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Tramp Bailey óf the "Wild Cat," as it was calle .1 by Mr. Osman, of The News, ui his address on the subject of "Newspapers" at the meeting of the press association held in this city, has played his tricks u litüe too long We were never disposed to cut iu rates until the Tramp commenced it by takiug from our columns a number of legal notices, and even then we were disposed to let the matter rest, hut forbearance has eeased to be a virtue, and we now piopose a general slashing in legal rates. We can stand it, and at the same time the relativ-es of those having estates in the probate court will be benefited, becaase somebody has got to "come down." There is no necessity of auyone payiug a big bill for advertising if they will take tte trouble to get our prices in ad vanee. Every administrator owes it to the estáte to save mouey to tlie estate.and when it is kuown he can do it by making a little extra exertion, he is induty bound to do so. It need be no excuse for not sending probate printing to The Dem ocrat "that you are not a subscriber," for the paper will be mailed f ree, not only dunng the coatinuance of the advertisement, but until the estáte is finally settled. Additional local on secood page. . Local news is scarce . Barnum is coming July 12. Aid. Kellogg is out jigain. The Gregory house still hangs flre. John Hughs has been taken to Pontiac. Aid. Fletniug aud Besimer are in Toledo. J. Keck's new building is progressing finely. There is a case of scarlet fever on Spring street. Work on bridge No. 2 is progressing slowly. Baruum's circus bas been billeii for July 12. There was quite a crowd at Wbitmore Sunday. The uniforms for the juvenile band are finished. C. Boylan is closing out the Ball stock of goods. The juveuile band will play at Milan July 4th. Extra fine clips of wool bring 36 cents per pound. TUose dead trees still adorn ihe court yard square. And now Petoskey has lts daily paperThe Record. Prof. Spaulding and wife will sunimer t Charlevoix . Augusta Centre is a station talked of on the Butler road. The county medical socbty met in Ypsilanti yesterday. The public schools have closed for the summer vacatibn. Jas. Soon, of Chcsteifield, O., died in this city Sunday. The city band accompanied the excursionista Saturday. The ex-Drisoners of war reunión in Detroit closes to-day. Theopolus Porter is buying wool for E. Treadwell& Co. Alpheus J. Kelly was admitted to citizenship last Friday . An eel l,a, been caught in the Saline nver at Manchester. Mack & Schmid have some 2i 000 lbs of old wool on hand. Barnum's show ad. will appear in The ubmocrat next week. The hoek and ladder boys spent Sunday at Whitmore Lake. Commencement exercises next Thursday n university hall. The red ribbonites expect to give an excursión about July 29. Dr. Doland, of Lansing, has been visitiug his people in Northfield. The Krause tanning company elect directors next Monday evening. Rev. Dr. Johnson, of Jackson, preachec in the Episcopal church Sunday. G. R. Williams, of Milan, is the only greenback lawyer in this county. The usual excursión will be given by Company A sometime iu August. C. H. Jewell has gone into the hole business in Reed City, this state. The Detroit's hung it on the Providence boys Monday by a score of 2 to 1 . Grant, Conkling and Platt have been dubbed the three graces. Whew! Two hundred and fifty emigrants went west over the M. C. R. R. Monday. The juvenile band give an excnrsion to Put-in-Bay a week froin Saturday. Daniel Ross has taken the contract to build a new house for James Kelly. Thos. J. Keech thinks by fall .that 65 telephoues will be in use in this city. The name of Frank Hangsterfer has lieeu painted on the steamer Mianie. Mrs. Foley look her son Fred to Detroit Tuesday, to get him in the navy. The wool buyers here are E. Treadwell & Co. , Mack & Schniid and A. Herz. In Chelsea last Saturday 80,000 pounds of wool were laken in and stowed away. Prof Wilsey has been recommended to leach music in the schools for the ensuing rear. A handsonie marble drinking fountaiu ïas been placed in the office of the Cook ïouse. C. H. Jewell and wife have gone to Saginaw where they will speud a few weeks. A. L. Middlebrook, of N. Y., will upïolster the seats iu the new Baptist hurch. The front of the old Fischer property n Hurón street has been painted and jenciled. The musonic hall is occupied every night, and masoniy just now seems to be boomiDg. There seems to be a dearth of temperance items. What's the matter with the boys? Geo. Claiken has been appointed