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NO ïiOöPITAL NEEDED. No palatial hospital needcd for Hop Bilters patieats, nor large-salaried talent ed puffers to teil what Hop Jutters wil do or cure, as they tell tüeir own story by their certain and absolute cures a lióme. - New York Independent. 'THE DOCTOR TOLD ME to take a blue pil I, but I didn't for I bai already been poisoued tvvice by mercury The druggist told me to try Kidney Wpr and I did. It was jast the tbing for ni y biliousness and COWtjpatloiv, and now am as well as ever." Torpid kidneys aiu liver is the trouble, for wlncli KidneyWort always provee to be tlie best reme dy known.- Hartford Courant. Tliousands ofladieshave foundsuddei relief from all thcir woes by the use o Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compouni the great remedy for diseases peculiar to females. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkliam, ''■"■i Western Avenue, LynD, -Ma,-s. for pamphlets. PILES l" "PILES r PILES A Sure Cure Found at Last.- No one Neec Suffer. A sn re onre for the Blind, Bieedtne. Itchiiiganc Ulccratt'd Piles has lieen dist-iivcrcd by Di'. Wil liaiiiK(an Indian remedy), talled Dr. Willianf Indian Ointment. A single box has ourcil tlu wurst chronU' oases of Ü5and. 30 years' standini.Nooneneed suffer ftve minutes after applyinj thigwoBderfulsoothlng medicine. Lotions, In struments and Eleetuaries do more harm tliai good. William's Ointinem absorba the tumors allays tlie intense Itching (particularly at nisli after Ketting warm in bed), acts as a poultice gives insiant arni oainhss relief, and is pi"e.pare( only for Piles, Itcblng of the private part, and uothing else, Kead what the Hon. J. HL Coftlnlerry, of Cleve land, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint ment: I have ued scores of pile cures, and it al fords me pleaaure to say that I have never fouiu anything which sucli imniediate and per nianent relief as Lr. Villiam 's Indian Pile Uint ment. For sale by all droffajsts, or mailed on receip of price, $1.00. Jae. 13. Davia & Co., Wholesal DrugKJSts, Detroit, Mi:h., Aííents. For sale b; H. J. Brown & Co., Ann Artjor, Mlch. CITY ITEMS. Mrs. Ij. N. Fitch has moved over F. B. Buck's tobáceo store, where she is prepared to wait upon her customers. Anything in the line of Switches, ftiiTs, Sariitoga waves, Ourls, etc, also a nice assorlmcnt of Jet ornamenta foi Ilie hair. can be. found at her huir emporium. Combingp made up in the latest styles. All orders promptly attended to. Saratoga Waves specialt y. Tlie Lake house at Whitiuore Lake is open (or the recéptloB of guests. The hotel bas been nicely filted up, and is tirst elass in every particular Hersons intending to vis:t UM Lake íor a week or longer, will be met at th(; depot in South Lyon, Aun Arbor orBrightOD. All communications addressed to Win. Graham will be promptly attended to. Important to tra velere: Special Induceine'its are offereil you by the IJurlington Route. It will pay you to read their ad vertisement to be l'ound elsewliere in this issue I sell apple trees, 0 to 7 feet high, (nice trees), for 1") cents eaeh; leps by the hundred. C-OttCOrd grape vines one and two years old, f rom i3 to $5 per 100. Jacob Gan.horn. QO TO THE ANN AUKOR NUIiSEUY for apple trees, grape vines, and for everything elsc for the garden and orchard. Pnces the lowest in the city. Jacob Ganzhorn, proprietor, at the head of Sprint' Si. ACENTS WANTED for the REVISED NEW TESTAMENT As made by the most eminent scholars of Englatul and America. Half the PHG6 of Correspoadlug KnlishEdition. Largotype, Unen supercatendered paper, elegant binding. A separate "Comprehensiva History of the Blble and its Transfations," including n f uil account of the New Revisión, given to subsriibt-rs. Best chance for agenta ever otffered. Send stamp for particutars at 0UC6. The Henry Bill Fubüshing Co., Norwich, Conu, FOR SALE_OR RENT The present rosidi-nce of Mrs. I'. A.Hill, witli Tli I . : i 1 1 I A Ij o i 11 i 11 fg , Consisting of almut 40 acres, 30 of which can be cultivated. Rent, 800, or the House and 8 acres will be rented seperate. Rent $()0U. The above property isalso fur sah by the It, or by the acre, orin larger quantities. TITI.K I'liltFEOT. For further particului's enquireof H. R. HUI, office No. 8 Opera House Block, or Wm.M. White, Canaseraga, New York. "CITY DiTSTOBBr lol C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor -OF THECity Drug Store Would Thank the Citizens of Ann Arbor, and Vicinity for thcir liberal patronage the past year, and ask for a contlnuance of the same. A complete stock of EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE, Toilet and Fancy Goods. Preseriptions carefully prepared. C. E. Holmes, Ann Arbor, Mich . No. 12, COOK HOTEL BLOCK.


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