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Horse Brgeiy totil The Colcbrated Young Trottiog Stal 1 ion MEMBRINO GOLD DUST, Who was awarded firt money al the Stal lion Race on the fairgrounds last fait, will MAKE THE SEASON At P. Irvviu's feetl and livery bain opposite tlie court house, on Fourth St. Membrioo's i;ct is die finest stock in the couu try. P. IRWIN, Ann Arbor, Midi. MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOTOD. The Positivo Cure For all Female Complaints. Thla preparatlon, as ita name significa, consista ot Vegetable Propcrtlcs that are harniles to the inost delicate lnvalid. t'pon ouo trial tbc moriu of thls Com pound will be recognlzed, aa relief la immedlate ; and when lts usels contlnued, in nlnety-nlno cases in a hun. drcd, apermanontcureiseffcctedasthousandR wlU tetify. On aocount of lts proven mertts, it is to-day rocommended and prescribed hy the best pbysloions in the country, It will oure entirely the worst form of falling of tho uterus, LcucorrhGL'a, irregular and palnful MenatruAtion,aU Ovarían Troublea, Inflammation and UlceratioD, Floodingu, allDlsplacementa and the conBoqnentspinalwüakness,andiB especlally adapted to tho Chango of Ufe. jt will dissolve and expel tumors from the nteruain an early stage of devclopment. The tendency to cancerous humora thoro la cbeckod very peedily by lts um. In i .".-t It haa provrd to bc the ffreateet and best rcmedy that haa ever been discovered. It pcrmeates every portion of the flystem, and glvca new lifeand vigor. It removes falntneM,flatuloncy, destroys all era ving for atinuilants, and relieves we&knesa of the Btomach It cures Bloating, Tlcadarhes, JTervous Prostratlon, General Dobllity, Slec'plesenesa, DeprcBêion and Indigestión. Thatfecling of bearingdown, causing pain, welght and backache, ie always pennanently cured by ltauae. It will at all times, andunderall circuraetancs, act in harniony with the law that govurntj the female syatem. ForKidneyComplalntsof eithcr bcx thia corapound la uniurpassed, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound It prep&red at 233 and 235 Western AveDue, Lynn. Mam. ITico$1.00. SU bottles f or fS.OO. Sent ly niuiliu the forni of pil]s,al9oln tho form of Lozvukcs, on receipl ofprice, fl.w, per boi, for eitbcr. Mr. PINKHAH froolyanxwers all letters of inqulry. gend for puu phlct. Addreas o a)Kvc Mention this paper. No famlly tihould bu without LYDIA E. PINKIIAM' L1VKKI'1LI.S. They rare Constlpatlon, tlUiousacsa ml Torplu : ty of the Livor. 25 cents Der hoi. Sold by C. E. Holmes Cook hotel bit ck iADY'S OKEAT CATA.RRH REMEDY FOR SAIig HV C'. K. HOLMES, DRUGGI8T, COOK [OTEIi BLOCK, ANN ARBOR MICH MMIB


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