guardián of the minor childreii of the late John JVlonahau. Ben Brown had a cataraet removed from one of his eyes last week by Dr. Frothirgham. The graduatiug class of the high school was given a reception Tuesday evening by Prof. Perry. Mrs. Jane Malby, of York, was taken to the Pontiac insane aeylum Friday by sheriff Wallace. On next Thursday 94 medies will be turned loose from thedepaitmentof medi cine and surgery. The students are packing theirsatchels, grip sacks and truuks and leaving the cily by every train . Jno. Sheakell of Saline is contesting a claim of $2,000 in the estáte of Thos. Sheckell, deceased. lhe graduating class of the high school indulged in class day exercises at Whitmore Lake yesterday. Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Jackson, will preachagain in St. A ndrew 's Episcopal church next Sunday. The high school comrnencement excr cises will be held in the Methodist church to-morrow at 10 a m. A covered way is being buüt trom the meii's ward to the dining hall in the homeopathie college. Secretary of state Jenney has the thanks of The Dkmocrat for a copy of the Michigan Manuel for 1881. Edward Treadwell who isbuying wool, has rented the back part of the Sutherlaud store for a store house. Prof. Richards will continue to draw $1,000 for another year's work in running the Chelsea school. 'Tis well. The electrie light company expect to employ from 50 to 100 hands, wheu everything is in running order. Rev. Dr. Cocker will deliver the baccalaureate address in uuiversity hall next Suaday afternoon at 3 o'clock . Wm. Keating, the Ypsilanti burear, was sentenced to Jackson last Thursday by Judge Morris for three years. Class day exercises will be held nex; Tuesday, and reunions of the classes of '61, 75 and 78 the following day. The Universalist church of York will be benefited several dollars by the picnic recently given near Lake Ridge. Jno. Sage, youngest soa of Jas. and Mrs. Y. Sage, of Lodi, died from blood poisoniug Suoday, in his 14tkyear. Hermau Pistorious a brother of F. Pistorious, made his maiden speech in the Sagina w circuit court last Tliursday. Leonard Vaughan is improving the looks of his residence in the Sixth ward by the addition of a 24 foot veranda. The world -mores right en. The gentlemen who predicted it would be destroyed Sunday were simply mistaken. Mrs. Patrick Martin, aged 53 years, died Monday of consumption . She was a sister of Patrick and James McKernan. The Donovan Bros. of Söuth Lyon, have a baker in their employ who can manufacture 4,000 different, kinds of cake. Jas. Barry, who was bom and raised in Northfleld, died Monday at his home in Jackson where he had resided for several years. Three large clips of wool weremarketed here Monday: Wm. Ilumphrey, 1,000 pounds; David Ehnis, 1,300; E. Cranson 3,000. A few more copies of "Kendall's t.-eatïse on the horse " to be given away to subscribers. Cali at the office and secure a copy. N. H. WinansbaspurcbasedofC. Fantle a house and lot on the corner of Fifth and Williatu streets. The price paid was $1,600. The express company will be obliged to make good the electric light machine which was run off about two weeks ago. The many friends of Dr. Rose will be pleased to learn that he has been offered a position in Chicago at a salary of $3,000 per annum. Wheat is coming forward since the lat rains and promises a better yield. Thi is tbe report from different portions o the couuty. The wool buyers in Cheteea are doin; a lively business. Already some 50,000 pounds have been purchased at from 30 to 34 cents. Jeff Davis, not the arch traitor but i hird workintc colored man, is earning a few dollars working on the streets in the Third ward. The alumni of the Manchester schoo expect to have a high old time to-morrow evening. The cxercises will be held in üoodyear's huil, C. H. Greathouse class of '76 will rea a poem at the alumni exercises of the high school to-morrow evening. The public is invited. Detective Schmeld of Ypsilanti, is en titled to the credit of workiog up the case against Wm. Keating, the burglar who is now in state piison. At the regents' meeting next Tuesday it is said that charges will be preferrec againal certaiu professors, and a lively racket is anticipated. Commencement exercises one week from to-day in university hall when an address will be delivered by Rev. J. P. Newman, D. D., of N. Y. In a game of base ball at Whitmore Sunday between the hooks and hose company No. 2, the former were defeated, tne score standing 26 to 21. Sarah Stevens, aged 12 years, died yesterday of typhoid