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LKOXAKI) HOUSE, rp F. I.WiNAIiH. Propfletor, JL Afin Arbor. Mieh. 1 HAVE OPENEI) A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE Atthesouth-east oo-nerof Ann and Fourth streets, and will st-Il at WHOLESALE 1 1TAIL ! Anj'thiHg in my line. goods pkomptly'dki.iykkki) Toany part o( llif city. J. ROSS, Piioimiietok, Ann Arbor, - - - itteltigaB ■ ■II ''ft.v rioin datf of HÚ, uint U ratnrn II ■ 3 j! l'jj GEN. PASS RAGT.. C B 4QK.R. J[ - )TiÍJii Chicago & Western RAI L.W A. Y ís tho OLHEST! BEST CONSTR0OTEDI BEST 6 UIPPKD I and henee the LEADINflRAILWAY, WEST ANDNORTHWEST! tt is the short and best route bctween Chicago and all points in Northers mino::, lowa, Daicta, Wraak, Netrasïa, California, Orejón, Arizona, utah, Cjlwtie, Haao, Montaaa, Saiiii, and :.: CO-J27CÏL 3LÜFFS, OMAHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, SIOU.V CITY, "edtr Baplli, 5os Kobos, Colnmtai, rnd !1 Points ia tïo ranttarltl, md tho West. Also, for üilwaaieo, O:se:BiT, -:b:-.;:h, GheïCTjia, V'.-.rrietts, Toni ds Lac, Wateriom, j3ettoa, Kosr.aa, ÜOBiin:, nt. Faal, Khmeapolii, Haroa. v'olja, Firpj, Bismitci, Winssa, LaCrcsso, Owatoniu, an; .11 peía'.: ia Uinacso, tilaa, Wiiccnsia asd the üerth;ost. At Coiinoil Blulft tho trainsoftho ChtasgoA iorth-Western and the U. 1 K'ys depart i'roia, ar■ivo ut and usc the same Joint l niou Depot. At Chicago, clfiseconnectionsareniartowith thi vake Shore, UicliiKan Central, Baltliuora tOhi'L Wayne mul Peimsylvania. aml Chi Jrand Trunk K'ys, and tho Kaiikakec aud l'ai. limdlu Boutea ('livscnuiniTtlonsinadeftt Junction Points. l: s thü only line rimnig Pullman Hotel Diniiig Car. CHICAGO AKD CUUNCIL BLUFFS. rii.i.MAN"i:rs in a ij. NIOHTTBAiro. Insist upon Ticket Agents seliïng yu 'J'ioketc lathisroud. Kxiunine yotir tickets, and tefui i tuy il they tlo not read vurthe Chicago & Nonh-Westciñ Railway. ifyotiwishthe ]( si TraveHnrArrommodations ouwill buyyour tickets by this routo, aud wAli nke none otlior, AU Ticket Agonts sell Tickets by this Une. HAKVIN HIIUUITT, i 2cd V. F. ft Ocni Kitff'r, CïlcagO. MUSIC The chrapest place to bur pianos, Estey Oreaos, Violins. (Juitars. banjos, Tainbourfnes, lrnms, Pifes, Flageolet, itlu is. Aocordeona. l'ianu Ktuolx, Viulin Hoxes, Intttruction Books for all kiinls ui insiruim'iitM, Sheet MnHic(new), Btrings,oe8t iiuulily, all kinds; Montli (iru-aiis. Brldges, Bawa, Krys and Uuiu. Eyorytliingin the imisir nu from a ('hii-korliiK Pianoeo ;i Jew's llai-j can b fountl at J K SAQE'SMusic Store, No.'l Washimctpn Si., Ana A rbor. OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSE, SKiN, AND Fresco fÉiL AI.SO TAl'KH IIAXCIMi. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANX AHBOK, MICHIGAN. Genuine Milwaukee M BB. ' X A Cv i 0l Lager Beer Depot. Üüli THE CREAT BURLI2ÍGTON JtOUTE. t3P""No nther line runs Threo Through JaB acntrcr Trains Daily between Chicago, Dos Molncs, Couneil Hluffs, Omnba, Lincoln, 8t. Joscph, Atchison, Topoka and Konsns Citjr. Direct tonncctions fnr all pointR n Kunst, Nebrusk, Colorado, Wyoming. Montanu, Nevada, New Mexicu, Arizona, ldabü, Oregon and Califni-nia. Tlie Shnrtest, Spoedicst nnd Most Comforta"■ Hotffo via Hannibsi to Fort Scott, Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galveeton nnd all potnti in Texas. Thi' unt-fjualcd inducements offered by thia Ni to Travelcrs ftnd Touiists, are as follows: The cclcbrated rulliimii (lfl-wheel) Palace Sleepinif Care. run only on thls Line, C, B. j. Pulace Drawinr-Koom Cars, wltli Horton'a [ïeclininp ï'hairs. Ñu extra rharifo for Seats n Uoclininif Chaira. The famous C, B. c Q. Palacc Dininir ('ars. Corpreiuis Smoklnif Car ltted with Blevant i I it-li-l!a. kiil Kattun Kivolvinfr ('hairs for tlm exclusive use of firstlii-s p:isscnpers. Stoel Track mul Superior Equipment, combined with their Great . Througb Cur Arrunenent, raakos tlils, above all others, the favorita Route to thu South, Weet, and the Kar West. Try it, and yon will flnd travelin a luxury nstead of a difleomfori. Through Tickets vla thia Celebratcd Line or salo at all oJBoea in the United States and Canada. A Xu! All information about Rat es of Fare, Sleept ig Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, ■ill bc rhuerfully Kivcn, and willsend Frte to ny a'hlrcss au cicg'ant County Map of United tated, 11 colora, by applying to. JAMES R. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. Chicago. T. 3. POOT'ER, General Manayer, CbicaKO


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Ann Arbor Democrat