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LEONA KI) HOUSE, I"1 F. I. kon u;d. Proprietor, . Aun Arbor, .Midi. I BAVEOPENED A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the .s;iu'.ii-tast corner of Aun and Fmirth stri'rts, atitl vriil sel I at WHOLESALE i RETÁIL ! AnythHL in my line. (JOODS PROMP'PLY DELIVERED To nny pari of the i'ily. J. ROSS. Peo ruWTOi:, Ann Arbor, - - - Michigan llllllË ■ Zll Now on adlet:i I 1 .ir-nu v.w -■ i-n irS'l II WÊi II 'lí.t-"'!" K'rru-íi..N Tii'kkts, r-..pi 11 K 1 II D 11 t'liir.-uiii umi !(.i-;il to DES 11 WP ' IkStJl VEU .COLORADO HPHT.VO?. nu I EtJ P9l PUEfeLO, AND KBTUHN, iiysi; pW KI i'.i iMi"i-r::i T le -i rus, l( w mlt-rsr'c Bfll fully-luwrute. u--,.i-, u.n i' fe% lni "Ol1 f011? Wlst wHhln Itftoon i ' if' II 1 Bil '!-l-v r""n llnl1' "' iiif. -in:l to ivlm ' II ■ Gt IJI 1 'uit m. nu P:i!.i.-' Cai ure rim li IBtrHHI rommnir f rom CltTCA'íO '. & 3 Bil COUNCILBiUFÏ'S. TOPEKAiui ■ IHJ IKÉHI ÍÍASSA8CITY, lunniiiKulinc win. 11 II ill 1""1 b-KHio. Dij 1 IL 4i taehod toall thromrb tntiiw. tnwhirh I 4 II kHI ruil ].■■ i.ltl. ut. .--I .il :r..' i lyj al ftble piioe of ■ . iI For ratos, furthnr Information, tBBfci If II ati.ï olcjiant Mii oí" UnitoJ ïTr II mii st;ios fuMrcBH, jj v B?r"- Chicauu, III. Ir Chicago & Íforüi-Westi RAIIAVAY ís tho OLP: OONSTRUffl KQUIPPÏD] EJadüen LEADING EAILW' WEsr ánd'noíithwest: It is the short and ' ron te I ietweei 1 1 ni: polnttln :ror;hcre niioois, loro, Eaiota, Wyomjn?. K Forals, Orojm., iríioni, l'taá, CwmJo, Mrti, Kostua, Ksvii, asa i'u? COÜ2ÏSIL BLUFFS, OU&S DENVER, LEADVILLH. Salt Lake, San Francisco, ni: AiMvooi), IOL'X ixy, " í:t Btpldl, los Koir.cs, Octaatni, asi ill Poiat: in -he Tsrrítorics, ;sd ti West. Also, fo: Milwaaies, Orí Oiikojh, Shefcorejn, llircietto, Tond itt Lac, Watertosi, Hajghton, Nocaah, Monass:, 3t. Paul, Miancapolis, Huroa. '.'oga, Fargo, Bismirsí, Winona, LaOrosss, Oüratcnua, ;n; ü roir.v. ia !ic:;:cta, Dakíta, Wuociiiii así tho S:rii At Couticil BlnlTs tho trninsofthe Cliicngoii North-We8tern a&d the U. 1. R'ysdepart iruui, urrivo at and use the sanie joint l'nion Depot. At Chicago, cl'ix1 vunno 3tionsarcmadewilhthi Lake Shore, Uiehiejtn Cciitrnl, BalUmore L Oh: i;. Wayne sed Penrisylvanla, and Chic: ':iiul Trunk R'ys,and thu Kaukukec and Pai [le Routes. Close connectf ons made at Juuction Points. I: is tlio only lino runnig Pullman Hotel Diiiing Car.. BETWK'N CHICAGO Ai!D COUNCIL BLDFf'S. I'l 1. 1 SJSSl K!'.l'i:F.5()N' Ai.l. NIGirTTKil.NS. Insist lipón 'liolii-t Ageuta sclliinr you Ticket via this roiiii. Kxaanineyour ti'!'ets and retu ■ (o l.ny it'tlicy do not read vertlao Obicagüi Norih-westeiñ Raüw ay. 11 youwishthc I! si travelinpAroommodP.tinii' you Will liuyyour lii kets üy Uiis route, mi "■! J:ik none oilwr. All Tioket AMnta sell Tickets by this Lino. MAKVI KK.IIin, ' tai 7. V. A Oos'l Maac'r, ObiMZS. MD8IC The cheapeet place u bw Pianos, Estey Organs, Viollns. Quitara, lüuijns, Tainbourinea, Drums, Pifen, Flageolet, Zithers. Accordeons, Piano Stoota, Viottn Boxra, ünstructtoo Booka for ;i!l kindfl i tnstnmifhis, Sheel Mnslc(new), StTluff8ties1 nuaUty, alt kinds; Houth Organs, BridR, Bows, Keys nul Kosln. Kvrryrliir ;; in the lint' rroni a Chiclcerínfc to i Jew's Harp 'ui be round at J. K. SAGE'H .Miwir sinr-, tío, 1 Washington si.., Aim Arbor. OSCAR O. SORG, IKIISK, SICX, AM) Fresco Pül M.-o r.MM'.lï BAKOIRO. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANN AR60B, MICHIGAN. Genuine Milwaukee M fO j 5 q Lager Beer Depot. THE CREAT lil 11LIXGTON ROUTE. EffN'o other line rvins Three Throuifh PnsBongor Traína Dnily between Chicajro, De Mofnes, Counofl Bluffs, Omnhn, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka nnd Kinisns City. Direct conncctlons for all potnta vn Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, ldaho, Oregon und California. The Shortest, Spoedlest nnd Most Comfortaüe Route vla Hnnnibsi t Fort Scott, Denlson, Dallas, Rouston, Autin. Síin Antonio, Gulvostoki and ail polntfl In 'l'cxns. The unoqualod Inducementa nfTerrd bythls Line to Travelera and Tourists, nrc as follows: Tbc eclobrated Pullman (lA-wliccl) Pnlaco Sleeping CflJrs, ruq only on this Lino, C, Iï. & Q. Palace Dniwinir-Kooüi Cftrs. wlth Horton1 Etocliningf Chairs. No extra charge for Scats in lif-rünimr Cbairs. Thfl famous C. P. A: Q. Palaco Dlnlng ("ars. Goreous Smokinjr (,'ars tlitcd with Blcgant [iivli-Bnckpil Knttiin Ktvolviiw ('huirsfur tho exclusive use of IlrstclASH passenffers. Steel Track and Superior Equipmcnt, comiiincil with thcir Oreat Tnrougrn ('ar Arrnnirpment, inako-í tliis, abm all others, the favorita limite to the South, South-West, mul the Fitr West. Try t, aiul you will fitul Iravelinir a luxury Instèad of t diseomfort. Tlimiiirh Tit-kels via this Celebratod Lino for sale at all offlees In Ihe rniied Btatoa and Canada. All Information nbout Eates of Fare, Sleep Inff ("ar Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, will lic cheeifnlly triven, añil will senil íVce to uoyaddreAfl an elegant Cmtntii Map of United Stüteö, in coiors, uy applviriir t. ja mus ii. woon, General Passenger Aizpnt. Chicago. T. J. POTTER. Gencrnl Manairer, Chicago


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Ann Arbor Democrat