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School Of Political Science

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The committeeappointedat the rtgents' meeting to prepare the nece&sary an nouncement of the establishment of a school of polltical science in the university have done so. The work of instruction to begin Septamber 28, the opening of the academie year. ADMISSION TO THE SCHOOI,. Students of the academie department of the university will be admitted to the school of political cience whenever thcy have completed the rerjuired studies of either of the general courses lcoding to the degree of bachelor of arts, bachelor of letters or bachelor of science. The re([uired studies embrace nearly the whole of the work of the flrst ',wo years. Students who have completed the studies of the second year in any other college or university hnving courses of study the first two years of which are substantially equivalent to the first two years ia the academie department of the university of Michigan, may be admitted to the school of political science without examination. Certificates of standing md of honorable dismissal will be required of all students rom othcr colleges, but no examinntion wil! le held. Graduatos f this university or of any other reputabfe college or university, will roceive credit foratiy portiou of the work they may have already completed, and will receive the deiree on passing an cxtimination in those studies in which they have not ulruddy befóte uil mission made tüetnselves proflcient. Of such students, however, a residence at this university of at least one year will be required, and twoyears will geneiJjr be necessary. Students uot candidates for a degrec may bc admitted to any of the classes, provided they satisfy the ollicers in charge of the classes they dcsire to enter, that tliey are qualified to pursue the work witli ad van lage to themselvcs, and without detriment to olhers. FEES AND EXl'li.NihS. The only fees to be paid to the uiiivcrsity by students in the school of political are thosc required of all students in the depariinent of literature, science, and the arts. The year is divided into two semesters. The tirst exlemiincr (rom tlie opening of the year to February 17; the second trom February 18 to the animal comiucnceineul on the last Thursday in June. Sluder.ts may be admittcd ert the beginning of cacli semester, hut no degrees will be conferred except ut Ihe close of the academie year. Sludents 111 the school of politica] science will be pennitted to take such studies in the academie departincnt as they may desire, piovulcd sueh studies do not iuterfere witu the regular work. This privilege will bc of especial valué to those who haveno preliminary knowledge of French and Germán . Although a familiarity of both these languages is uot aprerequisite for admissiou to the school, yct such familiarity will be presupposed and will be found indispensable to the highest success in the proseculion of studies. kxaminations FOBDESBEErf Besides the regular examinations at the close of each semester, cvery candidate for a degree will be required as a eondition of graduation, lopresent and defend a thesis before a cominitlee of the faculty. The thesis must show un elabórate study of the subject considered, and so f ar as is practicable, mustevince original research. Each candidate for a degree will also be requircd to pass an oral exuininution, in which he will be expected to show special proficiency in some ono bianch of study, and goud attainments iu two other braaclies, ftppcoved by the faculty. These examinations will not be conüned to the scope of instruction given in the selionl, but must show thorough reaearch and such familiarity with tlie su!)jects under consideration as a special student muy reasonably be expected to posses.. Tue Lansing Journal wcll says the mauncr iti which the American people have passed through the greut trial of the last week is highly credilable lo thcir natiönal oharacter. Under the slimulautof agreát excitement tliey haye arisen to the full stature of patriotic manhood. All the dividmg lines of party and faction have disappeared wholly. Only tender sympathy fot the stricken president and Ijurn ing indignation at the great erinie have found a lodgment in the popular breast. The people, though exeited and profnund ly sorrowful, maintained their sclfcontrol and nL ver lost tbeir head. No uxcesses were iudulgcd in or thought of. There was calmness and clearness of visión everywhere. A tender syuipalhy fur the suifering victiin, ami afirm, patriotic de votion to country, prevailed everywhere. The president iniglit die, hut the nation would live. The insane act of a madinun inight flll our hearts with grief, bul was powerloss to affect the national lile, progress, or welfare. Americans have only occasion for patriotic pride at ihe hearing of the people iu the great trial throujrh wukh the country has passrd. The inllux of immigrante into tlie United States from the old world is now at high-water mark. Duringthesix mouths of 1881 ending June 30 there were 243,UÜ3 arrivals, as compared with 177,848 in the same period last year. Uermany has sent the largest niiBiber of any country, 21,142; Ireland, next. 7,771; Sweden, 7,20.); Kngland, ö,060; Austria, 3,300; Norway, 2,295, etc. Auiong the Germán mmigrants in June were technologists, civil and mechanieul engineers, inachiuists, and carpenters. Amung the Swedes were mauy skilied workmen, but the Irish were mostly laboréis. Ncariy half of the Germán ïmmigrants will settlewest of tlic Mississippi. QMtH cH'irts are bc ing made by Jay (lOuld and olhers interested in Texan railways to stimulate settlement along those lines; they liavu even sold tickets iu Europe at $2o as uniform fare fiom New York to auy poiut in Texas. More Irish immigranis are settling in Missouri and Ai kansas as farmers than formerly. The icandiriavians are going to the northwest, but not so far as in former years, a majority of them stopping n NebrasKa and Alinnesota.- Lansing Republiean. The most rumarkable newspaper man in the United States lives at Angels Cüinp in Calaveras country, llis name is S. S. Waterman. He is 24 years old, and has been paraly.ed ever since he was bom. He was bom in Angels and has liever been away from the town but once, wheii he went iu search of medical aid, but failed to find any. His paralysis is of the upper and lower limbs, which he can not move. IIis speech is also affeeteil, and it is only with difllculty that he can talk at all. Early in life he nianife.sted a liking for movable type, wliich he placed in posilion with his teetli. He soon began to cut type out of wood, holding the engraving tools between his teeth when he used them. He bas made a good deal of block type in this way, with which bc at present conducta a small job printing business He also sets metal type with his teeth. Waterman was one of the founders of the Mountaiu Echo, a weekly newspaper now being published in Angels. He set a good deal of the type on this paper with his teeth, and havinga goed education manufactured his editorials and otuer articles as he went along. He is now out of the newspaper business and confines himself entireiy to job priuting and engraving. He does all the program and invitation work for the town, frequently engraviug special designs for his jobs. His piesswork, of course, he can not do with UU teeth, and cmploys a boy to do that part of the work for him - the only part that he can not do himself. -


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