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Secret of Happiness; How ofteu have wc longed for perfect njoyment and how peldom found it. Alisurtune has come, or ill health overtaken us Perhaps a cough has come upon us ■which thrcasens that dreadedof alldiseasis, consumption, and we feel tüat death snear. With what joy should we bc illcd then, when such a remedy as Dr. Ling's New Discovery for (JoDsumption s placed within our reach. It has cured ,housands who wero nearer the grave than ourselves and made thfiir livea peaceful and happy. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarsencss. Loss of voice, difficulty of breathing, or any aflection of the Throat and Lungs ire positively cured by th.s Wonderful 3iscovery. Now to give you satisfiictory roof ttiat Dr. King's New Discovery wiil :ure, if you irill cali at Eberbach & Sons' )rug Store you can get a trial bottle for en cents or a reguk.r size bottle for f 1.00. AWORDTOTKË LADIES! MJig Cainpticll nnd Mrs, Stevens have opened a LresB inakinK shop at No. 32 Kast Washington St. We are prepared to Cl T. BASTE AND DRAPE Bftjr the ver' LATEST FASHION. Cutting and flttinj? done to order. We eordially nvite the ladies to cali and loarn otir prices be'ore going elsewhere. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE ! ONE NIG11T ONLY I TÜESDAY, MAY 24. FOURTII YEAR. Jay Rial's Majestic Revival Of the Famous foraland Picluresiiiu; Drama of "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." POWERFUL DOUBLÉ COMPANY ! GRAND SCENIC EPPBCTS I OELEBRA.TED TRICE DONKEY "JBRRY." 6 MAMM0T1I TRA1NED BLOOD 11OUNDS. TUK MAGNOLIA JUBILEE BAND. GRAND TRANSFORJIATION. Prices25and 35 Cents. NO IIIGIIER, NO EXTRA. No extra charge for rescrvcd seats now on ale at Watts' Jewelry store. raOP BITTERS? (A Medicine! not a Drink.) OONTAIK8 HOPS, BIX'IIU, JIAMIUAKR, IIANDKMON, I AlfDTHÜ PTTBE8T AND BïflTMumrALQTJALITIU OF ALL OTUEK BlTTXBB. THEY CURE I 41. niseascsof theStomsch, linweli, Blnod, Ltver, Kldneys, tod UrinarjrOrfrans, NervuUBueba, Sleepleasness and eapedally Vemale ComplalntL. $IOOO IN COLD. -H I WJ]] he pald for a caac they wlll not care oiB belp, or f ur anythlng Impure or lojutioua found In them. I Ask your drupirist for Hop Blttera and try I ■ ttiem before jrou sleep. Take uo uther. I I D I. C. Ib an absolute and Irresistible cure for I Pruakeuiicsn, uBe of opium, tobáceo uud narcotica. BBMbMB Sni fob CiRorLAB. iBHMMH All JOT nold by 1ruLri'iitv Hop BiUtn Mlg. C.. RochenMr, N, Y., A Toronto, Ooi. I ]THEGREATCURE f fob. : RHEUMATISM ,' Aa it ia for all diseasoa of the KIDNEYS, ,' LIVER AND BOWELS. It clean sos tho system of the acrid poiaon i that causea tho droadful suffe ring whioh ' f only the victima of Hheumatism can realizo. ', ; THOUSANDS OF CASES ' of the worst forma of thla terrible diaease , , havo been quickly relieved, in a short time ' ' PERFECTLY CURED. ' ha had wonder ful succeti and an immense 4 aale inevery partof the Country. Ia hundredsof coMoait haaoured wheroall olae had fdiled. It is mild, but efficiënt, C'EKTAIN ( INITS ACT1ON, but harmloBs in all oases. ti7"ItcleanscH(StreiiflEthen and clTesNew í Ufe toall the important organs of the body. i , The natural action of the Kidneyo is restored. ' The Livor is oleansedof aUdieease.and the f Bowelsmovofreely and healthfully. In thla i , waythe worst disoases aro eradioatod from ' thenyntoin. ' As lt has been proved by thouAAnds that I i is tho moet offootual remedy for clcanaing the , . systemof allmorbid seoretions. It ahouidbe used in every household aa a ' SPRINC MEDICINE. Alway curo BILIOU3NE83, ' TION, PILES