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The stearaer Newbern brinca the ero w of the schoouer Eustace from MazaÜan, and the particulars of the killing of the captain and the firiug of the vessel by the mauiai; cook. The cook, who has shown sigus of boiug demented, Buddenly Btabbed the captain aa he entered tlu cabiu. He then ran into a closet where the axes were kept. The crew Oloaed the cabin doors. The cook coutinued walking about iht cabin several houra, and tureatened to fire the vessel. The crew got the boata. Soou after soiue smoke began rising from tho cabin, snri the crew lelt hastily au the veasel had twentythree hundred kg of powder on board. Soi.n after she blew up. Tlie maniac perisbed in the ex plosión. The crew i eached Mazatlau after a 68 miles pull in a heavy sea. The law passed by the Missouri legislatnre laat winter, making the keepiug of a gaiubling house a lelouy, weut iuto effect at 12 o'clock Saturday night and bis resulted in the cloüiug of every gauiblin house in si. Louis. Ttie attoruey general expreeseí the opinión that it is the duty of the department, not tiie IndiauB, to remove iutruders from thn Cboctaw and Chickasaw lauda; that all persons, othei than Choctaws and Chickasaws by birtli or adoption unlesH compiised within some of the excepted classes described in article 7, treaty of 1855, aud article 43 of IMifi, are iutruders; tliat those exceptel are goverumeut employeis, their families, aud servante, employés of the interna! lmprove:nent com ames, travelerp temporary sojouruers, holdeis of permits froin ('lioctiw r Chicasaw authorily, aud white persons who ain eniployed uuder the laws of sais Indiaus as teachers, mechanica and skilled agriuulturistti; all others are intruders; that the penuil laws are valid, aud the richt lo remain expires with the leruiiuation of üie permlL Thaconet bas beei successfully photographe i by Prof. Heury Brapcr, at liisobservatory at Hastiugs, on the Hudsou river. Severa nci;.ttivi'ë were obtaiued from wblch impres 8ÍODB will l-c made au the pictures distribuí to uieu of Ki'ii'HOe throughout the world. Ex-Senator Coukliug has giveu up liis rooms in tashiugton. The excess of exports of merchandise for the twwlve mouths ended May 31. 1881, weft ï2';i;.77;i,M;i;againstliU.2TO,SUl in lfthü. The excess of gold and üilver coioand biiüion foi he tvvnlve mouths ended May 31 1881, were $!Kt,3tS,(62 against $74,257,212 duriug the correspoudiug iiioutbs euded iu 1S80. A uiost horrible accident occurred late Frldaynight on the Morilos railway in Mexico whereby over 200 people wero buiued ant crtishnd to ileatli. The scène of the catastro phe was on the liverSan Antonio, near the villago of MalluOis. Tin) bridge spanniuvC tlie river gavt way. Tlie result was a craeli, am: ihe entine and cnis were htirlud headloni? dowu thtt chasm. It is now known that 15 ifflcen and 192 privates were either killwl outriüht by tlie fall, or roasted to deatb, while H ottran ustaniHil luirls of a inore or les-í seriou1' charjeter. Tho train was eutirely connined It turus out that tlie alleed discovery of tlie anM-iuasou Morgnn's bones at Pembroté, N. Y., wis a hoax, concocted by two youag inen of the ilace. Postmaster-iieneral James proposes to reduce letter postage from tbree to two ceuts. TIih Washington monument has reachd a lieight of 200 feet - two-fifths of its entire beight Edison will display 92 group of inveutions at the Paris electrical exhibitiou. A report is received fmm the county seat of SL Louis county that Gen. Orant bas sold his farm on the Graváis road, a few miles from St. Louis to Jay Gould, for $75,000. A steamboat explosión near Maysville, Ky., killed five persons and iujured five other-, one fatally. John Roacli and otbershave ñled art des incorporating the New York and Cuba mai! steamship company ; capital, $2,000 OtK). The comraiseioner of interual revenue bas decifled tliat the bank of Moutreai, dolDg liuniness at Chicago, is liable to taxation on capital brought withiu United Sta es jurisdictiou. Indian Agent Tufts, at Muskogee, Indian territory ha been instructed to remove intru ders from the Choctaw au 1 Chickasaw lands, in accordance with the decisión of the attoruey general. He is to give reasouable notice to all concerned, and to forcibly remove all who do uotcomply with the laws; calling troops to his aid if necessary. Mr. Sessions, of the N. Y. assembly, has lcen indicted for bribery aud held in $3,000 bail. He pleaded noi guilty and demanded an Immediate trial, whicu the prosecuting attorney refused, the judge sustaiuing the latter. It is rumored that the supporters of Conklingtiave made a propositiou to his opponent to elect Coukling for the short and Depew for the long term. This bas been rejected by the opponents of Conkling. Another severe storm has swopt over Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and IVniipylvania. Al Chicago it did considerable damage ín tbo way of Dlowing down houses, unroofiug buildings, uprooting trees, etc, Several borsea were struck by lightning and killed. At Austin, a suburban town, the Episcopal church, not yet completed, wan prnstrated, it is reported, to the ground. At Marlow, III., the rain feil in torrente, and much dauiage was done to crops. Two men were killed by lightning, and three houses were alnaoet demolished. At Spring field, Uhio, the plow factory of Foos & Evans was unroofed, and a portion of the walls blown down. Much damage was done at other pointe in the city. A dispatch from Ripley, ütiio, says: Mis. Kinkcad was Btruck by lightning this morning and Miss Kinkead was paralyzed in one side. At Springfield among the losses were a portion of the fair ground buildings. A carpenter on a ladder on a m-w house was blows to the grouud, and sufferod fatal injuries. AtColumbus the roof of the Timm? car works was blown olí, and the u.tst end of the building blown down. The l'anliandle.roind house and the scraper work were also ladly damaged. Advices from points in the northwesteru part of the state teil the saine story of tiestruetion to roofs, trees, feuces and crops. At Lancaster the damagit w very severe. In the BOuthern part of the city the freigtit riepot 'f the Muskinguiu Valley railroiul had the roof blown otl, and" part of the wall lilown iu. Tlie roof and one side of the round bous of the saine road were also blown off. The whole top of a large building of the Hocking Valley mauufacturing company was torn otf.and part of the wall blown in. The larga trame dwelling of Michael U'tiara, just uuder the ró f, was compl"tely wiecked. At Marlelta nine little girlH iwluiming in a lloatiug taih, nar rowly escaped drowning. the bath hnuse being lilovv:: to pieceo. Mauy houses and baiiis in the country were umoof.d. At Jt'ran klin N. II.. mauy houps were sevi-rcly damaged, the Methodist cjmrch of the west villagB among thein, hy the 11 mdn of hall and rain wblcfa ponred through the chatlcrt-n Windows. The Catholic cbureb wa moved six inches ou the foundation, twixted anl ex rwdingly damaged. A twro-s ory house, frame iiarn aud lied bi-longing to David B. lirown were blown down and UeOTge H. lrakV hoQse was lifted aud hoiHtn-i sevural feet from the foundation, leaving it a total wreek. Freight cars at the depot of the NorthTii rail road were hlov.-n olí the track, (reat dnniago was done tiirough tlie towu by the furious stveep of waters, though the DuOtlauallon of the tirrijt was scarcely Ij minutes. At II o'cio k lat night the tornado was iDCCeeded hy a : iirioiis storm, ai'companied ny heavy ani violent tbuinler aud lightning, the raiu falling in a deluge for two hours. Astiouonier Stockwcll of Cleveland says the couiet now in sighl inay he the saiuu that aphenred ín 1807. & comes from the southern pemisphere, und is probably the same body bserved in South América, a month ago. On he28th it was aloiit 2.,0tK),0O0 miles froni the arth, and receding at the rate of l,SO0,000 n tea per day. Tlie "righier portion of the cornet is not les than 10,000 niila in diameter, wliile the length of the tail exceeds 0,000,000 Olie. Ou the lOth of July the coniet will be within ten degrees of the ïiorth star. It can Mohably he wen by the naked eye for two weeks to ome, and may be followed by telescopes for two inonths. The coinet u cstiinated at the Naval Obsrvatory to be now about 30,000,0410 miles froi. the eartli. Itsnucleus in "00 miles in diuimtT, tn.l tbe envelop abnut the nucleus 200,000 nilfH In dianieter. The tail is caloilatod to be 5,000.000 miles In leugth. The f-ct ihat its or mi lies witliiu the orblt ol tba eartb explaius lh.t appareut paradox of its reeediiig froui the earth while approaching the un. On ihi2Uth of Jnnw liuit it came ne.insst the eaitti. lieiut; then but 10,0(X),0i)0 mile away, and ome as Lronoimrs here thiuk it probable that thoeartti ;licn pased tlnoutrh tlio Uil of tUe cornet. National tiank nutns, annnnt outstandlng June 30, 1874, fS49M,l82; January 14, lt7ö, è:551,8l--l50; ay 81, 1K78. :22,555,tiü; at this date (circulatiou of natiouai (jol-1 banks, $1,087,675. uot includedj.f 353,754,600. Increase i int niouth, f70t,107; increase Biuce July 1, 9iog&66& Lfgal tentler notes, amount outstandint; June 20, 1S74, 382,000,000; Jauuarv 14,1875, 9382.000,060; auiount retiieu ui'der act of J in uary 14, 1K75, U March 31,1878, u6,t.ll.'■, h nu mnt DiiUtiiiulinii on and since uy 31, 1878, 9846,681,016; mnount m deposit wiih the rrt-a.urer of the United States to redeem Dotes of insolvent and llqaidttlQK bauks rettrintr cir culationuudar tbe act of June 20, 1874, $83,lMi,l-2; deorea8e in the deposit last incrath, $1,748,377; inc.ease in the deposit, July lr1880, f 13,7ü;?.S95; additional circulation issued dur ing the inoutb, $3,244,520; redtml and surrt'iideri'd duiing th nionih, $2,254,41S; iucrease by circalatiou during the month, $702,107. The internal revenue receipts for the fincal year endiug June 30, were ahont 9131,082)000; an increasö of more tiran $1 l,OJO,OtK) over tho figures o' the year preoeeing. The governmeut paid during the last fiscal year for the army, #41,000,000; for the na?y, $15,800,000; on the ludían account, $,500,000; and for pensions, $50,200,000. A New York yacht was upset off Bridgeport, Conn., Tuesday evening, aud five of the saven persons ou board were drowned. The Republicans and (rreenbackers of Mississippi have failed to make a coalition, aud will let tbe electiou go by default. Of the $118,i4t,450 of five per cente. outstanding all but about $15,000,000 are to be contiuued at 3,V per cent. Two masked men robbed a Colorado stage coach Tuesday night and escaped with thoir booty. It Is bpfiinning to be talked thattb New Vmk ltgielature will adjourn without electing l'nited States senators. Sonie niembern favoi aoaucusanda compromiso, but it íb doubtfu i: n agnwineut can be reached. The public debt was decreased #12,813,169 during the month of JuneNotice is given tbat tlie icgistered five pei cent. bondB will be paid on preseutation, am that interest will cease ou tlie Is' of October nexL 1,003,514,000 postal cards were issued by the post office oiepartment during the past fou years. Senator Platt his withdrawu froui tho Con test, and there is hope of uuiting upun Cornel aod Depew. _____


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Ann Arbor Democrat