fever. Funeral to -morrow at 4 o'clock at the re3idence of Hiram Kitredge, North Main street. Bach & Abel had purchased up to yesteiday 27,547 pounds of wool. The highest pnce paid was 36 cents. Long wool is worth irom 36 to 37 cents. The lightnine struck a tree Thursday night in front of Wm. Frank's place on Spring street, and Uien run along the 'ence tearing off the pickets. The Ypsilanti telephone exchange will be iu running order by July 1. The connectiou will be made with the central office iu tuis city about the 4th. Tüe trees ia the old cemetery have been trimmed and the uuderbrush re muved, which is a decided improvament in the looks of this burial place. Perhaps the Daily News is not awce that the men who were foremost in getting up Fourtli of July celebrations have beeu di'ud umi buried for some time. Au alumnus ut tha law 4eparttnent living near this city has been fasting for sometime to be ready for the conimencemenl diuner on the afternoon of the 30th. The cbildren's picnic iu Frazer's grove Saturday, called together a large number of the little folk who speut the day pleasiuitly in swiuging, singing and eating. Aun Arbor Encampment No. 7, I. O. O. F eleoted officers last Friday night: Eli S. Mauly, 0. P. ; C. Krapf, H. P. ; J. Sprague, scribe ; D. Almendinger, treasurer. The accident near the first railroad bridge last Friday, should be a warning to parents to keep their children froni walking and playing on the railroad track. Everett H. Scott is one of the commissioners who will represent Michigan at :he state exhibition of the American pouiological society to be held in Boston next fall. Speil's orchestra, Detroit, will furnish themusic at the high school commencement to-morrow, and at the commencement exercises of the university next Thursday. E. H. Hudson, of the Cook house, has been compelled on account of the great rush of business, to put three new tables in the dining room and employ additional help. The M. C. R K. is selling tickets frora this city via of Detroit, to points on the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayion road, at the same rates charged over the Toledo & Aun Albor road. A Mr. Packhurst, of Milan, was severely iujured in the face some days ago by falling into a barbed wire fence. The night was dark and he could not sec where he was going. The charge is made that teachers ia the Montreal public school are in the habit of getting intoxicated. This is the story of the Y. M. C. A., and of course the members couldn't be mistaken. By the burstiDg of a grindstone in the Agricultural compan'ys works Friday afternoon, John Braun was quite severeyinjuredby being struck in the thigh and foot by a piece of the stone. The fifth annual reunión of the alumni of the high school is to be held to-mor row evening. An oration will be delivered by Rev. J. M. Gelston, of Pontiac, a member of the class of '65. C. Martin believes he is entitled to a patent on his adjustable book rest, and will appeal from the decisión of commissioners of patents. He has placed the matter in the hands of Regent Climie. The Arnold will case was reached Monday mornine. Messrs . Sawyer & Knowlton appeared for the exeDutors, N. W. Cheever and E. Treadwell ; and Beakes & Cutcheon and E. D. Kinne for the heirs. Jas. A. Jack is not dead, but lives to take another chew of tobáceo. The report that he was drowned arose probably on account of the death of a young man by the same name who formerly lived in Toledo. Parties from this city who went to Colorado sometime ago, have written to a friend in this city that they have seen the notorious "Monkey" Mount who was playing his same oíd game- begging on crutches. Coroner Clark held an inquest Saturday on the body of Roxy Crawford, the little girl killed on the railroad track near the first railroad bridge. No blame was attached to the engineer of the Grand Rapids train. A member of the electric light company in this city says according to the terms of the contract between Prof. Langleyand W. S. Hicks, the latter is entitled to a lamp and generator whenever he pays $137. All the gravel that is taken out of the cellar being dug on the corner of Fourth and Huron streets, is put on the streets in the Third ward. In many places it was very urnen needed. The latest ïmprovementis the graveling of Ann to First street. Pontiac Enterprise: The latest rumor on the sfreets is to the effect that the Grand Trunk company has purchased the Ann Arbor road bed bet ween this place and Wixom, and that the work ol laying iron thereon wül commeuce within the next two weeks. The case