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LEONARD HOUSE, rp F. LEOSARD, Proprletor, 1_ . Ann Arbor. Hlch. I HAVE OPENED A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the south-east co'.iïer of Ann and Fourth streets, and will sell at WHOLESALE i RETAIL ! Anything in my line. GOODSPRÖMPTLY DELIVERED To any part of the city. J.RO8S, Propriêtor, Ann Arbor, - - - Michigan jl Now on aale and il-jrinrar the seHH.m 1 fJM II '1[ t-vltwis Kxci'IWInN TICIRTS. from II Bt I II Vil i'liiiviïo un,i looaj nolnt. to II B 1 IfcASl ver colorado spmnos, itn.i lnK4i ■mi PUEBLO, AND RETURN, bysir IBPf] BI (6) Dll'KKRFST BOCTU, at II ■ I liilly l.jw rate. Tli.vsu tleketM win bc II If"!! tp"i ifointr wtst within nrtoen i l.'. ll" II I ■ II aAys f ruin (late of KAje. and to return II ■ ■ I II III until October 3 lat foUuwlng. II P I IJMI f'i!l"'!vn raja. ('ars Are inn hy lfr VBI 'liis (Vmpany from CHICAGO t . IPSB ■ I COUNCILBLUrFS. TOPEKAaml II II KANSAS CITY, furmüig a line v, ui, IBfl ir bulun.' cho-ngo of car ti DENVER IrZl! I W f II ftnd PUEBLO. Dfliing ('nrs aro II m il IL 4 tached to al] tbronh trains. in whirti Ik A.J L9 "al4 on bo obtaiiuHl at the rcti.-on ImII II ublo price of üevonty-flre cttntft. I Por rtttra, furthor infoniiatiun, IFZll and elegant Map of Uniteil r_ 1 il H II States free, aidreö8, II pw ►Jl OBH. PASS RAGT.. C-B 4 0.R.R. II. J MB Chioaoo, I i,i.IHE )Thn Chicago & lTorth-Westei RAI LiVA. Y Ia tho OLDESTI BEST COiiSTRÜfTEDl EQUIPPEDl and henea the LEADIJTffRAlLWAY, WEST ANd'nORTHWEST! rt is the short and oest route between Cliici: and all pointsin iorthern IWio!!, lowa, Dskota, Wyoah, Koïrasï, CaM■ornJa, 0roa, Arliosa, Utah, Colorad:, üaïo, Soal . ., Navida, aca for COUNCIL SLITFPS, 01C&EA DENVER, LEADVTLLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, SIrtl'X CITT, Csiar Bspidi, Dos Hoiaos, Cohnbus, tul all Polats in the territorios, ssl ttoT7c:t. Also, fsr Miliaukee, OroenBs.7, .iï;:ï, Shcborean, Marque'.'., Tosa da Le, Watortown, Ir-zh'.sz. Ksesan, Uesaib:, 3t. Paal, liiancipcüs, Euroa. Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Wiaona, LaCroise, Owatoaaa. a&all polst: in Iüïbcjk, Dakoia, Wiicoasla aad tho HcrthIM At Connoil Bluffs the trains of the Chicago A Western and the U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive at and use the same joint Union Deit. At Chicago, cli iseconne ;tions are made with the jike Shore, Jiichijran Central, Baltimore&Ohi.' 'L Wnyne and i'tmusylvania, and Chicago . irand Trunk K'ys, and the KiinkHkec and Pau l&ndle Boutea. Clnscconnectionsmadoat Juncüon Points. Il is the on ly line runnig Pullman Hotol Dining Cars BBTWBBlf CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. PQLLXAM BLBIPBEfl ON AL1. NIGI1T tkains. Insistupon Tii'ki-t Agenls sclling you Ticket" viathisroiid. Szatniae your tlc&ets, and refu ■ l'iiy irthoy do not xesuX vtrihü Chicago NtirTli-Wcstern Raihsay. If youwishthe J! t TraTeling Accommodatlons su will l'iiy your Uckats by this route, ud 'i nU ■ none i i r. ' All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by thls line. MAKVIX III (.111 II, 2ni V. P. i Oesiltug'r, flhicij:. MUSIC STORE. -The cheapest place to buy Pianos, Estoy Organs, Violins. Guitara. Ban jos, Tam bou riñes. Drums, Kífes, Flageóle ta, Zithers. Accordeons, Piano Stools, Violin Boxes, Instructie" Hooks Cor all kinds of Instruments, Sheet Mnsic(new), Strines,oest quality, all kind; Mouth Organs. Bndges, DOW!. Keys and Rosin. Eyery thing In the mualc 1 i 1 1 . from a Chickering Piano to a Jew's Harp can be fonnd at J. R. SAtJE'S MusIc Stort. No.4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSE, SIGN, AND Fresco PaintiiiL ALSO I'APEU IIANGING. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Genuine Milwaukee H Lager Beer Depot. THE CREAT BUItLINGTOJ ROUTE. '"N'o otber lino runs Thrco Through Pasjengrer Trains Daily between Cbicagro, De rtoines, Couucll HlufTs, Onmha. Lincoln, St. toaeph, Atotalson, Tnpeka and Rensas City. irt:ct connections for all pointft n Kansas, íebniska. Colorado, Wyoming:. Montana, Nevadn. New Mexico, Arizona, ltlaho, Orejón and 'alifitrtiia. The shiirtfst, nnd Most Comforta'.o Route vla HannlbaJ to Fort Scott, Denison, )allas, Mouston, Austln. San Antonio, Galveson anrl nll pointa in Texas. The uneiunlci inducements offcred by this jino to Travelers nnd Tourista, are as follows: ?he oelebrated Pullman (16-wheel) Palaco tleeping Cara. nn nnly on this Line. C, B. & }. Paface Druwinji-Room Cara, with Horton's {ocüiiiiirf i'lmii-s. No extra charge for Seats n Koclinlng Ckairs. The fiimous C. B. & Q. "alace nininirCars. Qorffoous Smoking Cara fltted witb Elofrant Iliifh-nackcd Rnttan Revolvinir ('hairs tor the exclusivo use of flrstlasa passenvera. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, combineil witli thi'ii' Great Throiijfb Car Arransrement, makcs this. above all others, thefavoritO linitc to th South, South-West, and the Far Vest. Try it, and vou will (Ind traveling a luxury nstcml of n discomfort. Thronifh Tickets via this Celebrated Line 'or 8alo at all (.thees in the United States and 'nnnila. All Information ahout Rates of Fare, Sleepng Car Accommodations, Time Tables, coM will be eheerfullv jrlven, and will eend Frte to ny address an elegant County Map of United States, iu colors, by applying to. JAMES R. WOOD, General Passenger Apent. Chicago. T. J. POTTER, General Manager,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat