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Bucklin's Árnica Salve. Tho best salvo ín tlic world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Hhcum, Fe ver Boren, Tetter, Chapped Hands, CliilbLiins, Corns, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. Tlis salve is guamnteed to giv perfect satisfnctiun in every case or the naoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box For salo by Eberbach & Son, Arm Arbor, Mich. A GRBAT EKTERPttlSE. The Hop Bitters Manufacturlng C'om;iany is one of Koeliester's gruatest business enterppiies. Their Hop lïincrs have reacheil a sale beyoml all precedent, hav ing from their intrinsic value found tlieir wuy inlo almost every liouseholil in the land. - Grapliie." CA.ST-IKON FELLOVVö. Men of enilurance have healthy kidneys md liver. No aehes in tlie back, no pifes or conslipaüon. The cure for these diteases is Kidney-Wort. This graat renicdy keeps up the tone of the whole body by umibling the livcr, bowels and kidneys to perform their Hinclions perfectly Botll the üquiil and ilry au; sol! ly dnigisis - I'ioneer Press. Good advlcu. We advine every fainüy io kee]i Downs' Elixir al ways fin hand. ft H the best remrdy for cV)Uglis and Colda ever offered to the public. For deansïng tho syatem of all morbid matter and wardlng uS diseases, no medi ■inc powicaaes snch ellicary as Haxtcr's Mandrake lïi Iers. As a Lininicnt for horaes Henry & lohnson's Árnica ai.d Oil Liniinenl is unequaled. It cures, Spraina, Bruises; and Luim-ness al once. A Wonderful Discovery. For tho speedy cnreof Consumptionand all discases that lead to it, such as stubborn Coughs, ne.glc.eted Colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Astlima, paia in the side and chest, dry hacking cough. tickling in the throat, Iloarseness, Sore Throat, and all ehromc or lihgéring diseases of the throat and luns, Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal and has established for itself a world wido reputation. Many leading physicians recommond and useit in their practica The formula from which it is prepared ishigh)y recommcnded by all medical journals. The clergy and pruss havo compïimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get atrial bottle for ten cents, or a regular si.e for $1. For salo by Eberbach & Son, Ana Arbor, Mich. The ll'urcst nml Bist Mcdiciiui ever Made. Acolmbhmtion of Hops, Buchu, I draHle"iJ DandeMon.withaiittibbestaiid ■ most c ura tivc properties of all other Bitters, makesthe irreatest Blood Purifier, Llver Ree u l%a tor, and Life and ïlcultli Kestoring Agent „VmM"1"1 No diseaso can possibly lontr exlat where Iïop Uitters are uèed,u voi-ied and uurfeot are their operations.BBHk Toallwhose e Vnployments cause irregular!' ty of the bowels orVirinary organs, or who requirean AppctizerV.To11'1' andmildStimulant, Hop Bitters are invaaab1'-'' without I ntoxIcating. HMk No matter what your f omelings or symptoms are wliat the diseasoor ailuwnt Is use Hop Bittors. Don'twaituntilyoua"-' sick but if you only fetl bad or misurabli),%usetneiJ at once. Itmay save hasl8 a ved huudreds. $500 will be paid for a calse they wUl not cureorholp. Do not suffer orlet your f rienda suffer.but use and uree them% touse Hop B Remember, Hop Bittere Is nokj"0. drugged drunken nostruui, but the PurestJ n d Best Medicine ever made ; the "IJIÏAMDS FKUOiD and HOPE" mui no person or faniily k should be without them. iBMBiHik H D . I ■ C . is an absolute and irresistible cure I M f orDrunkenness, use of opium, tobáceo andlH narcotics. Ali old by druggists. ScndlíJ lor Circular. Hop Hitten Co., M fl RochesterNandToronTM)!! MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DI9COVEUER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE C0MPOUND. Tho Positivo Cnro For all Female Complaints. This proparatlon, as its ñamo nignlflea, consista ot Vegetable Proierties that are hannluss to the most delicate invalid. Upon one trial the merita of this Compound will bo recognizcd, as relief is imiuediato ; and when its use is continued, in ninety-nine cases in a hun. dred, apt'rraanentcureiseffectod.asthousandn will teetify. On account of its proven raerits, it is to-day recommendcd and prescribed by the best pliysicians in the country. It will cure entiroly tho worst form of fallirig of the uterus, Leucorrhoea, irregular and painful Meiistruatlon.allOvarianTroublea, Inilammation and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacementa and the conBequent epinal weakness,and is especially adapted ta the Change of Life. It will diesolve and czpel tumors from the uterusin an early stago of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there Is checkod very epeedily by lts ub. In ftipt it lias provf-d to be the preatest and best romedy tliat has over been dlscovered. It penneates every portion of the systom, and givea newlifeand vigor. It removes faintness.flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weokness of the Btomach It curea Bloatlnp , ITeadachcs, Kcrvoua Prostratlon, Oeneral Debility, Sleeplossnesi, Depression and Indigestión. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight aid backache, is alwaye permanently cred by its use. It wil 1 at all times, and umi or all circumstances, act In harmony with tho law that governa the female sy stem. For Kidney Complaints óf eitlwr eex this compound Is unsurpassed. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 2,15 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mat. Price $1.00. Six bottlca for gfi.OO. Rent Dy mail in the form of pills, nlso in the form ofLozenges, on receipt of price, $1.00, per bos, for either. Mra. PINKHAM freoly answers allltttiT3 of Bend for pam phlet. Address as above Mention ifiis paper. No family should bt' without LYIHA E. PINKHAM' LIVER I'ILJ-3. They cure Constipatiitn, jïiliousuesa nnd Torpiu. ty of tbe Liver. 5J5 eenta uer box. a E. Holmes Cooh tiotejhloek. ItHÍÑlY1vÍeDICÍNEI II is ehiikii lkji i oií ituv fobji vé ■Ég Thnt Acih Rt tlie samo lime on' 2 TÏÏS ZIVMM, TES BQWSZsM AÏÏD TES KIBBXn: Pj iiwHY ARE WE'SICK?!! ■ I Because we allow these greaí orgam toWk ttilecome clogged or iorjñd, and poisonoutm Êhumorsare therefore f orctd into the btood m Uuml íhouldbe expelled naturaUy. Q I WILL SURELY CURE MKIDNEY DISEASES, Wk LIVER COMPLAINTS.jg MPII.ES, CON8TIPATIOÍÍ, ITUINART R PJ DISEA8E8, FEMAI.E WK1KSESSE, I 1 J AND NEItVOUB IIIMUMII'IIH, 1Èby causingfree action of these organt andWÈ ra restoring their power to throw off disease. J Why nulTor ltllious palm and nches! fl H Hhy tormentad nith Piles, Constipation! ■ 4 Wliy frlfIitened over lisordorcil Kitlneynl Pj Why enduro nervons or stek licadachesl I II Use KIDNEY-WOItTnná rejoice in health. j I Itisputupln ]rf Vegetable Form, In tin II ■■ caiin onü package of which makoa nii quarts üfH ■ ■ medicine. AIho in IJauld Forra, very ('oncen-lV J tr atcd, f or those that eunnot readily preparo it. f ■ V fjrlt acts wlth equal efficiency in eitber form. WÊ U ilET IT OF YOÜR DRÜQQ18T. PRIC2, II.OoH M WELLS, BICHAKDSON& Co., Prop', MJ 1 ■ (Will lend the dry post-paid.) bcblirstok, TT. H REAL ESTATEEXCflANGE. MANLY & HAMILTON'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First fioor, Opera House block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnrnishert on short notice on atiy j;ireolof Jand in Washtenaw county, fi-oni Fj'ench Claims of Ypsilanti, to tliemost complieated tlttes in the Villago of Manchester. Money tO Loatl on Real Estáte secure lien. onr Sale I - o - I 2O Acres n-t $50 per acre in the township of Webster, gooi balldlsgs. Trnus to suit purchaser. New StOrC on west Oide of Main streel, taran easy. I OO Acres within 1 1-2 miles of court lionse with ílrst-class buücliníí, perfect title and very eheap . House and LotS 1,2. 3, blork ■! south range 2 west, situated on South sicle of Liberty St. In sums from $100 to Sö.ODO, amount and terma to suit applieants. En tire Block 2 neis e, except2iots. Good building sites. Terras to suit purchaser. ACOOd Farm, 2(K) acres, well improved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $05 per acre. House and Lot " OUberine stroet for sale, or exrhan(; for lot near the Methodist church. Terms easy. A House od doublé Lot it WWtraore Lake, $700. House and Lot, on;ing:dls Street, north of University, $8,000. House and Lot, on Lavtenee atreet, $3,ooo. House and Lot, onnortb side of West Huron street; also fi 1-3 acres situalcd on south side of Jackson road, about one mile frora court-house, $ï,fi(K) for both pareéis. Terina to suit purehaser. One House and two acres of land sitúate in Ingalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Riley property, good barn and w(ll. House and Lot, on ElizabethSt.,$3,000. A House and 1-2 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, In the Fifth ward, eood locality, $l,0U0. House and flve Lotfl ob HUIer avenue. Will be sold at a bargain. Oood barn on the premises. 30 Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road. within ;i-4 miles of Court-House. Would like to exchango for city property. Lots 77, 78, 90, :lnd part of lot 89 and a large brick house with 12 rooms, R. S. Smith's addition. A StOCk Of DrugS and Medicines worth $4,000 will besold f.ircash or exehange í Oí a good f arm near the city; or a half interest can be purchased in the stock. Business good. A Fine Brick House, Barnes, Orciumi, with nice well and spring, and six acres of land, on West Huron and Jewett streets, known as the Jewett property. l'rice $l.r. - 000, or two lots off said property on Huron St., price $700 each. MONEY TO LOAN HOUSe and fOUr LotS, OO corner óf For est avenue and Orleans street.


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