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A LOSING JOKE. A. prominent pliysickiu of Pittsburg Said jokingly to a lady patiënt lio was complainin# of hér contiuued ill heallh, and of his Inabillty to cure her, "Iry Hop Bitters!" The lady took t in earnest and used the Hittere, from which she obtainccl permanent health. Slie now lauhs at the doctor for his joke, hut he is nol PO wel! pluuscri with it, as it cost liim ;i rood patiënt. - Ilarrisburg Patriot. PONDER ON THESE TKUTHS. KiiSney-Wort is miture's reincdy forkidney and liver diseases, piles and tonslipatio:i. Sediment or mueous ia tlic urine is a sure inditatioii of disease. Take KidaeyWort. Torpid liver ;iud kidnevs poison ihe blood. Kidncy-Wort revives them and eleanses the system . Headache, bilious attacks,dizziness,and loss of uppetite, are uu red by KidiicyW'ort. Sec adv. Wiilc to Mis. Lydia E. Pinkbam, No. 2:: Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for ñames of ladies that have heen restored to perfect, heallh by the use of lier Vegetable óottipöund. It is i positivo cure for the most stuhliorn cases of female wcakÏH'SS. Consllpation invariably follows Liver Complaint; but it is easily overeóme by tlie timely use of Baxter's Mand fake Bitters. Dyspepsia also readily yields to this potent ïinicdy. Gaps made in the llesh by cuts, speed ily disappear without leaving a.scar wlien llenry & Johnson's Árnica and Oil Liniment is used. Downs' Kli.vir will cure all lung diseases. The best medicine known for WhöopiDfi congb. A WORD TO THE LADIES! Miss CanapboU and Mrs. Stevens havo opencd a dress making shop at No. 32 Enst Washington St. We are prepared to CUT. BASTE AND D1UPE aftjr the very LATEST FASHION. (JuttinR and fitting done to order. We cordially invite the ladies to cali and learn our prices before going elsewhere. FOR SALEJ3R RENT The present resklenee ot Mrs. F. A.Hill, with T 1 c Land A. dj o i 11 i 11 fg , Consistinf; of about 40 acres, 30 of which can be cultivated. Rent, $800, or the House and 8 acres wiU be rented seperate. Rent $KK). The above property is also for sale by the lot. or by ure, oriii'largi'r quantities. TITLE PERFECT. P'or further partieulars enquire of H. R. HllLoffleeNo.8 Opera Hou Bloek. oí Wk M. White, Canaseraga, New York. AMUSEMENTS. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE ! C. J. WHITXEY, - - Lessee and Manager. ONE NIGIIT ONLY ! THURSDAY, MAY 12 The Original and Only Fü Ave. Opera Company STANLEY & WARNElï, Managers. First production in Ann Arbor. Andran's world-fumetl and the most popular of all comic operas, 'OLIVETTE,' l'reaented with a Perfect Cast of Characters. New and appropriate acenery. Ir. Fred J. Eurtis. Musical Director. A'lmission 75 cents. Reserved seats 25 cents extra. Gallery 50 cents. Seats can be seoured atWatt's Jewelry Store, HILL'S OPERA HOUSE ! ONE NIGÜT ONLY ! WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1881 (rand Scenic Production of theSeason, Written Expressly for the Gosche-Hofiper Company. JACOB CÖ8CHE - Manager. The New American Mulo-Drama, illustrative of Mormon Life, by Col. tí. A. Pierce and J. B. Kunion, entitled, C1OO "WiT-es' The most, perfect dramatic picture of the age. For the proper production of thfs most successful play, every icone uud all tlie Paraphernalia incidental to it is transported in a special car which will enable the management to give it the ame careful mounting which in a mensure contrtbutcd to its tremendous success elsewhere. The management boga t? aasúre the public that such additional exertions have been made as to probably preseot a more complete production iluui any previously attompted in this dl y. Prioes. ADMIS8IOJÍ 50, 35 and 25 cents. Xi extra charge tot reserved