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Chauncey Joslin And The Spoils System

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To the Editor of the Detroit Free Presa. If it bc truethat the democratie party inauijurated the spoils systein in politics this should be one of the strongest reasons why it should now aid in "civil service reform." We all kuow, no matter - whose fault, the spoils system has becomc a rotten, festcring soit', on, in and through the body politie ;that a speedy remedy must be found, or republioan form of govemment wil] soon fail in this country. I propose the following preventivos: 1. Permit no man lo teek an office beforeorafter nomination. 2. Permit no man to speud time or money for office. :. Amcnd the oath of olliee by adding: and I further solemuly swear, I have not directly orindircctly paidor expended any nuiiiey or valuable thing or become liable to, nor will I, to procure said oflice. 4. Provide, by law, that any eiector may appear before any cauvassing board and challciiL'e the aunouucement of the election of any person, aud mav the certiücate of election of any person, to any office. Provided such challenger shall at once lile charges that such person lias piiil, expended, or promind directly or indirectly, ïnoney or olher valuables to procure said office. 5. That such challenge símil, by the board of can vassers, be referred at once to the proper circuit court; whieh sball lay aside all othcr business, and forwiih proceed to hear, witU or without a jur}' as in other cases, said challenge and specitications, and if the result of such hearing shall be that the candidato has before or alter his nomination ïxpended any money, or valuable thiugs, directly or indirectly, or proinised so todo, wnether suoh money or valuables, lielouged lo said candidato or was contributed by bis trimde or party, then no certiñeate of eleclion slial) Ike is sued; and a new electioiisball be ordered. 0. Provide, by law, that the appointed ofticers, of the Uinteil Otates except thu cabinet, shall hold office at least eight yeurs, and shall uot be removed, except íor cause fouud 011 a hearing before sume court, as high as a state circuit cout, after notice to such ollicer, of such hearing aecording to the practico of said court. 7. Appointed Offlcers shall not be as sessed for the support of any party. Let their salaries be such that tliey will not fieely coutribute mucli. 8. Let the people proclaim that these, or like laws, shall be passed; and our cou stitutiou soameiuied, vvhon necessary, as to curry out such civil service reform. 9. The spoiis system and its outgrowtli, Office ieekihg, shot piesident Garfteld, and wil repeat the Crime unles.s destroyed. 10. We are on a broad hiijhwny to destruction, and ncar the end thercof, unless we pass and enforce ligidlawsanainst tbc use of money in elections.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat