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Additional local on second pago. VOpera to-night. Butter is scarcc. Batairday is field day. They aro now called eavesdi-oppors. W. S. Hicks is in South Bend, Ind. Judge Ilairiinan has gone t.o Missouri. The "Land of Xod" to-inorrow night. The Cook house billiard parlor isiu full blast. Ex-Gov. Croswell was in the city over Sunday. Hev. Joltn Alabaeter leciured in Lansing Sunday. Business in tlie probate court is letting np a liltle. Franklin Parker is in the northcrn part of the state. Soon tlic boys will have plenty of time to go fislmiir. The Courier last week appeared in a brevier dress. Dr. Franklin has no less than seven hunting dogs. The weather is delightful but rain in needed badly. .Mr. and .Mis. Frank 31a.ier, of Chelsea are in Europe. Miss Allio Goodrich was visiting in tincity last week. Business i.s beginning to drop off in the register office. R. E. Prazer bas gone to CheboyganJ I Ie left Tuesday. loe T. Jacobs, the clothier.has a branch store in Owosso. I'rof. [laines, th,e peumau, has gone to his home in ühio. . Hi Henry's minstiels were quarlered at the Qregbry hoi Rouscup, of thu Daily Ne-,vs, is keeping bachelor's hall. Dr. S. B. Farnhain, of Arizoha. is visit ing bis sister, Mrs. Pratl. Prof. Tyler ofticiated at tlie Episcopal ehurch Sunday morning. Micbael Weimer, of Scio, took out a $05 saloon liccnse tü day. [tcost a líquor dealer in Chelsea just $47..") for se! I ing to a minor. Sc-th Sumnferlias purchased J. F. lloffstetter's stallion, "Abe Lincoln." Jiev. .Mr. Alabaster spoke 111 Hamburg Friday night before the reform club. Miss Minnie Hollester, a niece of Mrs. A. A. Terry, is on a visit lo the city. BillsamounliiiLi to $'281.34 were allowed by the school board Tuesday eveniug. , The play of One Ëundred Wives at the opera house r,el Wednesday evening. Tlie Flyun brotbers will build the foundation for B. K. Ailes' new residence. Miss Allice Lovejoy bas applied to the school boaifl Cor a sitiiation as teaclier. 7 a ' Manager Hill expects to commence reovatingthe opera house about the ürst of June. Memorial d&y observed by the ladies' decoration society of the Fifth ward. O. F. Webster has purchased a half ioterest in the Peninsular gas light company. William A. Hill, of Ogden Station, died in this city last Thursday of pneumonia. The city flouiing mili whieh has been cjoBed for repairs, is again running nfíht and day. Eli Manly is raising bis house onejstory at a cost of $400. C. J. Gardner is doing the work. Col. Lamed, of Detroit, spoke to the tetnperance people of Ypsilauti Sunday afternoon. Geo. Walker of Detroit, was in town the lust of the week visiling his relatives and friends. L. ï'. Parks, of Chelsea, bas puichased from Rev. Franklin bis residence in tbe al)ove village. A. J. Sawyer bas let tbe contract for ounuing an 55uu aumiion to lus reskience to Luick Bros. Station agent Hayes,aud J. II Heinick, day operator at the depot, spent Sunday in ('euterville. Dr. Dunster was a deleghte to the American medical association held in Itichmond, Va. A. L. Noble has gone to Mt. Clemens. May he improve in liealth is the wish of The üemocrat. At the last meeting of the board of directora of Co. A., Jno Chase was elect ted fifth sargeant. The pipes through whick water is conducted to the Courier office have been relaid the past week. Thos. Lucas pleaded guilty Monday ,o assaultiug another gentleman of color, and paid the costs. Wm. Freer, aged 68 years, died of con sumpti'on at his residence ia the township of Superior, Monday. The city flounng milis will be rnn night and day to supply the people with flour at $5 per barrel. Miss Mary A. Fisher died last Thursday afler a lingering illness. She was a sister of Wm. Fisher. Sani SmitU's deep bass voice when he calis otï for a grove dance, lias been neard two miles avvay. Treasurer Gruner has veceived from the county tieasurer $2,887.43 fine and priinaiy school money. ilrs Elizabeth Green, for many ycars a resident of this city and Green Oak, died Suaday in her 72d year. The Y. P. 8. of the Presbyterian church will be addressed Sunday evening by the ilev. Mr. Bailey, Detioit. The freshman class of the high school beat the A class of the gmmmer school a game of fooi ball öaturday. The Club and Light Foot niues since the Slipper at Hangsterier's, have been dubbed ihe lluiigry Niues. Judge Harriman has appointed Fred Hutzel guardián of the minor cliildrcn of Juo. Geo. Koch, deceased. The sum of $13,509.00 has been received from the auditor general by A. D. Seyler, deputy county treasufér. C. S. SUattach, tra veling agent for the New York, Pennsylvania and üliio railroad, was in the city last Thursday. Tliat club room where ihe boys anii men went to spend much of their time, lias been moved from the Earl block.. J heve is to be a meeting of the homeopathie aid association this afternoon at li o'clock in the parlors of the hospital. During the absence of S. Fairchild in Hharon, 15en Brown had charge of the office of the Washtetiaw insurance coinpany. Gottlob Scbaible of Sliaron, ageii 32 years, died Friday of eonsumption. The funeral was held Momlay from the Sharou church. Herman Krapf has a telephone in his shup on Detroit street. Superintendent Keech expects to have 70 iu the exchange ere long. A tent of the Knights of Maccabees is soon to be organized in this city, nearly the requisite number of nanies havmg been secured. Drs. Wilson and Frauklin, attended a seïsioti of' the Oliio state homeopathie medical association iu Toledo Tuesday and yesterday. Coroner Clark has held four inquests since the flrst of January, and strange as it may appear he prays tor more. There is money in it. J. F. Murphy neyer received a cent wuen he was turned out of the patino hospital for drunkenness. All h gol was his boaid. Loren Moore, aged 79, died at his resideuce 011 Fifth streetlast Thursday morniny. ïhe retnains were taken to Mooreville for iiiterment. Anotherold citizen, Oren Collier, who lias resided here íor 23 years. died at bis residence on Liberty street Saturday night i 11 his 73d year. The ladies' decoration society of the Fifth ward, enjoyed a very pleasant social time at the residence of Mrs. Eli Moore lasl Thursday evening. According to the Herald there is considerable business in the line of building in (Jhelsea, there bemg uo less than 3U frame houses going up. Last Thursday was the dullest day experienced by register Gilbert since entering upon his duties - only four papers were received for record. The stonc walk in front of the Gregory house is to be relaid this summer, and the walk on the south side to the P. O. widened soine four feet V. B. Cochrane, a gradúate of the literarv dcrmrtment. class of '70. has hcpn pointed superintendent of public instruc tion mee Gower resigned. J. C. Whitewood, who bad charge of the old stage line here for Davis & Tilleston as long ago as 1840, bas been spending a few days ïu the city. The property owners on Main street will piobably take action lookiug to the pavetnent of this tUorouglifare at an eaiiy day. Goodenough. It is generally believed by those competent to judge, that the wheat erop in Washtenaw county will fall at least or.e half below that of last season. The biggest nuisancethat freyuents the offices around the court-house is the allegt'd editor of an alleged democratie papei known as The Clippings. The original Fifth Avenue Opera Coinpany of N. Y. city, consisting of 40 performers, is billed for the opera house this evening in the play of "Olivette." According to the report of Supervisor Galpin in the Register, there are 14,750 acres of improved land in the township of Superioi, and 7,020 unimproved. A Mr. Ouderkirk is soon to commence the publication of a ereenback paper in Milán. A frame building to be used for au office ia fast nearing uompletion. Mrs. Geo. North ia visiting in the city She will return to Uelroil in about two weeks where she has a situation as house keeper in the new Kerkwood house. Mrs. Mary Lathrop didn'tput in an appearance at the Sunday afternoon temperauce meeting, and Ilev. Mr. Spence held the fort for half an hour or more. Coup's colossal circus and menagerie will fxhibit in Toledo next Tuesday, wlieu a special train will be run f rom this city, The fare for the round trip is $1.40. It was announcetl in two of the city papers last week that Dr. Romiuger had gone toEurope. As he was seen on the streets S&turday, (be item was a Hule mixed. Patrick Brovfn, who left his home iu Northfield and with his little grip-sack went to