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It Is Called The Cheever Will

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It looks as if Depew was the coming mn in Platt's place. a- - The republicana in Washington and Ihose connected with tlie star route frauds aru sweet scented fellows. As thieves they can discount the famous Tweed ring. __ __ The republicaDS are by the cars in "York stato," and although a ballot is taken every day, they got down to business Konday when Depew only lacked rtve vote to secure bis election. In the f nture parties having estates to settle in the probate court, can have their advertising doue at considerable less the regular ratesby obtaiuing our prices before ordering it sont to any paper. Au exchange says Bob Ingcrsoll has made twenly thousaud dallara out of bis lecture "Heil." That sum will notsave Mm frora that unhealthy location, however, unless he uiends bis ways. The tramp printer in order to bolster up bis sinking incubus of a sheet, is compelled to resort to little, mean and contení ptable tricks which are t disgraee to journalism, hoping tbereby to get his avaricious claws on a few dol lars to pay the expenses of pilnnng off on his few snbscribers the poorest excuse for a paper ever published in the state of Michigan. Dr. Van Gieson says the statement furnished The Demochat to the effect that he was present al the time alleged, or that he became involved in a dispute which iciininated inafisticencounterat Schanz's place in Frccdotn was not true. We cheerfully give publicity to the above, as we have no desire to injure the character f ah innocent person. The doctor is well known in this community, having been a resident of this county for years prior to his graduaüou from the medical department. 11 ■ 1 Tlie Toledo Journal says bribery falls Kat, of course, wUcd newspapers become so ntterly degraded as to defend t. All kinds of rascality appear to fall flut just uow. TJw Star Kou te investigaron feil Dat during the last campaign wheu the rascáis and their money were needed to carry the presidential electiou. It is now atlempled to strike down the ablest and purest public man In the republican par ty by a villainous jjaine of bribery, and when detccled and exposed in the game, the allies of the bribers say the exposure baa fallen flat. There may yet be sufflcieut seuse of right in the public mind to make bribes and debauchers of public virtue fall flat. May God speed the day. , -. - . - The Cleveland Plaiu Dealer, which iiolds up the banner of dcmocracy gallantly in the very heart of radical Ohio says: "Our Utica brother is right. Everything bodes a democratie succe9S this year. lf there is not a lepetition of the tidal wave of 1873 all signs are at fault. Then the country was aroused by a spontaaeous impulse to shake oft radicalism - with what effect is shown bj' the record of subsequent canvisseí, culminating in 187(i by the election of a democratie president. This year there are inany things calculated to excite popular disgust with the pyity in power. The republicans have heretofore excelled in the art of (juieting public clamor and making people believe there was more smoke than fire; fout if they can do it this year we shall conclude that the American people are blind past rederaption. The republican part}' has wiitten itself down a fraud in letters of fire, which cannot be obscured f rom the public eye." To this the Utica Obscrver replies, "Democratie New York Will be very glad to clasp hands with democratie Ohio next autumn. In fact it looks now as if we shall have to shake lüinds with pretty much the whole Union." Tbc repubücans would like to break the solid soutli, but uot the solid republi can negro vote in the south; yet there is danger of their losing a part of tuis vote, ovving to the negro's frequent disappointmcnts in his elïorls to secure sffice froin tlie party with whicu hu bas uniforinly acted siuce he was made an elector. The colored editor of a North Carolina paper counsols the negroes that the time has come for solfinterest to show them that independence in politics will best serve tbeir future, and that they will never get office so long as the republicana can lunip the negro vote as a doad-suro thing. The negroes find, notwithstandiag murmur iogs that have taken the shape of formal protests, that while they are doing all the voting for the repubücans in the southern states, the few white republicatisslep into all the oüices. In several states conventions of colored men have been held, and the powers that beliavebeen notified that loyalty aud bunger are not compatible. l'nli ,-ss the loaves and fishes are dealt lo southcrn uegroes with quite a genereus hand, there is unmistakablo indication that there will lie an extensiva bolt beforc . the next general election. It will be wel for both the negroos and the whole


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Ann Arbor Democrat