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The publisliersof the tith eoogl uidpri! district nift at Holly o:i Mouilay aud organized a presa assoeiation wuli tlin foHowuig ollieers: PresIdeut,oti8 Faller, St. Joliu's Kepublican; vicepitwideiitti, (. F. Kimhall, Poutiae ü.izette, H. N. Jeuuings, Feniou Independent, U. S. Corbit, St. Jol.n's Independent, tí. W. uwen. Cortiona Americau, V. S. ü orgt LíiUNtug, Rpublican, h. C. Miller, HowhII Republicau; ecre.ary, Frad Slocuiii.Holly Advertiser-tivasurer, E. J. Kelly, Poutiac bill foster. The land iu tb DOrthnO part of the Btate is tiuibered mostly witli bMCb and maple, aml b well adapteil M tlitt growtb of wiicat aud pota toes. It is sai.l lh-t the fiufst potaUwa crowii in the Uutted Siatw) come trom tho O'raud TraTenie reifiou. (ood laad can be bougbt at from $10 to 12 per acw, ami the country is iettllug up Tery rapiHy. The Ciiniat is fret) trom malarial iuiluencen auci i-xcoedingly pleas uit A visit to tli couutieB of Antriin, CUarlevoix aud Ëinuiet will conviuce the most sleep tieal tlial uortliern Mirbian is a Rood place to go to. Nims's aüd Gige's celebrated black trotter, Oreen Obarlie, was stolen froui tncir imsture, ne r Lf xington. He was valued at 9 1,000. The norse bas been recovered. Abljab 51. Flint, an attorney, A. J. Hardy and J. O. Jensou of Nashville, were arreeted on corapl.Unt of Justice Powers forau attempt tobribe the justiGein a bastardy Buit which wa peno me before liini. üliver Bird, who owns a farm in the townghlp of Ann Arbor, about a mile and a halt west of the city, was in the habit of walkinii on the railroad track, and as he was niriiiii the city he was run orer by the Grand Bapids exprets. His arm and eg were brokn, and he was otherwise badly maneled. The eoroner's jury rendered a verdict this evening fhat he cauie to his death by beinc accideutólly killed, that all uecessary signáis were given, and that tbe railroad compauy were nol U Mame. The Jackson miners who got their demanded increase of salaries and went to work again, a few days ago, bave quit work again. This time it is because tbe employers refused to discharge the men who worked througti the strike. Tbe spiritualists and liberalisU of Michigan have now couipleted all tbe arrangement for thelr itate eainp meeting to be held at (ioguac lake, uear Battle Greek, commenciug August 12 and contiuuing 10 days. According to the Patriot, DaD. B. Hibbard of Jack8ou, closed out his wheat opUou operations at the top of the ntarket and cleared from $20,U00 to $25,000. Rose bugs in great numbers are eating everything green in some parto of Berrien county. At the meeting of the board of regenta of tht UBiversity Degrees were conferred on the students of the various department who u.ite. The treasurer's report shows a oauuux of $15,4S7. IHiriug the year 1,8j3 books and pamphlds were added tothe general library. The Chicago Evening Journal sayB: "Mr. W. P. Plant ot Adrián, Midi., is either a very thoughtlesj or a very uograteful man. He lost a pocketbook containitig 1,500 at Meudota, 111., yesterday. A young man couuected with the hotel, havtng found it, returneil it to theowuer, who walked off without otleriug to reward the honest finder." 1 he Grand Raplds driviLg park association will have to levy an asscssmeut on Ma iüciübera to defray the expenses of ita recent niöete examinatiou as to the uanity of Judge Crofoot is concluded. Over fifty witneeses Have been examiued, and all coucur in the opinión tbat be is peifestly fane. The soldiers' and sailors' association of louthwestern Michigan, will hold its annual '.