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The present Russian goveinment is proceeding on the tlieory ttiat mild ineasures failed under the late czar and that, therefore, the policy oT severity must be adopteJ. In ttie election fnr meuibers of the Hnngarian diet, outof 222 candidates elected, 127 are Iiln-rals umi supporters of the goveruuienL A village in Yalain, Switzerland, cousisiing of iboutïiW) iiouscs lus been entirely destroyed by fir. One of the hotises was set on lire by tlif lightening, and the llames rapidly sprrad to the whole vilkyre. F. J. Gold, a retirad business man, was fonud uiurdered iu a railvvay train froni Brighton to Loudon. A ui in pamed Mapleton, alias Artliur l.efroy, had been foTJod in the eame traiu, prt'viimsly, wouuded md Meeding aud is suspected of havinff eoiDinttled the murder. An Rttempl to arret him kas failei and he is stilt at lartje, The persons accused of murderinp Abdal Az'z were peiterday found guilty at Constanti nople. The wrestlrr aud his two compauions confesséd, bt ttm otüeri derilod their euilt. Ali Bev, Midnat Pasha, Nouri Paslia and Mahmoud Paslm were feuoii (juilty asaccomplices. The cuble constructiou t.Uinier i'.iraday picked ap and booyed up the end of tlie cable ,tt Linds End and proceeded to Newfouudlaud to complete the layiiiji of the cable. The land hill is to have precelence in the British bous i f commou'! uutil put upon ils passage. A great earth slip is la proitrees near Sigrii" wn, i'unti'. r üernt', Swi'z-il iu.1, nbove the L'-ike of Tun. A etr;tcli of laud on which tbere are mrwlows aiiil bofiges íh tiradually slipplnc iln7H towiwd Ui" lakt'. Thirteeu huudrcd Bbeept wlth thcir shi'phurds, have been nrertThelmed ly t'iu nv.ilanche near Bugels, Cantón of (nsons. At the Wiltshire sessions Rnj;., the Marquia of Tnwushend was Caed X5Ü0 and costs aud lioiiml over to ksep the psace for twelv montbs fur horsewhipping Lord Elward Thyisue. Col. Ñapean aud FraucH Ellis, who ahetted tho asaault, wer fined LHX) eách. Lord Thynne had abductcd the Marqui of fownshend's wifi1. The court at Oonstantinople in the cases of Hm prisoners, Midhat Pasha, Mabuioud Pasha, Nouri Pafha, Ali B-y Mustapha, the wrestler. aud Mustapha, the gardener, couficted of the murder of Ahdul Aziz, sentenced tlieiu to death. Izzet Pauha and Seyda Pasha, implicated in the murder, have each beeu sentenced to ten years penal servttude. Thtrty threo persovg were evic ed froin Lcipsig under the Socialist law. A inalady oí a contasrious ctaaraotar, in some respect resembling leprosy, has made its ,- pearance uear Toulouse. All those cfjudemaed for participation in the murder of the sultan Ahdul Aziz hare giveu uotice of appeal. Advices from Buenos Ayres, of the 5th uit state that ex President La Farre bas iuvaded Uruguay, and that Col. Sartos, Minister of War, is marching against him. A d8patch froni Tunis says: The Arahs at Sfak fired on a French steamer, conveying Tunistan troqps thither, to prevent theiH froiu landiPK. It is stated that the French ViceCon8ul was wounded. Oreat excitement prevailfl at Meheded, the iuhahitants fearing attack froiu the Arahs.


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