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Plaín win: fences, after being'tl of, and fairly Iried, were d seaided niany ycars ago. The obstruclion to luiinmls, offered ty all tliu wires that could be afforded in a fence was toofeelilcii bftrrier. In order to inake money by InpMtng soincthing new upon purclmsers, some one mventt'd tlie barbed wire (once, witli all its worthlcssness as a barder, and tbe additiou of its owu miscüevious power, to iujurc mimáis ihat are betrayed into its net-woik. Alrcady the numbur of uccidents arisnii; from il use is largc, and the list will bccome appalling when "ur lields and highways are bordcred with tliis bristling chevaux de frize. Evory run nwny team wil 1 be in danger of tenriuif itself to strings, and [rapaluig passengen on these barbes! One unnily anima) sac rifleed, and ruined by sueli a fnce teaches no lesson to otliers, and ttius its evil ia not oue that experience remedies We apprehend that the popularlty of this fence will be short lived. Great opposition is already shown to its use by railroads, and we cauuot think of au objec tion to it there, that does not apply to i Ml be is strong anywhere. Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The bost salve in the world for Cuts Bruiaes, Sores, UIrris, Salt Kheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chappcd Hands, Ctiü blnins, Corns, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. Tbis salve is guaranteed togiv perfect satisfaction in every case or tlu money refundcd. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ana Arbor ilich. ________ A KOOL ONCE MOIÍK. "Korten ypirs iny wil'c vus c.iiilincd t( lier bed with such a coniplicalion of ail mcuts tbat nu doctor could teil wlt was the matter or cure her, and I used up a sma'.l fortune in hunibui; stiill. Six months ago I saw.,8 II. S. ftnn with Hop Bitten on it, and I ihouglit I wou ld bu a foo once more. I tried t, but niy folly proved to be wisdom. Two hottlcs cured her, she is now is wcll and strong as anv mans wifo, and it coét me only two dollars. Such folly pays- K. W., Detroit, Micb. - Free Press. HlÖ L.A6T DU6E. Said asuiïerer from kidney troubles. when asked to try Kidney Wort. 'Til try it but it will be niy last dose." The man got well and is now recoinmeuding the remedy to all. When derangement of the stom ach acts upon the kidueys and Ijver bringing disease and pain, Kidney-Wort is the truc remedy. It removes the cause and cures the discase. Líqafd (vciy concêntratéd) ordry acts t-iiially efflctenHy. - Am. Cultivator. Good advice. We advise every fatnily ta keep Downs' Elixir al way 8 oq hand. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds ever ofïered to the public. For cleausing the system of all morbid matter and warding off discases, öo rnêdi cine possesses such elficacy as Baxter's Mandrake Biiters. As a Liniment for horses Hcnry & Johnson's Árnica ar.d Oil Liniment is unequüled. It cures, Sprains, Bruises, and ],ameness at once. PILES!" PILES! " PILES! - - o - A Sure Cure Found at Last.- No one Need Suffer. A snre cure for the Blind, Bleedlng, Helling and Ulcerateü l'iles has bten discoveren ly Ir. Williams (an Indtan reraédy), uallorl Dr. Williams ludían Olntment. A single box has cured the wurst ohroDic cases oL tSaiul '-W years' standing. Noonenoed suffor flye minutes after applylng tliis Wítnl-rful sootliiiiK mrdicine. Lotions, lnstruments and Electuaríes do more hurm than pooil. Willianrs OintiiH-ni absorba the tumors, allays the intense Itchlng (partimiliirly at night after eetting warm in bcil), u-ts as a poulttoe; gires instant aml painleas rt-lit-f, and is preparet only for raes, itching of the private parts. and aothing else, Itead wliat the Hun. .1. M. Cofflnherry, oí. Cleveland, says alniiit Dr. William's fndlan l'ili Olntinent: 1 have osed Bcbrófeof pile cures, and it afforLs me pleasure to say that I lia-e uever found anything which gave mch Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Imlian l'ile Ointnient. For sale by all druprgists, or maileil on receipt of price, $1.00. Jas. K. Uavis & C'o.. Wholesale DrugRists, Detroit, Mich., Agent s. For sale by II. J. Urown & Co., Aun Arbor, Bfich, THE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM ' Ae it is for all diaoases of tbo KIDNEYS, , LIVER AND BOWELS. It oleansos tho system of tho acrld polaon tbat oausos the droadful suffcrinir which ' ouly tho victima of RhcumatiBm can realice, , ; THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forma of thía terrible disooao havo boon quiokly relioved, in a short time ' PERFECTLY CURED. ' r ha bod wondcrful nueoc, and an Inunense , sale inovery part of tho Country. In hun' dxedo of oases íthaa cured whereall olao had ' } falled. Iti8 mild, but effioiont, OERTAIN . , INlTSACTION.butharmlessinalloaflM. tffI t cleansoü, Btrcnthenii and Itcb New ■' Ufe toall the important organsof the body. , The natural action of tho Kidnoys is restored. ' ' The Livor is cloanaod of all disoase, and the f Bowels move frooly and hoalthfully. In this , waythe worst diaoasoa are eradicated from ' ' thosystem. ' As it bas boen proved by thousands tbat i is the most efleotual remedy for cleansing the , ( syetora of all morbid seoretione. 1 1 shouid bo used in overy houaehold aa a SPRING MEDICINE. , Alwaya cures BLUOnSNESS, ■ TION, PILES and all PEMALE Diseanoe. , 4 1b put up inlry Vegetable Forra, intin rans, i one parkatfe ot which niakes GquarCH medicine. ' Also in Llquld Fom, cry toncentratcd for . ' the convenience of those whocanuotreadilypre, parelt. Itaetêwfithtqual effleienea tn citherform. GET ITOrYOUR DRUGGIST. ritlCE, tl.00 , WELLS, KICHAKDSON' A Co., Prop', (WU1 aend the dry poBt-paiil nrui.iSGTOS. TT. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. WSCOVERËR OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tho Positivo Cnre For all Female Complaints. Thia proparatlon, as Ha name significa, conwlsts ot Vegetable Proporties that oru harniloss t the most delloato lnvalfd. Upon ono trial the morita of thia Com pound wlll bc rocognl&xl, au relief is immedlato ; and when lts uso Iticontinucd, In ninety-nino casen In a hun. drod, apennanontcuroisolTcctcd.nHthouBaiidR wJU testify. On account of its proven mérito) H is to-day recommendtíd and prvscribed by thu best physlciautj ín tlie country. It will euro entlrely tho worst form of falling of tho utorua, Leucorrhoea, irregular and painful Uonstruation, all Ovarían TroublOH, Inllaintnution and Ulceratlon, FIoodbigTx, all Dlsplocements and tho cunaoquentsplnal weakncsspand is tsiK-cially adaptad to the Change of Ufe. It willdissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early Htage of dovclopment. The t!ndency to canceroua humorathero i checkud very leedily by lts us. Ín ír-ct it has proved to bo the gretiteet and best rexnedy tliat ha ever boen discover td. It es every portion of the systeni, and ui v n newllfeand vigor. It removes faintneHs.flatuIency, doBtroysallcraving f or stluiulants, aud relieves weaknesa of the stomtu-h It curca Bluatine, ITeadaches, hVrvoas rrostratlon, General Debility, SleoplcwincMi, Deprossion oiid IudiKestion. That ftitlintrof Ix'nringdown, causm pain, weight and backache, ie olways permancntly cured by 'Ah uh). It wil lat all time, and undi rail ctreumstaneen, act In harmuny wit ti the luw tlmt governa the f'inalrnyitoiii. ForKidncyComplalnts of cttbc-r sex thia compound la uiiHurpa.ssi.-a. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouncf Is prí pared at 233 and 235 Wostorn Avenue, Lynn. Hosii. Irico $1.00. Six bottleei f or $5.00. Knt by muil in the formof pill8, alsoiii tlic form of TjOZOukcs, on recetpi ofprice, $1.00. per box, for eithor. filrs. PIVKHAM f rculy answera all li fctera vt inqidry. Send for paia pit li 't. Adürt.i a.salxjve JUentian fats jxtper. Ho f wnOy should bo without i.ydia k. pink ham UVEUPILLS. Thvy cuix Courtipation, HillouaiUM mü Torpiu 1y of the ttrer, a cfnts uer box. Soldby ('. K. Hulnics (.'ooklhotrblocki P J 1 The Greatest Remedy Known. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is ccrtaiuly tbc greatest medical remedy ever put within the reach of suifering humanity. Thousands of once hopeless sufferers loudlv proclaim their praise of this wonderlul Discovery to which thcy owe their lives. Not only does itpositively cure Consumption, aud Coughs, Colds, Astlunn, Bronchitis, Hay Kever, Hoarseness, bui all affection of tlili Throat, Chcst and Lungs yield al once to its wonderful curative powers a.if by magie, We do not ask you to buv a large bottle until you know what you are getting. We, tberefon, earnestly re quest you to calí on your druggist, Éberbach & Son, and get trial a bottle for ten cents whicb. will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits, and show you what a regular one dollar sizu will do TAK EJIOT C :L. " I herebr eaution all pursons against trusting or harborinf? my wife Mrs. Julia Aubengttyer. on iiiv account, after t liis date, as I shall pay no delits of her contracting. HEKRY LAUBENGAYER. Ann Arbor, July 20, 1881. "mSSÖLÜTION NOTIÍET The co-partnership heretofore exlsting under the flnn name of IIall& üraneh, grot-ers, is this day disolved by inutuulooiiHeiit. All bilis agalnst the lato flrm will le settlüd, aml accounts colleeted lv Hall and Mosley, who will continue thtí business at the oíd stand, No. 28 North Main Street, Ann Arbor, Midi. A. R. HALI, W. A. MOSLEY. July 1, 1881.


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Ann Arbor Democrat