Programme Of Commencement Week
svn iiD.w, JWSB 2;. '.) ;i. m. - Examination of candidatos tor admission. SUKDAY, JÜNE 2G. 4 p. na. - Baccalaureate oddreM tíjf Rev. Prof. Cocker. MONDA Y, .IINK 27. !) a. m. - Examinaüon of caiadidates for uhnissiou. Tl KSDAY, JUNK 96, C'hiss Diiy- 10 ii. m. - Oración by C. A. Towne, of Quincy; and Poem by I. K. Crossctlc, ol Tinto Kivers. 2 p. m. - History by A. II. EVazer, ol' De troit, and PropUecy by -Miss Xellio A. Btanley, of Ann Aibor; Président 's address. !? p. in. - Senior licccption. 1U a. m. - Muutin;; of tho Board of Keguuts. WEDNESDAY, JUNE -'A). Alumni Dny - Special, reunions of tlie Classes '1 '61, "i, '78 and otliers. '2 ). in. - Business meeting of the Alumni of tlie Lfteiary departmeut. ■1 l. m. - Alumni Onn ion by llon. B. M. ('uu-licon, M. A". , óf 'Mamistee', class of 'ül. 2 p. m.- liusiiicss meeting of the Alumni of tlit; (lepLirtmcnt of Medicine and Sui! v. in Uk' lower lectui'e room of the medical college. 2 p. m. - Business meeting of Ihe Alumni of the School of Pharmacy in l lx; lectuïe room of the Chemical hih.natory. 5 p. m. - Ileception in Uoiversity Hall bj' i ihe LnivL-rsity señale. Field da}' - Athletic exercisesj norning and af teinoon on the fair grounds. ■Ï'IH.I'.SUAY, JUNK lid - TlUHTY-StVKNTII A.N.N L AL ( ■o.MMJSXCEMIiNT. 9 a. m. - The proceseioo will form in front of tin: Law building. 10 a. in. - C'oniinenceiuentexercises. Oonferriug of degrees, followed by the ad dre88 lo the ffraduates by Rev. J. P; Newmun. D. D., of New York city. 1 : 80 p. m. - Coiniueiicement dinner for the Alumni and gttBStS of the Uüiversity. p. in. - President's Heception, at the residoacc of Aeliug-President Frieze,
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat