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DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 2O E ast Hu ron St. Oysters Aiways Fresh and Cheap. Pure Wines and Llquors for medicinal pnrpose8. Choicest brands of Citara alwayg on hanJ FRED SORG, Dealer In PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES, W1NDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best QuaütjSHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington [at. A'N ARBOR. - MICMIQAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Hare on hand a complete stock of everythiug in the Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Ooffbe, and Sugars Ia large amounts, and &t OetsIhL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large lnvoiee of Teas they Br.y and Sell, is a good proof timt in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Itoaat their own Coftees every week, uní none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cake n ml Crac-kers. Cali and see them. JACKSON 7lRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-IDiRIIsr TILE. All our Drain THe are made of Fire Olay, are of uniufual strength and Ugftt icciyht, -which materially reduces the breakage and expense of traüsportation. The ditchine forthisclass of tiling islesaexpen ivo, as they do not require to bO laid beiow früst, but nnly deep enough to escape the plow. While thia is more económica! it also aids in obtainingiabetter ' fall" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale tu smali quant itios, or car load lot? , at tho FERDON LUMBER YA1. JAS. TOLBERT. Agen. lli -iiliiê tONlO IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In every case of Malarial frVver or Fever and A&ie while for disorders of the Stonmch, Toi - pidity f tliíí Liver. Indigestión and disturbances of the animal forces, wnlch debilítate, it has no equivalent, and can have no substicute. It should not be Otnuomded rttt triiurutedcompounds of cheap spirits andessential oils, ofte BOkA under the name of Bitters. FOK SALE BY C. E. Holmes, Cook hotel block. KENDALL S SPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedyw discoveren, as it is certain in its effects and does not blisfer. Read Proof Bclow. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL Btoughton, Mas8., March lfith, 1K80. B. J. Kknimll & ' 't.. (.ents; In justioe to you and in vsi-lf, I t hink 1 ought to let you know that I have removed tWO lone spaviris with "KendalI's Spavin Cure,'1 ome very largt one; don't know now long the spavin had been there. I have owneil tu' horse wi-tlit months. It took me four months u take the lare one off and two for the smalt one. 1 have us-d ten bottUw. The horse is . eBtirelyweU. not ataÜBthT, ood no bunoh to be seen or feit. Tli's's a wonderfi! .medicine. It is anew tliinghere: but fit does for all what it bas done for me its sa'e will be very reat. Ktp -ctfully yours, Chas. E. Parker. Kkntmus Spavin Cv k is sure in its effects inilfl in its iiction as it dots not blistt'r, yet it ia pfiietrat uw and pouerfnl to reach every deep onatrd pain or to remove any bouy rowth or utlicr enlargement.such asspavius.sphnts, curbn, cullous, sprains. teUinga au lamenes and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rhouniatisin in man and for any purpose for whieh a Hniireni. is used for man or neast. It is now known to 1 the best liniment for man ever used, art inv mild and yet certain in its ÍTtts. Send addressfor Ulustrat'.Hl Circular which we think cives positive DTOOf 0( ís virtues. No remedy hos ever mt with Bucll unquaHfled siu-cess (o our knowiedge. for heast as well n; man. l'rice ?l. per bottle or six bot t les for $5. AU Drutcííisis have it orean get it foryou, or it will lic sent to any address on receipt of prioe by tin proprieUrs. DR. Iï. J. KENDALL & CO., Énosburgh Kalls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN. H. DOWNS I VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR IIs a sure cure for Cough, Colds, Whooping-Cough, aud all Lung Diseases, when taken ir season. People die of coasuiiiptioii simpIv because Ot neglcct, when the u. timcly use of tin re.-ned would B have cured thcrn at once. Ftfty-one ijcars ot constant use pruves tti. fact that no cough remecí y ha nood the test likt Dottii' t.lixir. Trica 35c. 6uo. int 51. ix. [mi bottle. W S-.l. K ,r wl.ere. Dr. Baxter's Mandrake ÍSllTi:ig Will curt Jautidicet Dispepsia, !Liver Conij)!, lints, Indigestión, and all dicaes arising f rom Riliousncs. Pnce is ets. per bottle. Foi Salí Kverywlifn1. IIKMil ii JOH.VSO.VS ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT l'or JHan aiift The most perfect liniment ever compounded. Pricc $c. and 50c. Kor Siilr KvcrywhtTO.


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