seats now on sale at Watts' Jewelry store. does titijví)! ■WONDERFULff { [ [ CURES! hbE Bnpcnuso it acts on the UVKK, BOWELsl aiiii KIDN KYS at the snmo time. I Bocauno i t clean seo thosyatom o f the M IV ous humors that devolopo in Kidney and H Unary Diaeaaoe.Bilíousnoes. Jaundice, Cono ti. H ■ pation. Piles, or in fiUeuniatinra, Neuralgia, H nNerroua Diaordora and Female Complainto. ■■ SEE WHAT PJEOPLE SAT i 3 Eiiprcno lï, Stork, of Junctlon City, Knnwm, W HayK, Kidney-Wort cured )lm after recular U ■Baiciansliuü beoa tryiug for fouryvors. J Mr. John Arnall, of Washington, Ohlo, naysH ■ ''i' lny wan (fivwi in, ti) din by four pioinintMit U H nhyüinann and tlmt lio waa afterwurda ourud by ■ VV Kianey-Wort. ■■ WM M. M. lí. Qoodwín.on editor In Chardon, OhldU ■ RnyH )io was nut expectcd to live, behtg b1oatii H Qbeyoud belief, but Kidney-Wort uitred liim. ■■ I Anna L. Jarrott of Bonth Salem, N. Y., flaysJ ■ tluit st-v. n yoarnHuffetinpr from kidney troublenH Vand othfM' -oinplicatiuua waa eudud by ttio ubo of mm um Kidney-Wort. I John B. I.awrence of Jackflon, Tenn., nufferedH ■■for yeare f rom livor aud kidney troubles and Jaftr taktng "larrels of other mediclnee."U ■ Kiihicy Wort made liltn relt. I Mlchal Goto of Montgomery Center, Vt.,H EJfiiifrprcdelt?btyenri nitb kldm-y difllcnlty aiul Ej ■ waa unable to wotk. Kidncy-Wort mado himlfl UM " well as ever." PERMANENTLY CURES □ kidney diseases, □ liver complaintsj QConstipation and Piles. ■ ïirit input uu In lry Tecetablo Form InM ■■tin caos, onc i)H(rkafre of wtneh inakMix quarta ■ Qof medicine. Al no in Llquld Form, ver P ■fleentrated, for thotto tliaC cannot luutlily M ■ pareit. Hl v U acts trith equal efficiency tn either form. ■ U QET IT ATTHB DRUOQIST8. I'KICE. $1.OQ I 1YKLLS, ICIClIlUDSONACo., l'rop'i, I Q(W1U eend the dry post-paid.) IH'RLlaTOV( TT. R t70A $12 a dayathome easily made PtVHtly outfit f ree. Addivss, Titi k & Co. Augusta, Bf&lne. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCITES, CLOCKS, Spectacles, Plateil Ware, Uold lVns ftml Fine Jewelry. Special atleutiun voii to repairíiijb: Watehes and Jewelry. ii South Main Street. Ann Arbor. RlOP BITTERS (A Medicine, not a Driuk.) 0ONTA1N DOPS, BÜCIHJ, MANDRAKE, DANDKl.IO.V, AJTDTH PtTBBST AKU I TUS OT ALL OTUKK BlTTEKS. THEY CURE AJÍ D!seaesof theStomnch, Bowels, Blood, I Llver, Kldnoy, ud UrlnuryOrgaus. Ncrvousaess, Sleepleflsness and especUHy Femate Complalnte. JL $IOOO IN COLD. -H Will he pald for a case they wlll not cure oB help, or for anylhtng lmpure or lujúriuua fouud tn them. I Aslc your druggfst for Hop Bitters and try I I tbm before you sleep. Take uu oiher. I I D T. C. Ís an abaolute and irresistible cure for I Drunlccnues, use of opium, tobáceo aad narcotica. ■■■iMHB Bbni for Circtlab. ■■■■ Alt tbOT iold by dmpRiiU. ■ Hop BittfTt Mfg. Co.( Rochtr, N. Y., Toronlo, Onl. I YRS. LYDIAE.TÍNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. PI3COVEBEU OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE C0MP0ÜND. The Positivo (.'ure For all Female Complaints. This preparation, ns its name plgnifles, consista of VtogataMë Proper t lea that are liarmless to the moBt del icate lnvalid. Upon ono trial the merite of this Com pound will bc recogriized.asrelief is ímmediate ; and wlicn lts use la continucd, In ninety-nine cases in a hun. dred, apormanentcureiseffectodta8thousands will tostify. On account of ita proven merits, it Ia to-day rtcommended and prescribcd by thü bout pbyaiciaus in tlie country. It will euro Ontlroly tho worst form of falllng of tho utoms, Lcucorrheea, irregular and patnful Menstruation.allOrarianTroublcs, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodlnga, all Displacement h and the consequent spinal weaknoss, and is espcoially adapted to tho Change of Life. It will dlssolvo aml ei pel tumors from thouterusinan earlyfitatfo of development. Tho tondency tocanceroushiimorsthere is cuecked very Bpeedily by its usa. In friet it has provcd to be tho irreatest and best remetly that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion o'f tho system, and givefl new llfeandvlffor. It removes faintness,flatulency, dostroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves woakuesa of the stomach It cures Bloating, Iloadaches, yervous Frostration, General Debillty, Steeplessness, Depreasion and Indigestión. That fecling of hearing down, eausing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and undcrall cireumstances, act In harmony with the law that governe the female system. For Kidney Complaints of eitlier sex this compound Is mwiirpiissfil. Lyclia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ■ In prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mass. Price $1.00. Slx bottlea for $5.00. Sent Mj mail in the form of pilla, alao in the form of tiozcnges, on recelpi ofprlee, $1.00. per box, for elther. Mrs. PDiKHAM f recly answers all letters of inquiry. Send for painphlet. Address asabove Mentían this paper. No famiJyshouldbe without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LIVEU PILLS. They cure Constlpation, Diliousnesa andTorpiU'ty of theLiver. 2ö cents oer box. Sold by C. E. HoImesÊ-Cook hotel Iblock. Ditch Sale. NOTICK IS BESBSBT G1VEN that whereaa the work by me aitportioned forcieaniiK ovA and constnu-tinK the t'oilowiug described ditches has not been performed witliin the tim1 Umttod by law; that the drain commissioii er of the town ship of Pittsfiekl in the county of Washtenaw will. on Saturday, the 21st day of May A. D. Itítíl at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day alOQg the line of said drains (on sec. 16) west of the residence of James F. Smith in said township. let to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, the work of eonstrueting Morton 's branchof Mallet's creek ditch No. 1. BeeinningaboutSO rods south oftheN. W. corner oï sec 16 and running due east ninety-four rods to the intersection with the said drain No. 1 on theN. W. 1-2 of sec. 16, Also Sumner's liranch of Mallet's creek ditcli No. J, beginning on tne N. W. corner of the N. W. 1-4 of sec. 16, running east along the south side of the hlghway 1Í0 rods, thence BOUth 4U rods, thence east 46 rods more or lesi. The average depth being 3 feet and 3 Inches ; slope of one foot to one and one half to one foot of depth. Profile and maps can be seen at my office for further inforniatiuii. Tlie right to reject any or all bids is Oxpresaly reserved, Dated this 26th day of April A. D. 1881. 4J. E. WCKETT. Township Drain Commissioner. Chancery Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for O the County oL Washtenaw, In Chanrery. Hhoda Fuller, complainant, vs. James C McGee, William li. Usburn, John J. Robison and James li. Wat son, defendants. In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of said Court made and entered in the above entitled cause on the eighth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine, notice is hereby ivfii that I shall sell at public auction (or vendue) to the higheet bidder on Saturday, th' fi mrleenth dav of May A. D. 1881, at two o'clock in the afternoon at the east frontdoor of th.e Court House, at the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, and state of Michigan, the fbUowIng deociibed real estáte, betng the same men tioned and described iiïsaid ddcree, to wit: The east half of the north west marter of section twenty-one, township threo south. ranee three east, contaiíiing eighty acres of land, more or less; all of said land benig in the townabfp of Sharon, Washtenaw county, Michigan, (ogeïher with the tciiemei te and appurtenancestheivto in nny wise belongtng or thereupon situated. Ann Arbor.Marcli28th. A . J). [883. PATKICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the County of Wdtthtenaw. LAWRENCE &. EMERICK BOiicitora for complainant. Estáte of Martha M, Snow. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtcnaw, O ss. At a sentón of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw.holden at the probate ifflee in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the lïith day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present William f). Harriman.Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of H&rtha M. Bnow deceased. On reading and filingthepetition dul verifled, of William ü. Snow praying tliat administration of said estáte may be granted to some suitable person,Thereupon, it is ordered, That Monday, the 2?.d day of May next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the betre at law of said deceased and all other persons in terested In said estáte, are requlred to appear at a session of said court, then tobe holden at the probate oftlce, in the city "f Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, whythe prayerof the petitioner should not he fíi'antcd. Anditis further ordered. that said petitlonec tiive notice to Uu persons uiterested m salde8tate.of the pendencyof said petition and thfl hearing thííreof,ly causing a copy of this order to bti publisheil In The Aun A rwr Democrat, a newgpaper printed and clrculated in Ala countv three snccessive weeks previous to suid day of hearing. WII.UAM D. HAIUUMAN, (A true copy.) Judffe of Probate, Wm. Ci. Doty. l'robatc Register. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OFMICHKiAN. County of Washtenaw ss.- In the Matter of the Estáte of Prederfck Lee. dticeased. Notlce is hereby ffiven. That in pursuanee of an order granted to the undeiyigned Admlnlstrator of the estáte of said de ceased, by tlie Hm. Judge of Probate for tlie County oL Washtenaw, on the ninth day of Aprll A. D. 1881, tliere will be üld at Public Vendtie. to the hiu'heH bidder, at the late residen f suiíl deeeased in the townsbíp of Webster, ii ll inily uf Uashteilaw insaitl siiiti-.iiii Siiiui-day the íwenty-etehth day ( May A. D. lHsi, at ten ookok lo thc r'orenoon of that day (subject to all eiicuiiihraiices by cuortga otherwisc existiiiKat the time Of llie deatli or said deeciised and subject ti tile riffbt of dowerof (lie wiluw of said deceased therein, the foDowing descrilieil Iteal Ksiate, to-wit: All the iteht, title and interest of tlicsiüd deeeased in and to Ule undiviilcd one half part of all that eertain pteoe. tu paieel of land. sitúate in the township of Dezter, countj of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, k'itown, bourulcdaml describedaè folIpWB, fo-wit: Bezinning ou the cust bank of Uullurou rivcr, seven chaina south from thequarter sectíon line of sectton niunber twenty-four w4) in said townabip, thence smitli, cility-oiie de ree.: cast thirty-nino chains and sixtv links. i thence south one degreè easl ten chaina and fortj tuur links, thence north eighty-one degraea . west six ehains and twentvsix links, thence north elghty-orie degreea west, to the bank f the river. t henee north alonji the bank f said rivetto tlie place of beginnin. Containlng about tucnty-seven (7) acres of land. Also the right of way reserved by Allen ö. Boyden by the oopt missioners In dower in tlie matter of the estáte of Pomoroy Boyden, deeeased. LEVI K. LEE, rialed April9,lB81. Admiuistrator.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat