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Losses from the llooa at Pltts'iurgli will iinount to $ 2,000,000. It lias been decided at Madisou, Wis., to crcct a monument to the meiuory of the late United Slatts Senator Matt. H. Oarponter by popular subscription of the Btate at large. Full particulars have been received of the blowiugup of tbeBritish man-of war loterell. of 130 men on board onJy 12 were saved. The explosión was said to be from dyunmit cartridges the Bailors were experinieuting with, hut it ia the general belief that boilers ex. ploded. The agricultural department issues the fol lowmg reporta: Cotton - The returns to this deparr ment show the total IncreaM of area pi iiitod in cottou to be less than 1 per cent more than last jear. Spring wheat - The acreage of this erop show a large decline since ast year. The ai ea reporta! to this department is only 8ti per cent of sowu In 1880. The condition is, however, fully equal to that of last year at the same time. Winter wheat - Th condition of tbis erop is reported at au average for the whole country of only 75. The principal complaints are from Michigan, Indiana and lllinoif, wheiv, added to most unfa vorahle weather there is great damage from chiucli and the Heesian fiy. Caiiforuia roportn a very low condition, cause i by cold weather and drought. Silas M. Waite, the defaulting president of Lbo First National Bank of Urattleboro, Vt., has been suutenced to sixyears' iinprieomneut. A fir in Hrooklyn, N. Y., destroyed warehouse.s No. i and ü, Furniaii street, with tlieir contenta. Total loss about $600,000. ('i)iimiifs:onbr Fiuk eives notici of a further reduction of froiht ratos from Chicago to New Yoik of five cnts a hundiíd weight on the seventh and uiuth classes of freight, and on live hogs. Five per cents to the amount of $42,000,000 havfr been received to daU", for coutinuauce at 3X per cent Firee. - IheAdnins white leail worku, ncar Baltimore, loss $75 000, iusursuca $!!0,000.- The grest furnittire factory of A. P. Johnson, CiucitiwUi, loss t50,000; iiisurauce $17,000. Represeutatives of 0,000 banks in this country will meet in conveution at Niágara Falls on August 10. The Freeilmaa'ë savings bank bas about $100,000 waiting distribulion to porties Wbo do nut niitku tlieiuselvt's known. J. A. lieutlpy has resigned as commisiione of ppusions, and Marshal Dudley of Iadiaui bas licen appoiuted to the position. Judge C. Mi-Famud bas been appointed commission er of the land ollice. Captain Fciincy.of the steamer Somorset o Bridtol, Kudileuly disappeared in mid-ocean oi liis last voyage. The sun was shilling luibt iy at the time, and the sea was perfectly calin Sea rch was soon made for t-iin i:i every direc tion but no trace of the captaiu could be discov end. He was on deck in full uniform shortlj before beiog missed, and was agood swiminei He was 80 years of age, and eugaged to be manied on bis return trip to Bristol. Spcretary Winiomhag summaiily dumrsw Pituey f rom the public service, and abolishoi the office ot custodian of tü treasury. There oever lias bee%auy law autlioriziuu the place of custodian. The pomtiou was created in tlie treasury dcpartmeut some years ago, aud the custodian' sa'nry has beeii paid out of the ap propriation for jasitors, uiesseugers, and su 'rititeudeuts of public buildings. The duties eretofore perforuied by the custudians are iuilosed upou theCbief Olerk. A deci-ion g a V. S. Court i tn the tlltict ,h it tue iuteruali lual-bri le compaoy can Mx be rato of ei ui pen sal ou toba paiJ by railroads ior the ine of iU bri Ice. The gas works, tables, ice house aml launIry of the Iieeliu house, ou Fut-in B,iy, have juen destroyed by fire. Fires - At Cuicinnati, theMiami oil and soap works. Loss $200,000, iiisurance f tiü.OOO. At !uthauy,l'a., S. itiilm(rer& Sou's distillery ; loss 1 150,000, partially insured. At I'etersburg, II., the Wüolen milis; loss $y0.000, partially nsui'ed. Two-thirds of the business portion of Warreuton, N. C; loss. f90,000, insurance 20,00. At Greenville, Ala., the stores of S. i Ëzeklel M. Levi and J. .M. JordaD, and the cotton warehouse and stables of W. W. Wilrtsrsou; loss $a0,000, iasurance "f 20,000. At lilwaukee, the Davis boiler works. The dam■ge is estimated at $8,000; partly insured. Ten san strokes in New Orleans last week; ix fatal. Gen. (iraiit engages bote] room froui September for liiinuelf and family in tlie City f Moxico. The immigralion statls'ics for the month ! May, as f urnished by the Chief of the Bureau of Statistici at Washington, show that there arrived in the custom dlstrictsof li.iUiínorr, Boston, Detroit, Port Hurón, Key West, Minnesota, New Bédford, New Orleans, New York, Pasuiiuiioilily. Philadelphia and San Francisco, in iiijí Uit iiioa: h, 117,482 iuimignints f ruin tlie followinu nained countries: Englaud and Waitw, lU,70J;Irelaud, 1&879; Scotland, 2,27.5; AHstria, S!,57i; Belgium, 1H7; Denmark, 2,000; l'rauii', lild; (mmany, H4.810; Hunga.y, 415; Italy, 1,789; NetherUuds, 2,800; Norway, 6,812; Poland, 818; Russia, 451; Sweden, 16,533; Switzerland, 1,511; China, 1,405; Dominion of (anuda, 11,118; all other countries, 910. The Quintar of immigrante anïved in the abovo uatned distriets duriui; the eleveu monthg ended May 81, 1881, was as follows: Krom Germán;, 175,306; Dominion ot Cauaaa, U0.611: Kugl.-.iid and Wales, 57,801; Irelaud, 61,796; Scotlaud, 12,628; China, 7.443 and Iroui all other couutvies, 138,649. Total, 604,294. Wiiliani Elnel, aged 15, died at New York, rom overstudy at school ; and Lizzie Mciiuire, aged 16, atteiupted suicide because she failcd U) pass examiuatiou for the Nonnal college. Tlie tobáceo market at New York is greatly rxcitüil liy heavy purchases being made by tho Italian Kvernment The priem of steel rails has fallen - quotations $5ti and $60 (er ton. Treasurer ( iilfillan lian issued checks paying the final intereat at six per cent to July 1 on ■6160,(M)O,(JO0 of sixee of 1881, whicti bavo heen ciutiiiiKd. Theiutresta(;gregaíe8Si4,í)i5t),lM. He has also issued checks for the final payment of interest at five per cent. on $18ti,U0ü,OOO Qves "f 1881, continued, which amouute to ftbout 1,IO4,292. The amount of coupon ftve ier cent. bónds wl.ii'h have been presented at the London agency for continuauce at a lower rale of interest aggregates f14,500,000. Iasl week's baUottDgl for U. S. senators hy the New York legialature (jave no defiuite resulL They seivd Uie purpose of showing tlie nccessity of a ciimpromise, if the Republicana are to eiecl; and buth factions are reporleii as considerlug names to b olïered as compromiso candiilate.,. 'I here sbpiiis U) he some prospect that au Hgivement can be reached liy which one candidato from each faction eau be elucted. The contracis for supplyingtwiut', wraiiping paper, Realen, balances and markiug stampa foi the postal service throughout the couotiy the uext fncal year have beeu let at prints eo much lower thau laht year for the priucipal items that a aviug of $.'5,000 wil] be effected without dlminisbiuK the quantities. The euit of Wik. S. Williams against the Western Inion telegraph compuny, in regard to the Ï9tuing of 15,000,000 more capital etock. has heeu disuiisted on iin injiiU by Judgi: Truax in the supremo court of New ïotk. Bailroad Coniniissioinr Frenen has returued to Washington from the l'.ir wist, wlicie l;e lias heen invej(tÍ!.'Htinj tho RCconoto of the Central Pacific. He found the ntfairsof that road in a dillereut comütion from what he expected, aud is sure that it will proniptly pay to the governnifut whateTOT to due uuder the riuirman ronding blU. The total ralue of export ofilome-Uc iimvisious, tallow, añil da ir y prodi:cts fnmi the United States, during tl. five iuontli9 eottt'l May 81, was $61,1575,255, agninet Ï5d, 109,673 duriug the same montlis iu USO, TIn tobil value of export of provisions and tallow for the seven montos ended May 81,1881, were $81,378,409; the same [w.o i;i 1880, $68,89,210. The $625 coatributed in Montreal towards a dlnner to Mauager Senecal, of the (Juebec it Ottawa rnilway, have been sent to the fire relief fund at Quebw. (eorge I. Seney. of New York, gave $20,000 to the wacon (a.WesIeyan College. Thia mnkes 70,000 Seney has giren toihe college in two inontliH. The sum of $40,000 is to be expended at once in erectrag the finest college building n the south. Eigliteen of the twenty-seven meuibers ( f the Virginia Kepublican state committee assemhleil at Richmond and declared that John A. Lewis, Tonner chalrmnn of tho committee, wasnolouger a member, haviDg acceptcda nomina) ion from the Readjuater conveution; eleetod (ien. Wickhaui to the chairmanshij', nnd ealled a straight Kepublican convention to meet at Slantop, August 24tb, to nominale caudidates for stato ofllners. It also decided to meet again on the 28tta lust., for which date i.fwis hascalled the committee together. An order has been isgued by the pOBtuiaster general to almlish, on July l, all that portiou of mal route number 32,024, from Vintta, Indi:in territory, to Lob Vegas, New Mexico, B. W. 1'ückei', contiactor, wtiieh exteuds'throngh au UDtnhabited región, betweeu Pul,1, in the Indian tenitory, and Mobeeta, in northwestern TfXiiH, distance 8ö(i miles). Under the existiug contract, the governineot pays for mail service tbree times a week over the entire length of route, hio miles. A local semi-week service vvill lie onlered from Vinita to Tula and triweekly service reta.ued betweea Motieeta and Los Vegas, S44 miles, the conuectiou being made at Motecta witb the easteru mail service via Camp Supply. The saving to be ftTected liy the rëducUOB of tlm route is $52,000 per aunuin. One (riscom at Chicago, is repeating the foolish exploit of Dr. Tanner. On bis 25th day without food he nppeared not to be much the worse for bis abgtiuence. An astounding story comew from Washington of the performance of attachee of the French and Spanish legations in getting a young lady intoxicated at a party and taking her away to a private room. It is thought the young men will be flisplaced from their position?. A f reight train at Iowa City, yesterday, broke dowu a railroad bridge and went into the river. The engineer aad head brakeman were killdl. A strikiugly ciuiilar accident occurred at the Hu líalo erttek bridge, on the Wrst ]-mii. sylvania railroad. Juilge Tiuax of the superior court of New York, dismissed tbccomplaint of Rufun Hatch the Wttern Union andothertelegraph COmpMÜM and dissolvedtheinjunctionagamst their consolidation. Gen. Charles H. Howaid bas l)fn appointed Indian inspector.


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Ann Arbor Democrat