Colorado to seek his fortune Will return to his native heath sómetimé in June. A crossing leading to the court-house on the west side, between Ann and Huron streets, would be a great tion to the public - in fact it is an actual uecessity. Main street from Ann to Liberty streets will be paved. There is no doubt about it now, as a majority of the property owners have signed a petkiou to the couueil to that effect. This city is noted for the modesty of her lawyersand the beauty of her ladies,so says the II on. Audrew Jacksou Sawyer, aud he claims lo be a pretty good judge of the latter. The brick house on the corner of Huron and State streets has been razed to the ground. The cellar will soon be dug for the foundation of the uew Unitarian church. Rev. Mr. Hall is in clover. Before leaving for Europe he was presented with $1,000 by his congiegation and during his six montlis absence he will draw his salary alle samme. We would be obliged to any ef our subscribers for sending us items of news. Never mind putting them in shape, just give us the facts and we will flx them up tor publieatiou. The painting of the First and Fourth ward school buildings and the high school building, has been ordered by the schooi board. Tbe one doing it the cheapest will get the job. The Boston Journal says of "Olivette:" "The principáis appear to excellent advantage in their parts, their singing being flne and their acting spirited. The chorus is exceedingly fine." Oren Collier, whose death is announced elsewhere, was a member of the 1. O. O. F., and during the pusl four yeara he has been given weekly henefits amounting to several hundred dollars. At a meeting of the fire insurance board recently, it was unanimously agreed to revise tlie ratès of usuran ce on property in this city. üon't get them any higher gentlemen, for goodness sake. Michael Kennedy of Northfield, who went to Colorado some months ago, has returnea home content to live and die in Washtenaw county, and completely disgusted witü the western country. The stonch from the carcasses of 12 dead horses whieh lie unburied on the flals at the foot of Judge Lawrence's orchard, is enough to make the resideuts of that vicinity utter cursos loud and deep. The M. C. R. R. will sell excursión tickets to those wishinu to take in the oase bali games ui Detroit until the 28th inst for $1.65 for tüe round trip, whicli includes adinittance to the grounds. A strong company has been organized for the puipose of inanufacturiiig the Langley eleetric light. It would bu a tine tbing for this city if the company could be iuduce'J to lócate their works here. J. S. Ilenderson has sold his farra of 61 acres in Pittsüeld to Wm. Burke, and takes as part payment the oíd Grenville property ou Washington street. Mr. H. vvill move to ihe city about the flrst of June. It is a admitted fact there is but one local paper pubfished at the county seat, and that is The Democrat. Don't take our word for it, but compare it with the otlier papéis in the city. 8eeing is believiug. We shouk! be pleased to have the writer of the poetic effusioa entitled ' 'The i'raiTm Pritlfpr" noli at ruil' nffioo en fljot we may know who lie is. Anonyinous Communications are oever puhlislied in The Democrat. On account of poor héalth L. O'Toole is obliged to qmt the hardware business in whicli he lias been eiigaged so many years, and has accepted the position of tiaveling salesman for the Singer sewing machine company. VThe operetta of the "Land of Nod' by the juvenile temnerance union, is to be repeated tomorrow evening at the ópera house, on which occasion the juvenile band, who have voluuteered to play, will make their flrst appearance in public. Mis. E. Hogan, who was before justice Frueauff on the charge of keeping a house of ïll fame, was discharged, and arrested lor uie anegeu otrense ot being a dis orderlv person. Examinaüon this morning. P.McKeruan appears as prosecutor. A meeting' of tlie property owners on Mam street was held Tuesday evening at the store of w. T. Jacobs, for the purpose of takiug the necessary steps toward paviug Main street, aiui to bring the matter befo re thecouimon council at an early day. ïhc proprietors of the city milis, Messrs. Nwathel, Kyer& Petersou, have taken a uew departure, and uow liave no agents in the city handiing their tiaur. They are thus enabled to sell their flour at a reduced price, $5 per barrel, while their customers are given the benefit of the commission which heretofore has been paid to grocerymen. All persons sending their address n a postal card to General Passenger Agent O. B. &. Q. R. R.Chicairo. 