the present. But we can say to our readers that, like al! others of its class.this plot to crush au innocent man will return to torment its inventor. We may be permitted to say, however, that Murphy said he saw Smoko sigu the will and that it was DUI-Y WITKB68ED by Drs. Wheeler aud Vidal, and in the presenee of others. He also made the sanie statement to another gentleman on board the train wbo aceompanied Wheeler, which was corroborated ia nearly cvery particular. At a little after 9 o'cloek Fridav night, the train reached Hastings, and aftur registcring at the hotel, a fricud and the reporter went with Wheeler to the ofllce of Marcus W. Hickie, the justice before whom the coraplainant, Amasa Bmoke.bad sworn om the warrants. Here Dr. Wlieoler was detained until after 11 o'cloek, although his bondsmon were present. As nó one was disposed to go Murpby's security FOR HIS AI'I'KAHAN'Ck:, he was committed in default of $500 pend ing his trial at the next term of court. The followiug morning Dr. Wheeler and his friend returned to this city. We havo endeavored to present our readers with a fair and impartial statement of the facts as we have been able to learn them. We are aware thcre is considerable jealousy between the two schools of medm iiic. and if this bitter aud releutless strive is to be eontinued upon the campus much longer its only tendency will be to drive away the best class of students from our city. It is time this wrangling and malicious spirit in the facullies was stopped, elm how expeet (rood order and discipline amonjï the students. "Olivette" to-night. !K) in the shade yesterday. J. Buell has gone to Brighton to live. The usual temperance meeting Sundaj'. E. J. Knowlton will raise 14 acres of onions tliis season. Mr. Samuel Wail and Miss Carrle Sipfley, of this city will be married at 10 o'cloek this morning. A dress making shop has been opened :it :!'3 E. Washington street by Miss Camp b2ll aud Mis. Stevens. Emma I'orter was senteneed yesterdsy o ü) days in the Detroit work house for battering a little son of O. F. Starr. It is evident the people are anxious to have the railroad eontinued to Pontiac, as they are renewiuu; their notes, and living the right of way. D. Milieu bas the contract to furnisbSfl albums for the senior lits. The albums are Imported trom Germany by Osius & Giesslerand cost from $8 to $10 each. "Ikisscd her 'neath thecold.pale stars,' besins tbc song and an exehanirc Bays, " Seems to aa it would lic more gatlsfac tory to perform the ceremony 'ncath lui cold, pale nose." I. L. Witmeyer, law '80 who went to Minn. some weeks ago to praetice his professioa, died Tuesday of intlammation of the bowels. His remains will be brought to this city for interment.


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