■unión ainl Hiicainpiiieut at Diamond lak", lear Cassopolis. The late nf the encampiueat iras fixed for August:!!, 25 aud 28. Major ;ihill was appoiuted commandant, with pow w to select bis stafT. The et:camp3ieut will be in tbe beautiful grounds bel ween Fnrrst bnli ind tbe MJCbtgau Central railroad, and ampie accommo'íatioua for feeding and caring for 16,000 people will be made. Michigan Central trains will run directly to tbe camp, and tti Grand Trimk trains lesa than a q.uartr of a niile from it The military companies do not like the Idea of giving up the annual encamptneut and spending mouey to en.ittle a few tavored companies to take part in the Yorktowii celebra tiou. It ii claimed tbat sucli a enana will be a "anuo" to all hut the favored companies. Tbe special committee of the board of regent of tbe uuiversity reported in favor of retdiiiing 'he matnu!ation aml graduation fets as at prsent: also in favor of inircasing the year tax 83 follows: Resident student, law departuient, Ï3"; non-resident student, 'aw depirtraent, $50; resident student3, medieaJ departmut, $25; non-resident student, homeopathic coligue, $2ij; non resident students, homeopathie college, $35; resident lutieut. dental college, $25;nou-ri'si(lentctudent8, $35; resident studente, dcpartment lilerature, sci ence and ris, $20; non-resident ütudeuln, 880; resident stndents, pbannacy departniept, 929! non-resident $Sv. Dispatches announcfl tbe death iu New York ef Hansiim E. Wood, for twenty years a prominent uroperty owier and capitalist at Grand Rapids. He bas reslded in Europe for the past even yai8, and bad rvached New V'oik on hw way to Detroit, where hn had made arrangement t live th reniainder if his years. His age was about 70. He leavss several grown riaugbters; bis wif die.l iu London five year go. Tbe work of building tbe new addition to tie state normal sch(.ol at Ypsilanti, for which (25,000 was approprlated liy tbe jegislature, MH begin soon. At Hancock, L. S., the Atlantic ininiiig com(any's shaft house, comireseor and engne loube were burned. Loss severe. Two of the inen arrested on charges of coinplicity iu the murderous Cheflauing riot have been honorably discharged. George Stephenson and Fred Loveless were tbe men. The degree of master of arts was conferred by Michigan university upon Eandolph Hogers of Rome, wbo was formerly a resident of Ann Arbor. A baggageman name I A. Benton, whose friends live in Detroit, was killed near li.ij Ctty by falling Trom a train on the Kimt and Pere Marqnette railroad. A Lawton story teller bas tbe following about the cornet and a sniall boy. A lady of tbat village was adiniriug the coinet from the chamber window with her littie family, all very big-eyed, about her, when "Chuck," a boy four years oíd, with a face that opeus on you like a full ïiKiiin, haviug exhausted his eyes at the blarfng visitor in tbe nortb, suddenly drew back with the air of assured correctnegs, exelaiming, "Ma, I kuow what tbat is; il's God's klte." Charles Lotz of Kalomazoo, prosecuted and fined $35 for Sunday liquor. This is the first case uoder the statnte in lbo big village, and is to be followed by others till the practice is broken up. Amos Pitkin a farmer of Eaton township, Katon couüty, bas mirried four different wlve, and bas heen relieved of each in succession by tbe appearance of her former husbahri. The last one., who came last week, was supposed to have been killed in the war, as nothiig had been beard from him in 18 years. It is a fact not generally known that by a recent act of legislatura any person who pays 10 per annum as an bonorary membcr of anv company of state troops is exempt from poll tax, jury duty and fire duty. Botsford's elevatnr at Port Huron, containing 5,000 bushels of coru, burued. Tbe loss in 0,000; insured for $25,000. The origin of il f fire is uu known. The regenta of the university have decided estabiieh a school of political science with Ib i following faeulty: President James B. Angelí, J'idge T. M. Cooley, Prof. C. K. Vdams, Dr. E. 8. Duuster, Prof. Vietor C. Vaughan, and Prof. Volney Spalding. Tbe course of etudy will embrace three years. The body of Mrs. Hall ef Davisburg, wife of Dr. N. C. Hall, recently tried in the Oakland circuit court for her munter, was fouud beside a straw stack on tbe farm of Isaac Da via, lrariedi in einpty sugar barrel; one of the mipposedghoulshaviDg "squealed." Hat tie Mengittroyd, the littie giri who died 1 ut winter under Dr. Hail'd treatineut, was re ported to have said that shecould stand by her door and see where Mrs. Hall was liuried, and this is connrmed by the fact tbat the body lay In plain sight of Mrs. Mengittroyd's house. It will be remeinlered tbat Vlrs. Hall died ott a year ago; that in cousequence of rumorN offoulplay her hushaud aud Dr. Wade, of HoUy, exhumed the body for post-mor'era examiuation and tbe contenta of the stoiunch alleged to have been sent to Ann Arbor for anal j sis for traces of poison. Tbe body was tben reintrrred, hut was soon after stole'i, aud no trace of it discovered. George Hulett, aged 22, son of Wm. Hulett a wealthy farmer living near Bellevue, com mitted suicide iu tbt bay-mow of his father'p ham ly shnotinghliiiFelf with a navy revolver The self-murderer removed liis vest, turnen nis shirt down and ■hot the hall through hls heart. A h ttcr was found uuder his heail a follows: "Dear motber and bister: Excaée me for this rash deed, but mjr father urove me toit." Levi Parker of Wellsville, Ienawee county, Uiíb morning snapped a cap ou his sbotgun. It failed to go off. He theu blew down the mural, and while iu Um aet tbe gun was dis chargeil, bloins ofl the back partot blshead. He leaves wife aml four childreu. There were 741' [irisoners in the state prison at Jackson Jun" 30; 25 were recoived during the iiionth of June au 1 2'. dischargfd. Mrs. James Potter, o' Assyria, Barry Co., pve birtb to tliree children, which welshed aíx, bíx and a half, aud 7 pouuds respectively. Motber and children are doiug well. The death of James Henry of Kalamazoo is announced. He wa register of deede there four terina, deputy United Statfls marshal of Michigan uuder Col. l'ickey and vil.t years Uniteil States marshal of the wesWru district of Michigan. Gittean, the assassin, was in !ntroit in September, 1K77, haviug tieen arrtwtl tbat monta, is the pólice records bIiow, ly Detective John B. SadUr on a wanaut issued by a Washtcuaw county magistrate, charging hiin witli obtaintui niuiify under falstí preteiisi's. Al ttiattiine lecalled hiiueelfa lawyer ami gave bis birthplsce and that of bis párente a Üliiioi. He stated also that he was 35 years of tiue and uumarried. He was tnrned over to ttre WashtBnaw couuty auüioiities t at saine iay. The Prei-ilenthasappointedex Cuiiiiressman Mark Brewer consul general at Berlín. A sfld affnir occurred on Huron river Monday ereninK a mileauda half from Min Artior, and near th first liisthway bridge on the Vbit more lalcx mart. Tl-ree persons in a bóat, a rouBg inan nained (iraves, and Miss Mar] Muruey of Ypsila'iti, and Mis Clara Hawleï of Aun Arbor, in excbantiiug scal, uiwet the hoat. Miss Hayley succeeded in climling on top of the hoat and was reacued by a youDg man nauied stiiupson, who happeued to be driviug by. (Jiaves aud Miss iurbey were drowued. Tüey waru soou to bave been married. Beirien County Record: Wbrcit is ripeirng very unevenly, whiclt, with the exceeding liiihtness of the erop, taken away a good share of the pluasures of harvest work for the owner;andif the wages for harvest work reach the price we hear talked of, $2 50 to f Samong laboriug uien, it will be a very fortúnate farmer who bas anything left out of bis wheat erop after payiug for lus harvesting. Maud S. trotted a mile In 2:13JÍ minutes at the Detroit race course on the 4th. Mrs. Lucy Snyder, wife of Sherwood Snyder, of Charlotte, feil down stairs and received fatal injuries. While an offleer was quelling a disturbauc at Mecosta on the 4th, a shot was fired,striking Mrs. L. Flort in the temple killiug lier ainost nstantly. Seveial men were arrested, hut it ie not known whether it was a murder or an accident. It cast a gloom over everythiug, aud stopped the celhration.


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