111.. will re' ceive, free of all charge, an elegant folder and complete County Map of tüe United States. We advise readers to send in their appücations at once, and secure a valuable and bandsome document. It is the most complete map now out. While improvements of all kinds in the way of building are beiug made, there is on e Ihing in which this city is sadly difflcient.and that is in good sidewalks. There is plenty of work tor the sidewalk coinmittee, but as tbc members receive notb ing for their services, it is a question wbether they will give much of their time in looking up düapitated sidewalks. The "West house at Wbitmore Lake, which lias been closed for the past threé years, was re-opened Friday night with a grand ball. Several couple from this city were present and helped swell the crowd who came for miles around to particípate in the dance. A general good time was had, and everything passed off pleasantly. The hotel is now open for business. Last Friday evening about 7 o'clock Wm. Clancy was riding a colt, and inga uorse wiin a halter. As he got ín front of his residonce on Fourth street, the colt turned to go in at a side gate when a dog ran at him f rom the side of the road. The colt was frightened and jumpcd one side, the bridle broke and Ulaucy feil off and had a rib broken and was pretty badly used up generally. Ex-prosecuting attorney Emerick has rormed a law copartnership with S. L Carpenter, of Alpena, and will leave in a few days for his future home. For the past seven years Mr. Ernerick has occupied a respectable position at the Washtenavv county bar and has done a good business. His friends, and they are le gion, will regret his departure, but their best wishes will follow him to his new field of labor. Colonel Waring'ssecoud paper on "The oanitary Condition of New York," will appear in the June number of Scribner. It is said that the author goes into every detail of the subject and grapples fearlessly with the most difficult parts of the problem. His recommendations, if carried out in their integrity, would, hc believes constitute "a complete remedy for all the remediable sanitary evils of the city of New York'so faras they relate to its soil, its streets, its hou&es, of its water supply' They involve nothing that is impracticable, of improbable valué, of uncertain effect, or of undue cost." At last the new American drama entitled "One Hundred Wives" has beeD presented to the theatre-going people of Milwaukee. The inaugural performance at the grand opera house was well attended, the audience being critical in the extreme. This play resembles that styled " The Danites," bul it is a better production, being broader in its ideas, and more instructive, while equally humorous. It contains thegreat essenMs of a firstclass drama- a good plot and tragic, pathetic and comic situations. Furthermore it is one of the very few good American plays that our people have before them. While its scènes would be effecüve aud attractive if in other country, they are intensely interesting because they aie nothing more than every-day realities at home. Comprehensive pictures of Mormon life and Mormon crimes are afforded, interspersed with those mining scènes which are always enjoyable. In the play known as " The Danites" Mormonismis brought out meagerlyand incidentally. In "One Hundred Wives" it is the central point the axis upon which the various thrilling passages turn. The acting of the Gosche - Hopper compauy is excellent throughout In fact it is due the management to say that a better tulanced theatncal organization is seldom met with, and the seenery is in itself an entertainment. The intrigue and evil deeds of the Mormon church, the the loathsomeness of their social life, the delusions to which innocent women become victims and their subsequent wrongs and remorse are all artistically reproducet by the eompany.-


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Ann Arbor Democrat