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Mis. Prof. D'Oogc has gone to Maine. J. Buell, of Briorhton, was in the city the last of the week. Jno. Moore and wife have gone for a trip around the lakes. Prof. Ferry is in Lanslng, attending the teachers' instituto. R. C. Davis, librarían, left Monday to spend his vacation in Maiue. N. J. Kyer entorlained a number of his Detroit friends on the Fourth. Gillie S. Pitkin, manager of a store in Pet rol ia, ünt. , hns been visitiug in the city. Eugene Mudge, who was a resident of this city some 15 years ugo, is back on a visit. Mrs. R. E. Fiazcr nnd family huve gone to Cheboygan to spend July and August. Dr. JelïncM and wife, after a year's absence lrom this city, were back on a visit last week. .1. D. Baldwin is a member of the American agricultura] association of the United States. Prof. C. Thomas, and Prof. C. M. .Iones, and wife, will spend a month or so in York, Maip.e. Oco. L. Stoiiu, M. I)., Richmpnd, Vu., has our tbanks for copies of Richmond papers. Sam. K. Benliam, who has charge of a cigar faelory in Owosso, camedownjto see his old friemls Monday. There is to be no keeper appointed for the new museum building at present, so W. K. Cliilds will be obliged to wait a little longer. M. Seery, who was given work under Register (Jilbe;t, left the office Baturday on account of the dull times, very few papers being receivod for record. The pomológica! associuüon which meets in Cleveland, O., from the 12th to the 14th of July, will be attended by Profs. A. H. and J. O. Pattengfll, ü'Ooge and Thomas. Mr. Cbas. Hutchinson. of Calhoun county, a member of the recent craduuting class of the literary department of tlie university, and Miss Emma J. Chamberlain, of this city, daughter of Mrs. Judge llurriman, were married last Thursday by the.Rev. J. T. Sunderland. Washington Herald: Mr. Will Upton, sou of the second comptroller of the treasury department, and Miss Ueorgie Hradley, were married June 22, at the residece of the bride's pareuts, by the Uev. Dr. l'axton. After the ceremony the young couple left for Walla Walla, W. T., whero Mr. Upton is engaged iu business. The grooin is a uephew of Mis. A. A. Terry of this city. Fotirth of July Squibs. There wad a picnic in school glrls' glen. About 200 citizens spent the day in Detroit. The crowd at Milan was estimated at 3,500. A son of the late Emil Cliff was nni over on Washington Street. A bid named Deet, from this city, was prostrated by the heat in Milan. The usual number of arcidenls are repoited in all paris of the country. Quite a number ol' young people enjojed themselves boatiug on the nver. Company A did not go to Detroit, as only 11 memberscould be got together. A little boy in the Pifth ward liad his "ace burned quite severely by a flre-orack er. There was a social gathering at tlie rcgideuce of M. C. LeBeau and a very pleasint time was had. Geo. Ardner was the ouly oue in the city to show his patriotism by hoisting the American tiag. The juvenilo baud took immensely in Milan. The little fellows were the observed of all observers. John, a ten-years-old son of Jno. Burg, was shot in ihe left hand with a toy pistol and uito senousiy iojured. The saloons were pretty generally kcpt closed during the day, and very little lrunkeiiness was seen on the streets. The Milan people had the pleasure of ïearing Chas. R. VVhitnian, wlio j)luckod the pin feithers lrom the American eagle. The streets were quite deserted and tlie city had the appearance of Sunday. Nearly all the business houses were closed. The young man who attended the dauce n the tent at Milan, willi rubber boots on, was obliged 10 go out several Units lo air his teel. Miian never saw such aciowd bcfore. The people caine in from uil dlreetions to attend the first celebration in the histofj of the village. A little sod of Nickels, the State street jutcher, had powder blowu in his eye. Dr. Frothingham was called, and attemled ;he little feliow. Juo. Keenan discovered a sniall flre buining underneath the sidewalk on the north side of the opera house, and put it Hit with a pail of water. It evidently originated by a lire cracker. Although there was no formal celebraron in this city, the day was ushered iu by the fireing of cannons, guus aud revolvers, much lo the discomforture of those who are fond of sleeping iri the morning.


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