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From Lansing

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Lansixu, June. 3, 1881. While the legislature ha passed some important measures during the pust week, much of the work lms been to the general public of a very unimportant nature - a sort of closing up business and getting ready for the last day of school, which ivill come before our next. At least thejlast day for doing business otlier than closing up wil liave passed. As indicated last week, the ONTON.ViON , MULÉ 1ÍIVER railroad bilí píissed the senate Ín coramittee of the whole on Thursday lust, aller i li:ilf day oí earnest discussion, and was placed on the order of third reading. When tliat order was reached next day so many of tke senators were absent that its friends did not dare to allow it to come to a vote so laid it on the table. There it rested until this afternoon wlien it was taken np and paaaed by a vote of 2' yoas to 8 nays. This disposes of one of the most important matters before the present legifilature, the lands in question being vrorth, so report says, several millions of dollars. The triends of the bill are consequently very jubilant and are to hold a public reception at the Lansing house this evening. KEAPPOUTIONMEXT AGAIN. The substitute adopted by the House to the tëenate bill "to apportton anew the representatives among the sevenil counties and district of this state," h;tó passod tliat body, but when it reached the Sánate tliat body refused to eoncur in its passage and asked for r committee of conference. ïhis will U' K'anted by tlie House but it is not certain wliether the differences (whlch seem to be too slight to quarrel over for a great wliile) will be smiicablr settled in time to secure the reapportionment now or throw it over nnlil another session. The bill spoken of some weeks ago appropriating $25,000 for erecting a building fr a TItAINIMi SCHOOL. at the Normal School, has been put through both houses during the week jnst passed, and will be a great help to the school and go alongway toward helping the new principal, Dr. M. Mc Vicor, to make, as he proposes, the best normal school in the whole country. The long bilí for i general revisión of the DRAINAGE LAAVS has linally passed both houses, and will become a law at an carly day. The bill is too lengthy for even a synopsis. THE THIKI) ASYH'M. The liill appropriating $400,000 for locating acd erecting an additionalasylum for the insane, wliich passed the senate some days ago, passed the house on the lst inst, by a vote of yeíis 71, nays 2, only representativo Willett and Walcott voting agaiiist it. Senator Tooker, who introduced the bill, is eni titled to mueh credit for the manner in wiiieh he cngineered it througli, nul now tlie work will be begun at once, bul is it not to be completed uniler aboul four years. It will be very lully netled bef ore it can beready for occupamy. TAX C'OMMISSION. Tho tax commissioner, nominated by the Governor last week. was on the 2nd Instant conflrmed, and corsists of II. II. Eatcb, of IJay; John Moore, Of Sagina v; Charles A. Kent, of Wayne; E. O. (rovenor, of Ilillwlale and Win. ('liainbeiiain, of Barrica. Sonie oppasttion was developed to tlie comtnission, more especially on account of the fact that the Saginaw valley is given two members, and the upper peniosula none. Mr. Moor is a deniocrat, while all tlie others are re)ulilicans. THE I.KJl'OK COMMI.SSIOX BILL. "providing lor a commission to ascertain the relations of the tralüc in alclioholic drinks to the general welfare of the State," met itsdeatb in the House on the 2nd, by a vote of yeas 'Í5, nays 20. Another vote WM taken in the House on the bill to purch.'ise tlie CIIANDLKK l'OltTK.UT, on the 2tid, and it was again defeted by the decisive vote of veas 37, nays 40. ODÜS AND KNDS. Sojourner Trutb, the oldest womaii, perhaps, in the State, spokeiiiherraniest, rainbliiig, intereütujg way, at Bepresentative Hall last evening, toa good audience of legislators and citiens of the city. The (overnor lias approvcd the liill for the publicación oí :íO,OtH) coquee inore of üobcrtson's "Michigan in th", war," and the vvork of republicution will no doubt be coinmenced at once. Both Houses liave passed a bill crcating another (the 28th) judicial circuit. As long as tlie salaries are kcpt to $1,500, the tendency will be to increase the number of circuits. Senator Kdsell's liill "to suppress the so-called Jiabit pf trt-ating and consequent vice of iutemperance" was slaughtëred ín tlie house on the .'31st of May, ye;is 30, naya 27. Petitions regarding the compilatlon of the laws are pounng in almost every day from attorneys and otlicr prominent ciüciis froin all quarters of the state. Many of thein ask for the passage eittaer of the Ilowell bill over the veto or for the passage of the bill proposing to buy the Howell on a ]ilan sucli as .ludge (reen's work oji township was puicbaeed. The union-depot bill passet! the senate on the lst instant, by a vote of 28 yeas, nays none.


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