and all FEMAI.E Diaeasoe. , Is put up in Iry Vef etable Form, intincaiw, i 't one packatte of which Iiiakcs6quart3 mpiicine. ' AIao ín Uquld Forntt very Conventratedfor , theconveniencn of thove whocaiinocrt'itinly itr, 'i pare it. Itactiwith tqnal efllcitncyineithrrform. ' , GET IT OF TOUR DUUGGIST. PIUCE. tl.00 ', ' WEM-S, KICIIAKBSON AOo.. Prop-, (WU1 end tin dry pont-paid.) Hritl.lMiTQ. TT. , MRS. LYDIA E. P1NKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. s Érj( : fjBk sss? DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VESETABLE COMPOUND. The Positivo Cnro For all Female Complaints. Thls preparatfon, aa lts nwno nifnitlrfi, consista ot Vegetable Properties that aro harmle#g tú tbo most delicate Invalld. Upon one trial the inerits of thi.i Com pound will bo rocognizwl, as relief Is inuuediato ; and when (tn usO Ís continuad in ni in-t y ninc rfims in a hun. dred, apornmncntcureiseffectedjasthouBandf will testify. On account of lts proven merite, it ia to-day recAmnvndod and prescribod by the bont physiclans in the country. It will euro entlrely tho worst form of falling of tho uterus, Leucorrhcea, irregular and painful Menstruación, all Ovarían Troubles, Inflammatlon and Ulceration, FloodingH, all Displacoments and tho consequent spinM weakness.and is cnpecially adapted to the Chango of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the utorusin an oarly stagO of development. Tho tendency to canceroua humors thoro is checked very h] " ■ 'dil y by if ■- US. In frxt it has proved to bo the jrreatpst and bext remedy that haa ever been discovered. It permeates every portion o'f tho system, and glvefl new lift'Riifl vijjor. It removes faíntueMftatuIency, de■t roys all ern ving for stimulants, and ielieves weitkmist of the stomaoh It curea Bloatlng, TToadachos, Norvous Prostratlon, General Dobility, 81ecplensnena, Depression and Indigestión. That feeling of hearing down, causing pain, welght and backache, in always permanently cured by íta use. It will at all times, andunderall circumfstonees, act in harmony with the law that goveruu the female sy8tEm. For Kldney Complaints of either sex this corapouitd is unaurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ia prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn. Maan. Price $1.00. Sbc bottles for $5.00. Sent by mail in thf formof pïlls, alsoin tbe form of Tjozcnges, on reeetpi ofprice, $1.00. per box, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM freelyanfiwcrs all letters of inqulry. 8end for pam phlvt. Address as above Mention this paper. No f amily should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LIVERPILLS. They cure Constipation, iJUioutme; and Torpn i ty of the Liver. 25 cents ier box. Sold by C. E. HolmesCook hotel blork. LECALS. Ditch Sale. VOTICE IS HBHËBY GIVEN that whereas X i the work by me apportioned for clearing out and eonstrui'tinjï the roBowtng deflorfbdd ditches lias been performed within the time limited by law; that the drain eommissiotier of the town ship of Pittsfteld in the county of Washtonaw will. on Saturday, the 21st day of May A. D. Ittól at 'Z o'clook in the afternoon of said day along the line of said drains (on seo. lti) west of the residence of James F. Smith in said township. let to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, the work of constructing Morton 's branchof Mallet 's creek ditoh No. 1. BegigaBg &boïït 88 rods sóútñ uIiIm'N. w. coniv; ,„ seo m and running due east ninv'ty iour rods to the iiitersection with the Sfiad drain No. 1 on the N. W. 1-ü of sec. 16. Also Bumnor'fl Branch of Mallet's creek ditch No. L bezinning on tne N, W. corner of the of 86C. lt, running east along thesouthside of the highway 10 rods, thence south 40 rods, Humee east 4ö roüs more orless, The average depth beUigSieetandS tnchee;slope of one foot to one and one half toone foot of depth. l'roftle and inaps can be seen at my office for fnrt her inforniatton. The right to reject any or all bids is expreaslr reserved, Pated tnis üb'th day of April A. D. 1881. 0. E. PICKETT, Township Drain Commissioner. Estáte of Charles Kitson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on WedncKday the eighteenth day of May in the year on thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, William D. Harriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Kitson, deceased. On reading and ñling the petition, duly verified of John Beahan, praying that lulniiiiisinitioo of said estáte may be gran te d to Michael Duffy or some otluT suitable ierson. Thereupon , it is ordered, that Monday, the 13th day of June next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that. the heirs at law of suiil deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of saidcourt,then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Aun Arbor, anti slmucause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pptitioner should notbe granted:And i is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in. said -stn of thè peadency of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by cauüing a copy of this order to be publiflhed in The Ann Afinr Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county. three uccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM L. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Piobate. Wií. O. Dott. Probate Register. Estáte of Martha M. Snow. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofllce Ín the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the 15th day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present William D. Harriman .Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Martha U. Snow deceased. On reading and flling the petition duly verifled, of William G. Snow praying that administration of said estáte may be granted to some suitable person, Thereupon, it is ordered, That Monday, the 23d day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition. and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons inte rested in said estáte, are requlred to appear at a session of said court, then to bo bolden at the probate ofHce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, i f any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered. that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested m Naidestate.of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, Dy causing a copy of this order to be published in The A.nn Atoor mm-vut , a newBpaper printed and otrecdated in said county three sucoessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, Wm. G, Doty, Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw ss. - In the Matter of the Estáte of Frederick Lee, deoe&sed. Notice is hereby given, That in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned Administrator of the estáte of said de ceased, by the Hon . Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of April A. D. 1881. there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased in iht townshlp of Webster, in the county of Washtenaw in said state, on Saturday the twenty-eighth day of May A. D. 1881, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existingat the time of thedeath of said déoeased and subject to the right of dowerof the widow of said deceased therein, the following dfseribedReal Estáte, to-wlt: All the right, title and interest of the said deceased in and to the undividfd one half part of all that certain piece, or parcel of land, sitúate in the township of Dezter, countj of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, kiiown, bonnded And descrilied as foltows, lu wit: lïeginning on the east bank of the Huron river, seven chains south from thequarter section line of section nuniber twenty-four (24) in said township, thence south, eighty-one defipvea cast tliirry-nine chains and sixty links, theaceeouth ou degree east ten chains and forty-fnir links. ËhenOG north eighty-one degrees west six chains and twenty-six links, thence itorlh eighty-one derives u .-si, tn bank f tlie river, tbenoe north along the bank of said river to the place of beginning. Containing about tweiity-st'ven (87) acres of tand. Also the right of way reserved by Allen G. Boyden by the cominissioncrs in flowcr in tlit matter of the estáte of Pomoroy Boyden, deceased. LEVI R. LEE, Dated April 9, 1881. Administrator. Proposals for Painting. Bealed proposali for the painting of the following Public School Buildings in this city will b6 re cerrad hy the underalffned, from this day anti] thefithof June, at o'clock p m, inclusive. All the outolde woodwork of the itli ward school house including twcr, with sliinles, Iron crest, out buildings and tenca in front, tO be palnted with two coats of best white, leatl and besl Unseed oil. All the Mitsidf nroodwortcot the oíd part of the fint ward school building, Includlng towerand fénce in front, with two good coafs of best whit it-ad and beat Onseed ou; and the new part of the saiiir building l I1 palntod with one good coat of the Mame inatoi'ial, po as to inakf ili and new part of thebuUding look alike. AJlthe Inaide woodwork of the flrst ward school building to be painted lii IT OTGHMUB rolor, witli two gOOa coiits of bet white lead and best Unseed oil, ezcept Kt t i s. vhlch are to be païntel, oiled anl varnisned as dlrected. All the otitside woodwork of the high .s-hool building to bc pain tod with two good coats of besl ïiite lead and best Unseed ott. Allthe insi'le woodwork of the bJgh SOhool building to be painted imtr or creara color wtth two Kood coatsofbest white leadandbesi Unaeed oü,excepttiia stairs amtgallery, whk'h are to be paimetl, olled ami vantisht(ï as direct ed. All the work to be oonimenoed assoon as the present term of school i oloaed, and to be linished by the lttth of August next. Éo be done in the best worktnatilike inmtner and 'Tiththe bost tonal onder the l r.-.i ion r the commlttee apI ■ m 1 1 1 ■ 1 or lUaubstll ute. Nomoneyto pald untll the work is eomplricd and occepted Propnsal.s f or each job tobe made Roparatoly. The board reeerret ihe rlghi of rejectlng any nuil (11 lii'l?. L. GRÜNKH.' Treanirer of School District No. I, of the city of Ann Ai-bor, Asx Aubor, HlOR., JIsï 19, Itvsi. CITY DRÜGSTOBE ï o C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor -OF THECity Drug Store Would Thank the Cltizens of Ann Ai lior, and Vicinity for their li'i- ■rul patronage the past year, and usk for icontimiunce of the sume. A complete stock of EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE, Toilet and Fancy Goods. Prescriptions carefully prepared. C. E. Holmes, Ann Albor, Micli . No. 12 Cook Hotel Block. Genuine Milwaukee Q O " O - ■ Lager Beer Depot. THE CREAT BURLIJSGTON ROUTE. t?!7Xo otber line runs Three Thrnugh Passenger Trnins Dily between Ghloago, !■ HoineSi Council Bluffs, Onmba, Lincoln, St. Josoph. Atchlson, Tnpekn nnd Kpnsns City. Direct oonDcctiODa for all pointe n Kansas, Nebriiskn, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Nevad, New Mexico, Arizona, lrtaho, Oregron and California. The ïihortest, Spcodirat and Most Comforta'.;. Route via Hannlbsi to Kort Bcott, Denison, Dallas, Ilouston, Au:-tin. San Antonio, Galveston and all points in Texas. Tbc unequaU'd induoenionts offored by thig Line to Travelera and Tourists, are as follows: The oelebrated l'ullman ilB-wlioel) Palaco Bleeplng ('ars. run only on thls Line, C, H. Sc Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cara, with Horton's Rccliniiifr Chalrs. No extra charge for Soats in Recllnlng Chairs. The famous C, B. & Q. Palace DlnlmrCars, Gorgeous Smoking Can fltted with Elegant High-Backed Kattan Kovolvins- (liairs lor the exclusivo use of (rstClasfl passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, combined with their Great Throiijfh Car Arrangement, makes thip, above all other?. the favorito Route to the South, South-West, and the Fur West. Try it, and yoi will find traveliug a luxury instead of a discomfort. Thrmiirh Tickets via this Celobrnted Line for sale at all oflices in the United States and Canada. All Information about Eates of Faro, Sleeping Car Accommodations, Timo Tables, &c, will be cheerfully j?iven, and will send iVe to any addresa an elegant Cmmtu Map of United States, in oolors, by applying to. JAMES R. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. Chicago. T. J. TOTTER, General Manager, Chicago Chicago & ÏTorth-Wöstern EAILWAY Is the OLDESTI BEST COSSTRUCTEDI 1 EQUIPPBD 1 and henee the LEADI2TG RAILWA7, - - OP TH F, - ■ WEST AND NORTHWEST! ftls the short and best routo bctween Cliiiago ana all points in Uartheri Ulinols, ïowa, Diioi, Wyoain, !Tcira3j, Cali'■rcia, Ororon, Athosa, Utiii, Cilcrado, Hiho, MoLï, COvScïL SLÜFPS, OMAHA DENVER, LEADVTLLE, 3alt Lake, San Francisco, DKAIlWOOD, SIOVX CITY, .'cdsr ï:p!il, Zot tioincs, CotasSuj, ad all Points ia tho retrltmlH. ::d iho W:üt. Also, for UilwauiSi, Oroen Ey, U'a'usi, Sfcefcoygan, liarouett, Toni du La. Wto:town, 'Ijijhion, Heenili, llssith;, 3t. Pin!, Kincciiílis, Eurca, 'slji, Fsigo, Blaaar:k, Wiciaa, LaCrcsso, Owitsnt. .. ül poinï: is ü:íb:jo:j, Camota, WIjmmís ató iho Hertt ren. AtCotincil Bluíft the trainsoftho Chicnsoí; (Jorth-WeBtern und the U. F. U'vsdepart from, w:ive at and uso the same joint ('nion Depot. At Chicago, cl( 'se coime ïtions are made with Ww I 'ike Shore, Mlchlsao COíitrnl, Baltiinore tfc( ih i 1 1. Wayne aml Pennsylyanla, and Chicago iiranil Tnink R'ys.and tho Kaukukeo and" l'au Liandle líoutes. ( '■::■'■ i'.iiMK'i'tions made at Junction Points. Ii i is the on ly Une riinnig Pullman Hotel Dining BET i: in CHICAGO AND COUNtOL BLUFFS. , Pn.I.MANSl.KKI -ERON Al. I. N;; IIT T I: AINS. I Insist iipon Ticket Agenta pelllns yon Ticket1 í .'a this ron.!. Kxaiiiinc your tii!:cts, und reíus. i Imy if they do not tead vurdie Chicago S; ílonh-WeBteatD Raflwar. IfyonwlahtheB t travelingAcoommodationí 1 (■uwlll liuyyour tikctü br this route, and wlll i (' llOILC.ldlCl. ; AU Ticket Aiícnts solí Tickets hy thls Llne. SiA.tvix ni ; ín ir, . 2nl V. I1. & ü:a' üiog'f, Chios3. DVERTISE IN THE DEMOORAT. i PHILIP WINECAR l 08TICE OFTHE PEACE, room No. 4, Opera tj House líloek. Aun Ajbor, Michigan. A RARE CHANCE. A gpod Uttle hoqfte and FODB ACRES OF LAND on the Ann Árbor and Saline gravel road tbrec iiuN-s froni Aun Arbor, Por Bale ;it h bargain. The honse te nearrr new, and Hiere ü .- sood well aml a ouii orchard on the premiges, also a sniall bani. Inqulre mi the premiges. JAS. CABE. Sam. B. Revenaugh, ís now takhij.' tlir Bsst Class oí PMoiraplis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Ground Floor Gallery. coodrich:block, East Side of the NEW COUBT IIOÜSE. "HENRYTÁTTHEWS, Hasjthp pleasure to informUif pnbii tliat he is ready to receire them in hiuuevv orick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOK EAST OF LEOXARD HOÜSE. Evcrything in his line will be flrst-class, and At Reasonabíe Ratos. He returns nis sincero thnnks to all his olil rustomen fr tlu'ir geuerous patronage, and cordi ally invites tliem, aml all new customera to his □ew quartera, where he hopea by fnir dealing to vinlarge his airead y growing business THE CTTYJSTORE Tu connectios with the oíd Pioneer Bakery you will find F.esh Baked Bread, and Baked Stuffs Constantly on hand. We also keep a full a-; BOrtmenl of famUy'groceríeti. wemake Teas, üoffoea and BpiC6fl a sper-iality i n the tradf. uok out for THE TEA-KETTLE SIGN! At No. 88NorthMalnSt. TliankCul rorpagl patronage we would still BOlictt your favors, Reepectfully Yours, A. R. HALL. ' M. I). L. BRA.Nl II "DOOON THB OLD HAT." A. A. TEREY, HAT8 ANN ARBOB, MICH. EBERBACH&SON, Dealen in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AKD English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attentlon to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own Importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At liwt prtoes. Are cordially invited to examine ur stock as tO quality and ptioea EBERBACH &SON. lni Now on salo;i'i.i .itirini: tln' st-n-on, lü II flrst-clMti Excubsiom Tickets, from II Ml F lwJr'1''1111-'"1"'1 ; M.iin's. io DENllVffjl IbCdlf VER COLORADO SPRINQS, .inri lu 1 'l H PUEBLO, AND RETURN, by six IHil! ■ ni 'C) DIKFKRKNT ROl'TKS, Jlt WOlllerIflPI P ■ I fuily Jow rnts. lic-kct wn, i, IUumm "ll prooíl eruiíifr west wíthin f! f toon ■ 1"' IP"'!! 1 1 II lays fioni date of hiiif, ini to retum II i II Ijl iintil Octoor 31st rollowülff. l f Cjj IkfcHl í'u!!nin.n Palaoc Cara aro rnn lv ldl ■W """ ('"mPHnv from CIEICAOO t-. IBK ■ I COITNCIL BLUFFS, TOPEKAam; Ifl l KANSAS CITY, witli Iflhfl lf butonr i'haTicwof cara tDENVEK F_1 I tll aiui PUEBLO. DÜÜOg ('ars uiv I B II L Jl ifc'hecl to uil titrinurli tntins, in whicli k rHI iiicrIh can m bf;iiiuci at the Lwl ■ I UOlO JUirtt of RCvmty -livi' OQHt. I For ratos, furthor infonnation, HHB r ll and oicant Map of Uniteii f-ll I H II statu Creo, addreuR, p9 j MSB Chicago, III. hS WXARD'S PATENT NEW 1880 SERIES Malleable Iron and Wood Beam Ohilled PLOWS are oíTcred to the Farmera of tlie country fot tlic coming suíisoa with many valuable utiprovemests, THE "WIARD is the etrongeet aud most durable l'iow i a tbc murket. TKE "WIARD Utbebeet for general purjioHe woik( ín botli íjod and Htubblc. THE WIARD lias the simplest and most complete adjuduueut for ueing two or three honoa abreatt T23S "WIARB Ia the best Ptow extant for hard ri;y ;i:.d stooy ground. ■J.1IJE WIARD rivale 11 othflr chilled Plows ".;r cleaulng in loóse and udlicsire soüd. THE WIARD cauuot bu escelied for Lightüese of DrafL Our Malleable Iron Beam i thconlypractlcol adjusuible ineüil Beam made; is guftranteod BgaUut bending or breaklng: Íh perfectly adjoBt&ble for 2 or 3 borsesj ovet O,üüO iii iwe, and not ozlq iu a ihoustind fuiled. Our Jointers, Wheels and Handles are all adjtiotablc. O r TToldboarcls excel all othern for UneneSB und unifonnúy, Our Plows aro warranted to any reaaonáble extenc. If yon are going to b':y a now lLowf bo eure to jive the Wiaki a iriol. I liavc also t)v (Jalb Plow, manufactured I " ihe Cíale Manufacturáis Oo., Alblon, Micli. Also th1 Xkw Dodoe Plow, manufactttrcd bj heDodgöPlowCo., Kalamazoo, Bllch., witta ail he Latest improvemonts Now la a good time %o eooourase the boya jual 'Oinniencingto plow, by btiyingfthe bdfil Row n lie market. Üon't inuke tlitMii disnsted with 'arniiiiK br compelilog them t u thelr work vith inferior tools. The Urne Bpent Id fooUñg A'iih oíd styled t( ota produces no income, and Uacourage ti yonng men who use tliem. ri. Ittte Porethouffhi exercteed in the purahase to l good Tool of any kind is wortn more than a rn-at dealof afterthought overa bad bargatn, Cali and t'xiiniim my stock, it will oost you íotbinir, A ten per oeni dlscounl ill be fpven 'or cash down. All toóte work mach botter when ully paúl for. Yuurs Very Hespeotfully for Past Favors, Vnn Arbor, Mi.-h. M. llOtJKRS. LEONARD HOUSE, TF. LEONARD, Proprietor, . Ann Arbór, Mich. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IH WATCHES, CLOCBS, Speetacles l'lutfil Ware. Uold IVns and Fine Jewelry. Bpeclal attentlon given to repairIng Watonea and Jewelry. 34 South Main Street. Ann Arbor. FOR SALE OR RENTI hr well knou'ii property of the late T. A. Haviland local 1 in the I-'ifth Ward. will be aold mi reasonnlile terms. rented, or axohftnged tor otheroity property. The property embraces land, Wiieksmiili shops and woodshops. If not sold in a reasonable time the property will be for rent. For particular Inquire of G. H Rhodeg, executor. Ann Arbor. Miuh. I HAVE OPENED A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE Al tliesoulh-east co-ner of Ann and Fourth stn-.ts. and will sell at WHOLESALE I SETAIL ! Anything In my Unp. (JOODS PKO1TPTLY DBLIVBRED To any part of the city. .1 . ÜOSS, PBOFBIETOB, Ann Arbor, Michigan. , (tGfia week nyourown town. Term andtd vPÖOmitlltsfree. A.ldri'ss, 11. Uai.i.ktt & Co. 'ortlaml, Maiiir. ( t -jn A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made vPZ('stlV"ill(ilsfree. Addi-i-ss. Tki-k ft Oo. UKnsla, Malnfl I MUSIC STORE. -The cheapest place to buv Pianos, Estey Organs, Violing. Guitars. Banjos, Tambourines, Drums, Fifes. Flaeeolets, Zitlieis. Aooordeans, Piano Stools, Violin Boxes, Instnu-tkm Booka fr all kinds of instruments. Sheet Muslo (new), quality, all kinds; Mouth Organs. Bridge, Bows, Keva and Rosln. Bverything in themuslc line from a Chickering Piano co a Jew's Har] can be found at J. R. SAQE'8 Dlusla Store, No. I Washington St., Ann Axbor. OSCAR O. SORG, IKTSE, SIGN, AM) Fresco PÉtii, .l l'Al'Klt UANGINO. SHOP NO. II EAST LIBERTY ST., ANN AllBOR, MICHIGAN. NATÜKK'S ïiviU.MPH. F:-;z:2r'3 Roat Bitters. h vounrr w :ik or lïtngnid, u-e ï'Vazier's Bitters. If yc.ur Besli i flbbv and your complexión allow, us ■ Frazier1 Bitten. If v(,n live in a malaria! district, nss Kr:i.!er's Bitters, If woni down witli the care of ohildren, om Fhirier1 Bitter, If yon liave the blues, ose Frarier'í IUkits. If yon liave krj.i late houn and livid eontnij to the laws of hralih, use Fraiier'fl liiitcrs. If yon need tooiog np, take Krazier's Hitter. If you have abused instead of used n.iture's liftg, use Fraziir's Iiitters. If you feel old before your time, use Krazier's Bitters. If life has breóme barden and you have ïloomy fortbodings, use Frazier's Bitters. If vour hands tremole und your eyes have frown dirii. Praziei'a Root Bitters will make (■ou feel young again. Sold by all druggists ïvprvwhêre at the low price $1.00 per bottle. JAS. E. DAVIS & CO., Wholesale Druffisto, Detroit, Mich., AgenU.


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