against Wm. Boyce, Ypsilanti township, who was charged over a year ago wlth inflictiug injuries on bis little son from which be died a day or two after, has been discoutinued on the ground that at the time the crime was cuinmitted Boyce was not respousible for his acts. A petition asking for the construction of a tar Crossing from the west side of Main street to the court house about the center of the block, will be presented at the next meeting of the council . This is an improvemeut very much needed, and as the expense will be light we hope to see the crossing put down. Sentinel: The fifth skeleton has been unearthed at the paper mili. The superstitious fintl in these remains the solution of the.fatality that has altended this mili; twice bnrned, once blown up, once nearly burned, and a suspicion of ghostly viaitants always. The company will go right on with the work, however. Wm. Reed Whitelow of Lodi, Wis., a gradúate of the department of medicine and surgery class of '80, and Miss Hannah P. Gidley, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gidley, of this city, were married yesterday at the residence of the bride's parents by Iiev. J. Alabaster. The parties went east on theirbridal tour. The young ladies who attend 'x the signáis in the central telephone office, were frightened nearly out of their witst last Thursday nlght on account of the lightning which causcd a commotion among the instruments. Several magnets on the switch board were burned out, but aside f rom this no other damage occurred. Since the article "on building" appearéd in The Democbat some weeks ago, in whicb the sum total of the improvements then contemplated and under way, figured up nearly a quarter of a million of dollars, coutracts to the amount of over $75,000 have been let. The only trouble is to find carpenters, who are in great (iemand. The Pontiac Bill Poster favors the hanging of persons in this state convicted of murder. We believe the time is not fardistant when a law to this effect will be placed on our statute books. While there are many who differ on this subject they will soon believe that to stop the wholesale taking of life a death penalty must beinforced. A painterin this city suggesls that hundreds of dollars cou'.d be saved to the university by letting contracts for paintng, and a much botter job would be the result than the way things are now managed. The little ring in the university ïave it stil their own way, and for a person to obtain anything to do on the cira)us he must stand in with the ring. During the thunder storm last Thursday night the lightning run along the telegraph wires and into the office of the express company, where the telegraph office is located. The ceiling a few feet 'rom the door took flre, and but for the rompt arrival of the pólice , who gained entrance by smashing out a window and extiuguishing the flames, a destructive conflagration would have foilowed. Inasmuch as next week is comraence ment week, and as a large number of strangers will be in the city, it would be a good idea to have the stones n the street ncked up and the piles of dirt removed. In neaily all the streets there is a heavy jrowth of weeds that need cutting, and the chairman of the street committee and the aldermen invested with authority should put men to work at once and have t done. Oxford Globe: The Pontiac, Oxford & Port Austin railroad has taken a new boom ately and the prospects are very flatterng at this wriing of its being built at once, or a portion of it during the preseat season. The directora met Mr. J. M. Ashley of Toledo, Ohio, in Detroit last week, and he gave them to understand y facts and money within his grasp, that the road was a certainty. This is jood news and we trust will prove somehing besides mere idle talk and rumor, t takes an Ohio man to make things )oom. 8. P. Jewett claims that in 1876 John H. Maynard induced him to sign a note or $2,000 which he, Jewett, was conipelled to pay. Jewett further alleges hat his signature was obtained by fraud, and Saturday lie caused the arrest of Mr. tlaynard, who is a resident of California, nd who carne here sorae days ugo to visithis parents. Justice Granger com elled the defendant to enter into a recog nizance in the sum of $2,000 for hU appearance for examination the 27th inst. Leonard Gruner went his security for the amount. Last Friday evening two children of )aniel"Crawford'3, Ada and R oxy, aged and 11 respectively, were struck by the ugine of an incoming train and the former had a leg and arm broken. The ldest girl, ftoxy, was The scène t the house when the mother returned, was heart rending. The injured girl was taken to the university hospital rbere )r. Maclean amputated her arm. No llame can be attached to the railroad ompany, as the children were on the ixcti, and the engiaeer did his best to top the train. 8. P. Jewett, who caused the arrest of . H. Maynard, thouc;ht best to withdraw lis complaint Monday. A great many eople wondered when Mr. Maynard was eld to bail by justice Granger in thesum f $2,000, that he didn't put the amount a ïttle higher. We have kaown men harged with assault with intent to murer let off on one quarter of the bail by Ann Arbor justices. Then there are those who think it singular that J. H. Maynard was not arrested in 1876 when the offense s alleged lo have been committed. Or till later, wheu he returned f rom Califoria, and stopped off here on his way to New York, and before he went west to make it his future home. Supervisor Rhodes.ex su pervisor Kïapf , Edward Fleming and C. Weitbrecht made a thorough examination of the roof n the court house Monday, and carne to he conclusión that the only way to pro - eet the buildi ng was to put on a new oof. The roof has leaked in many laces for months, and after every rain he janitor is compelled to empty tubs of water, to be ready for the next shower. Perhaps the board of supervisors will remember what Mr. Krapf told them at the me, that many portions of ,he building wreebotched. and time would prove it. In act the roof has always leaked, a little when the building was accepted, now it uds through by the barrel. Jno. Henley, one of the proprietors of the Delhi milis and a wealthy and intluential citizen, died Wednesday morning after an illness of several months. He wss bom iu New Jersey, aDd at the early age of 10 years he was compelled to earn his living, and when 14 he entered a grist-mill in this city and learned the trade, continuing in that business through life. In 1862 he married Harriet Kimberly, of Webster. In politics Mr. Henley wa9 a repubhcan and was a prominent member of that party. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn the loss of an afftctionate husband and father. The funeral will be held to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock from the fajuily residence in Delhi. Evening News: The parties wuo have purchased lands within the liniits of the Ontonagon and State line forfeited lacds grant do not intend to surrender possession to the Ontonagon ani Brute river company, which captured the Michigan legislature, without at least a good fight. Tüey are organ zing and conti ibuting to give battle'at every point, and expect to so cripple the company by an uninterrupted öie of injunctions and obstructions of a more physical nature, as to prevent the company from building the twenty miles this year fixed as a condition precedent to its seleatiou of lands. The settlers hope in this way to delay the matter until congress meéis and they can seek relief in the national legislature. The Sunday Magazine for July has an abundant supply of highly interesting, edifying and entertaining reading matter. Ainong the particularly noteworthy and finely illustrated articles are, "The Cruades," by Alfred H. Guernsey (the flrst fa series); "The Growth of Bethany, Philadelphia,"by Rev. James B. Dunn, D. D. ; "Thebes and its Ruins," by Reginald Ltua;t Poole; "Something about Bells," "The Ritualists and their Robes," "Singing Througn India," etc. The several essays are by the Revs. DeWitt .Talmage, J. M. Wüiton, Leroy M. Lee 'and Elizabelh üakes Smith and others. There are sketches of "Elnathan Higbee, D. D., Superintendent of Public Instruction in Pennsylrania"; "Erastus C. Benedict," "Miria Frj, the Soldier's Friend"; "the late Edward Miall,' "the Rev. Henry Darling," each with portrait. Mrs. O'Reilly's great serial, "Out of the World," is continued, the interest iucreasing with each instalment. Lovers of poe try will be especially delighted by the quantityand quality of the poems; many of them are beautifully illustrated - among the contributors are Oliver Wendell Holmes, Mrs. J. M. Winton, Cecile Sturtevant, Fred Manning, etc. The miscellany is large and interesting, and these attractive features are continued: "The Home Pulpit," sermón by C. H. Spurgeon; "Hard Places in the Bible," by Rev. C. F. Deerns; "The Invalid's Portion, and Thoughts for the Afflicted," "Temperance Talk," etc. Yearly subscriptiou, $3; siDgle copy, 25 cents. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishiug House, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat