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Tht) (■■mijmms ir Baj Cilj hawíttuckforhÍKher wagtH. Tbesttün contrac! for publlslilog miprerae finiii ivputs ba been awaided t ('.i.laf;hau A. Clark oí Chicago. Manco of easfa In üm state treaso May 31, was $1,513,658 88; recelpta for four 'hija emlintr Jumt i w-ore 925,860 01; paytiients for hmh time $11,063 oT: teavtog a balance .June 4,, of $1,527,352 77, of whtch 5i.(H00 belong tci Uu' sniking fund. $207,453 ïth are held u th trust fmiii8,aii(l 8729,898 89 are available for general purpoeM, A cow iwiitl tw Jacob Zka of Coldwater rtieil rast week, auq a tlamiujj needie was bood in it-s heart. It looksd just lite Hik uoedle uwalloweJ hyagir) in New Jersey, 53 yeara ago. A fire at Decatur, Wtiduowiay, broke out in the builiiiuf: owned liy Mro. Poote, occupifii as adwflliuifanil tailorsbop;i)ut thflami extiüfiuisiiüd nnu'li damage was done. The trustees of Hllladale coll(s liave appropriated the ijsl5,0UO donatiou made to the col lege by the heire of the Hou. Htfiiry Waldron for a Latin chair, to h caJled the Waldrouprofessorship. The Oak (ïrove house at Hay City wasopeued and duriiif: the eveuing a general fight took place in Uu bar room,aud a youug mau iiamed Fitzwilliauis was shot ia the leg. His wouud ia not dangerons. Lnst Thursilay, John King was drowned near Mauistiitie, Schooieraft county. MuBkegon bas been improving her water supply- au iinproveniont which was uiuch needed. East Saginaw bus passod an onlinance probiliiting vilocipedi-s niuniug ou il sidewalks. Freniont, Newaygo county, bas five SBW mi.'ls, a taunery, stavo luill, haudle factory, sbingleniill-', anda llouring mili. It wants a foundry. Andrew Btackowlch, a Swede, leaped froin a construction train at (irass Lake, Tuesday,and a dump car Upped apon hini, fracturiuf; bis lower jaw and üoing ether iiijuiic. Six trampa were captured in the care at Jacksou. Nashville, Uarry coHuly, expecte to havo an iron bridge. At FltChlmrg, Ken Faxon's liIacksmiUi shop was lmrned. I,osb $800; no insurance. Frank Suiith aged 28, brakeman, was killed by the cars near White Cloud. Boih lega wen crushed by the wheels. Benjamin Iake,at Mt. 1'leasant, feil froiu a wagon loadnl witli slabc, and a wbeel rau over and broke bis neck. Bf the carrjing r.wny ot a bridge and dam at Northi'ort RobertËee lost several thousand dulUra' wortb of logs and lutnber, besides líia loss of the dam. John C. Smith, aged 70, el Al.amo, was thrown trom a buggy iipou a stamp, breaklng two ribs loo: frow hin backbone and lDjorlng hun internally. A linee montli8' okl bahe nained l'airell, in East Baglnaw, whlloasleep i iu craéle, rolled over face ilownward and suiotheied to death before it was uoticed. Sagiuaw Hfi'.ild: There is a boom iu salt, the MsociaUon baTlng put up prices 15 cis, mU) the followlng figurea; fine and to H5ceut pet barrel, solar tl 25. agricultural $4 per ton. A tnunp iriving his name as fiefiD, calle! at the house of Mr. K. Joslyn, in Sebtmai and fiudiu; only Uvo little glrlf, Uw oldeat aged 11, at borne, attempted a crime, when the aeréame or tlie chlldreu tnought help, and lio was run ddvvn, Cdi'tured and lodged in j:ii!. A lwo year oíd girl named Chevalirr fell hito a il iwar I'ecaliir, snd wws reecued froin drowülDC liy :i six montlib' oíd water with wliich fltie was playüitr. Th Boppy liad a hard strucc'1' " Pu' so beavy a vwJií out of the WDter, as his track showed, bttt '!l t. and tben Uavkeií and bowled lili aseiütanee caiuu to the inseiiBiblo child. On recoverius, the eliild told her ptory ot falüüir in, and saiii tho di(f Jdmped after her, aad cnoglit. her dress and pulled her to Um liank, lint heCdBM&'tget lier clear ou', beforo lio choked. The exavniuatiou of witiifsstH in the case "f Jtidge ('rofoot of l'ontiac, still contiiiui-s. Aitnut tío witnoauaa wlU be examlaed in all. .So far everrtblos points clearly to the sanity of Un' judge. Huí hihanity iurks almut lus borne. It haa been but little over a year eincp thc judge liad míe of his daugbten confinad in un insaue iiíjluin for a perlod of several inontliB. Th vxamination of McDonald for montar at Ludincton has been in progrese and wil] lie coutiuued at ManistM, whlther Justico Sutlierland will transport liis ooart for (lus convenienc! ot witnt'sses. Mclkmald will K"' ler bevond doubt. The third a:nuial reunión of ('o. A, fiftti Michigan Mvahrytonk place In Hetroit at the recüdenceot Mij. Pliilip MoUieraül, A nitmnrial address was delfverej by Mrs. Kliza Legeit. The oU couirades talked, l.uihed aud crled. OaSooday, .) iiiib 5, Fr.l Woodard, livimr three miles froiu Uaolstique, baring decoyed bia 1 1 year old step-daughter, Amanda S. Palmer, inU) ttiu w.ioiie, tit-d lier witli a rope, aud oouimitttKl n outrH)je u[u lier. Ho Hubsequently relnasod the ,'iii and told lier if she said ono word to her iiiother ftlxtUt wbat had happenud lie would kül hor. Amanda went to the nouse or a eister La Jameetown, and there her mother, who had missed her from Imtne, fouud her aurt learued of the crime whieh had been perpetratd. On Monday the brute was arroeted, and after a full and fair examinatiini, was held for trial at the circuit court. ïhe girl is an uncultured child, ignorant of t'ae ways of the world, neïer had the advantage of school only for one term, aud it was with diffioulty that the real facts of the case could be obtained. owiuc to her lack of intellisrence to understaml tho ([uestions put to her by the attoruey. The responden taskcd a few iuestious Imt lid cot deny the maiu allegations made by the cliüd. When the ail'air became knowu in the village, and as soon as it was evident that he man was (jwilty, tliere was somo coiil hut determinad talk of using the lynch law; but better counsel prevailed and lui was allowwl to reinaiu in the hauds of the oflicers. The banu touroament tins closet! at LanRing and awarded the following prizes: Víratelas - Eaton Rápido, first pitee; $150 casli and f 10 worth of music. Second class - AJbioD Srst prize, $K0. Owosso, second prize, f, SU cornet. Secretary of State Jenney has iesued the following: Crop and stock reports received at this offiw frnni S)O.S townships show that there were 1,860,024 sheep shesred la ifflO, yieMintr 10489,881 pounds of wool. This is an average of 6.45 pounds per liead. The reporta also hhow that ilie number ot heepla the satnu townships in 1SS1 was 1,97998, which in ii.ll percent umrethan ihenuniiiershearedin 1880. If tliere bas been a correspondiug iDOreaae in the rmainiiiji 167 townshlpe, there wiil be 2,013,f08 sheep Bheiired in the state tho present year, and the Utal clip at thu above average per liead will be 10,074,103 pounds. Kdward Karhart pleaded guilty, at l'outiac, toliurDiugawheatstackandthiashiuguiachine in the towofcliip if Orion, (ak land Coand was Bentenced to one year'o iinprisonuient at lorna. The entire business portion of the city of Ludington was deatroyed by fire Saturday night. The fir originated in Pelkey's hakery on Loomis street, and advaaced in a norlheast direction carryiDg everything before it. The lariiest loases ara II. F. Alexander, drugsrit, ntir stock a total loss. The telegiaph office. The Postoffloe. Slierinan Brothers, booksellers aud statiouers. O. M. Stout, fnrnlture, S. A. Clltey, inliliner. C. C. Ward, grocer. Frolick & Hammond, jraln dealera, r. K. Lat i uier Orupruint. .1. W. Andrews Sr. Co., booksellers N. Rousbiu, l.utcher. Williams t Wlieeler hardwaiv. The express (illic. W. Keiswait ex. (iubhardt &. Co. J. 8. FairhankB, erocer Helemiuis!, umlertakor. A;l are total lossee except a portion of the goode, in some oasen wbich were carrieil out and savej. The oftict of the LadioetoD Beootd, In the Claytoo bncl block, is a total Iosh. (lúe entiresqaáreti jone except t in bauk lui!diu;, wlncli slood isoluted on (me siile of tiiH lilock. Tlm resldence of l'rof. Poster, tlm .Methodist parsonage and sct eral other dwellins liousea weretotallydestroy il. linsiiiis th almvo are numerou9 othe Bniall wornieii buildings ntirely destrpyed The GongregaUonal aud Epincopal churclieB tampexaace uall and furniture ar all destroy ed. Th city hal Liil a sniall and ixmrly quipped fire deparlinent, whii'li iliri all tha WiH poHsiblt', hut liiinditMlH of men shnpl; stood round ind aw Uieli property Imni. a were willinii lo work, luit had uotliiiii;tn wor witli. Boraraacao v tearned onlj one lif has lieeii losl. A lady, name uukuowr, wa hurned to di-atli iu a sinall wpoden buildlni She and a inau bmd on the roof of tli jHircli, and were tolt] to jump off, luit lint tornea and went hack iuto the buildini; Tli man the n caine out, liut the woman has n beeu been sinco and do doatit perisbed. Th loss is fBliuiated at 2tU,000. Articleí o( associaüou of tl Detroit unió depot couipany have been fiUl iu the ollice o the secretary of sUite at Lunniug. l'rankJ. Moort, the ('assopolis rnuiic tt:ir! er, chariifd witli BeducinK ouh of bil pupil bas heen convicted. Fred T. Lee, son of Cha rlt Lee a wc knowu mili owner at Kust Saglnaw, was ra over hy a train m the ltay City división of tl Central and faUJ)y injured. The strikers and the owners of coal mines a Jacksou can not come to an Agreement, aiu theresult wlll bahmooal mlned, less inone, earned, aud leen husinegs. The Kmersou coinpany are Biaklng sovci. new co il shaftn in lilack:uoie, ucar Jackron. The Michlgun Eaeogerfebt is to lm held a (irand Itupius, August 22 to 27 inclusive. Amóos Uw eminent artista will be Franz Rorníii-Mi., New York. baritoue; Clias í'ritecb, New Vork, utiior; Louis P. lióos, Jackson, Micli., cornetist, and MIbb Kniína lleckic, of Cincln uali, soprano, 'the aangetTéat building wíll lio 100x160, wlth seating eapaeily af 8,000. lirncy & Clark'e planin; mili at White Clond, was rtiMtroyed by Ore. Imís, f 1,000, uo iusuranee. Tb HfCif talies of the liorse KS6CCation8 of sevi'ial neljtiborlBg citieiinet at iMksoo and tormedUM Central Michigau Irottlag c rouit lt was deculixl to K'vt) meetings it Eaton Rapiils liuriuK the last week i .luly, :U Charlotte tlie fiwt week lu Auniiat, at MantUall thesecond week in Augu9t, aud at Ooldwaler the tblrd week in Auust. About $10,000 will lie Iiuuk ' u) as premiums ntli9 circuit. The secretarles oí the circuit are A. Osboru, Eaton Kapiils; ] V Stuiler. ( liarlotte; N. J. Flink, Marshall, iml S. li. Kitchel, Coidwoter, D. W. Shuler, oí CUarloUe, líoorwoodliig nncrrtity. Tlie ollicws of the Wabash railroatl oflicially annoimco that tlie Detroit and Butler rallroad will tumi part of thcir niain Une. Th buik of the business will now he brought direct to Detroit, and tliere I divided amoug tlie Uiree Canalla lüies. Tlie (real Western, however, will u't the lion's share, as witli Ihis roíd the Wabash has a close woning urangement. Bay City dairaa 22,624 population accordiDg to its new dlrectiry. Ttiere are 70 hands einployd io the Kalamnzoo knittery. Henry S. Bartlett, conductor of the rand Kapids and Iudiana, was cruslied to deatli botweeu twosectionsof afreight traiu nearRodford. He leavt a wife and famlty. The ex prisoners of war reuniou to be beid at Detroit Juno 22, promises to be an intertwting event. A number of prominent men are expected. The U. S. Soldiere at the fort and the marines on the steamer Michigan will take part. Mrs. Klizabeth MansEeld, the elecutionlst of Toledo, will render "Sheridan's Itido" and other poema, üur Boys in Blue will be aUly repwsented, and 'Pbil' hiiusolf will ouce moru imagino he is on theroad from Winchester- twenty miles away. The A. O. U. V. supremelivlge at it3 session In Detroit selected CiuciOnaÜ as ita next place of meeting. The commtttee appolntad to mature a Bystein of rra :ed assessmeuls reported two plans, and they were taMedfor future consideraüon. Tti fiiuare aud couipass, wbicb have been used asoinblemsof the order sinee itjj orgauization, were ordered uot to bo used liereafter, aud iustead thfc anchor aud ehieid Were substituted. Au amendnient was made to the coustitution to provide better facilitifs for the organization of new lodges in eparsely settled districts. A team liitched toa vehicle loaded wilh lumber, amt beloqg unto L Beaeh.a farmer residiud at (rauil ülanr, ran away at Flint, throwii!ir Beadi under the wheels aud injuriujt biin it is supposed fatally. The Courier say the three leading inanufactories lu Wyandotte rombined, give employment to L6O0 men, whose wages amount to nearly $tü),()t0 per mouth. Mrs. Fred Collwetl, a young married lady, of Jacksiin, while alono with her babe, talnted and feil ou her faceou a pillow autl siuoihered t deatb. Rednoed fare on the Detroit, Lansing & Northern railroad toaud fn in Lanslng during the Grêe&back caiup meeting, beginaiun Juue 28. Smitli Bros. pjnnlng nii.l and sanh faclgry, atChboygan,mcladínf( boardlng house, nevera) smáll buildiug, aml oue million and a half feet of luinber, of whlch A. Bust, oí Bacinaw (lity, lo;8OTr 700.00U feet, waa deetroyed by !.!.'. The loss is estimate at $tiO,000. No iuBurance. iholuKik 'Michigan in the War," for the puMlcatlon of whicb the legislatura made an Rpprnprlatton, i to lw distributed to ex-sol(iiern and eold to othen upon conditions ïmiiied in the uill, tw follows: "Any pennq wbO served in any Michigan reeiiut-nt, Iwttt-ry or cempauy ilurinir tlie war, ■nd b?.8 bwii honoralily dlscbargeA or any pirsou who eiTTeil in aDyregimattt, battcry or compauy Trom any other stato, or in the regnlar .umy, or iu the navy, properlï aOOIdited lo ihe state ol Michigan, and h s been honorahly didCharged, or is still in the service, shalt be 'ïnuleil to rsceive oue copy of said work on presentinir to lbo librarían the certificatu or the adjutanl treneral that khcIi persou has so served, aud if the appliealiou for sucb oopy be not made in persou, by depOHiting with mhIi librarinn H2 cents to cover toe expense in sending sucli book. Any persou shall be petmiited ti puicliase naid book at a price not te exceed IU ut cení above coat, together with tbft cost r aeadiofi lliebookif notdelivered in persou.' The law relativo to salaries of judges of protrate fixes tbem as follows: Wayne county, $3,6(fc;io munllea uot less thau 70,0oU iuhabtants, $2,000; in cnantbw les than 70,000 anil and ever 40,000, $1.600; 1d counües loss thnii 40,000 and over :!0,Wn, Jil.auo: iu couuties Us tban 30,000 and over 20,000, $1,100; iu couuties less than 20,000 and over 15,(W0, t'.IUO; in coiiut'.es leea tban l.",00( nd over 10,0B0, 87S0; eountlesless thau 10,000 aml over 7,500, !$li00: in counties leuü thau T.öiK) and over 6,10, 9466; iu counties less thau 5,000 ti ceute for each iubahiiant. The Jackson Patriot gay: "We learn from headquarUre that tiierewill Ihj no rucainpinent of tlie lato troops this ummer, the mouey beinir ueeded for Ibe uniforimng ad equippiuKof thu uew compauies authorized ftt tlie recent Ht-ssion of the le(jllatur, and for furnishiug new uniforiusto take the place of ibose condemned iu companies uow iu ser vice. Tao Mariuette Mining Journal report sale3 of land in the upper penintula during May, as taken from tlie register's boaks, at 41.42b acres. Of this but 4,2tiO acres went to actual settlers. Nearly a year ago a prcat-grandso of liarles Foote, the centellarían, witli hisyoung vite, visited liis gieat-uncle iu Detroit, froui houi be receivcd a promise ( $10 iu gold ■imiiever he would place in the aruis of the entenariau a liuk of tlie fittli generatiou. A ew itays ago a dispatch carne saying "the oadltlon9aie fulfilkd, briní; on your ten dolar" And, lo! the fitth geueration lias wheuled nto liue. Hev. (.'. C. Foote, the secoud link in ie series, went to Memphis. where the five nks were formed into a circle of five geiuiraons. The senior sire has tbis day (June 4th) added to bis 100 earsjust lOüday It b wortliy if note that ihia great-great graudou has now living two granduiothero, two jrandfattiers, one great-drandinotlier, two reat-grandíátbers and oue grat-t;rat-ijiaadather. The term for wliich "The Detroit Uoion Deot and Station coinpanj" lias been iucorported is '.-'.i j ems, umi ttie capital stock is f:;, 000,00:), dmded into !J0,000 sharesof $100eacb. 'tie first board of directora iscouiposed of the ollowinsj gentlouieu: James F. Joy 2,UO liares, C. II. buhl 2,500, Allau Slieldon 2,600, ames McMillan I,s75, Johu S. New berry 1,875, {. A. Alger 1 250, M. S. Sinith 1,250, Geo. W. üalch 1,250. Appoiutments. - H. C. Kipley to succeed C. V. UoLiind a-s collector of interna! revenue for hu nixtb distriot of tuis sHte. Frederick Morcj of Detroit as cominiesioner of iinmlgration of MickigaD. Wool i seüinij al 81 to SS cents, soroe few 'ery nio Iot9 bringing 40 cenU. W. H. MasBey, a cominsreial tnweler for a New Vork rubtier house, claims to have been oblnul of $20,000 at tbe Detroit Central depot. ; wae mostly ia haftsaud notes. It isthought liat a Kansí who were on tbeir way from Tolelo to tlie Saj;iiiaw races were the thieves.


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Ann Arbor Democrat