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CITY ITEMS. Don't fail tb attend the great hosiery sale ut Joc T. Jacob' mainmoth clfaliin'g house, conrmpneing Sftlurday, June 18, and continuinK for oue week. Notliinj; of the kind was over srcn m Aun Albor bcfore. The finest display of half hu.-c ever made in the city. Fok Sale. - A good farm horse for sale cheap. Inquue of J. Ferdon, (is State strect, Ann Arbor. Mis. L. N. Fitph has moved over F. S. Buck's tobáceo store, where she is prepnred to wnit apon lier customers. Anytliiii!; in the line of Switches, l'iitfs, S.iV atoga waves, Cuvls, etc. , ftleb a nice as sortment of Jet ornainents for the huir. CM lie found at her hair ejuporiiun. Comluogi made up in the laLest styles, All orders prompt ly attended to. tratoga Wüvesa spéclalty. Wool twine will be so!d for the next 15 days for 81-2 cents at J. F. Schuh's bardWare store, '31 Sou'.h Main streel, Ann Airbon The Lake house at Whitmore Lake is open for the reception of guests. The hotel has been nicely fitted up. and is fitst class in every particïilar Portons intending to visit the Lake for a week or lonSCT, will be met at the depot in Smith Lyon, Ann Arbor or Brighton. All cotamunications addressed lo Win. Gnihain will be promptly attended to. Important to tra velere: Special Induceme'its are off er e d you by the Burlington lioute. It will ]ay yon to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue Don't faü to iittend the great hosiery sale al Joe T. Jacobs' mammutli o 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 u liimsc, coinnoeucing Baturday, June 18 and continuiug lor one week. Nothing of the kiml was ever seen in Ann Arlio liefore. The. flnest display of half hos ever made in Ule city. 1 scll :i)))e trees, 0 to 7 foei bigb, (nic treos), for 15 cents eacb; Ic.-s iiy the bun tlrcd. Concord grape. rinea one and two yewe pkh Erom $'■' to $5 par lüü. Jaool GanzhoiD. TIn; (.roldt'p Star Gasolino flove is th bestatiti lias all the laie Ifnprovfciheitts Bold only .-it .1. F. Schub'e bardwaiestore sigu.big ]ad lock. Go TO TOE Ann A.HBOR m lisiiiiY fo apple iivrs, grape vines, and Uv even tuing clse lor tiie garden nn.l oréhard Pnces Che lciwfst in tlic city. Jacó Ciiiihorn. propricioi, at the. lie;id o Sriiur Si.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat