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LEONA UI) HOUSE, TF. LEONAHD. Pröprietor, Aim Arber, Mi.h. RL E fi IL ■ I HAVK QPENKD A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE Atthesoutli-east conerof Ann and Fnurt h si reets, and will sell ut WHOLESALE i RETAIL ! AiiythiHti il iny lini. GOODS I'KOMITI.V DKLIYKREI) To any part of the city. J. HO SS, PliorRlETdü, Ann Arbor, - - - Miclrfgnh lïl Now on sale uni l4ruuptUe se -u, A II B II 'lt'-'r i 'X Tir-xKT'í, fr.iiii 11 11 ' 'hion-.. .-mil Uu "il ucmt. to El i imJmaï ver. colorado st;u:ígs, hu.' H flra PUEBLO, AMD REl'ÜKN, lv six II 'i ' l'IKFKül.NT Iti'i FKS, :it wotnierPl lutly low liitc. Thusv ticket wül tv gy i J!! gooa K'inir wert wltltin flfteen - !■" m' 1 II uojs fi-om dateof wie, Had to retor' B V, IwVHlt )'"inan f';irs mu I.y " IBPWl Tlli" -'umianv front CHICAGO v" iH HMI COUNCIL BLUFFS. TUFEKA.ui I 3(13 j but oné chango o'f oars to DENVER FVl I { II -inri l'U KB LO. inninif Cars uw ai IL Aail tAcned toaU throuirli tndiu, Inwhl.-li W A II kzBl iiiiwUs can be ohUinM at thi.-iwt--.oiiLjkJQ II nhio pnce f seventy-ñre cents. rer I Kor ratos, furthír infonnatioi, HH IfTil and oleeaat Map of Lniu-i rZITi II H II States freo, tuíiírcss, jHK Chicago, Xll. 1 ï Chicago & North. -Western RAI LWAY Is tho OLDKSTÍ BKST CONSTRTTCTED! BZST ECiUIPPED 1 auü henee tho LEADING RAILWAY, OF Til F WEST AND NORTHWEST! It Is tho short and bost routu betweeii Chicago aTid all points iu üorthern niisoïs, lora, Dakcta, Wvomiis, Kctrasïj, C-Ufr:;-., Oroms, Aïizoai, Dtah, CsiWiJo, Hito, M ■ivaia, udtor COXJHCIL SLXTFPS, OHL&SÁ DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADVOOD, BIOVX. TT, Csdir, EosKalscs, Cohmtus, and al! Pdnta is ihj Territorio, and tho West. Also, forMÜTaaici, aroenBiy, Ojiioah, Sheïoyan, airqastto, Tosd du Lic, Wattrtowa, ïïsjeht:2, Kcosöi, ltsaasnr., "t. Pisl, ImuaU], Bura. Volji, Fargo Bisaarcï, Wiasaa, LaCros3o, Owatecna. sa ail P0ÍLÍ3 ia ilisncssM) Catata, WúMssa aad tho H;:thnn, At Council Blulft tho trains of the Chimgo Xorth-Wcstüru and the U. P. R'ys depart l'ruin, arrive nt and use the somcjhit l'nioii L0)Ot. At Chicago, elitfeconnectionsareniaílc' with th r.ake öhore, Michigan Central, Baltiuiorc ttOh. Ft Wayiiè and Pennsylvanfa, and Chicago t ■ mud Trunk R'ys, aiui tüo KiUikiikec uia'Fai. Handle Routes. Close foniiwtions made at Jnnction Points. I: is thu only linorujmig Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWKF.N CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. PI l.l.MANKl.EKl'ERSON AI.I. NlfilIT Tl: A : S. Insist ii]oii 'j n ki Ageuto selliiiK you Tickets via tliis rond. Examine your üoUcts, and refusc t. lniy f tlicy do uut read ver the Chicago & Niirüi-western Rallway. If youwishthi; J st traToJlnprAcoominodatiDiif you will liuy your ii kets by uiii route, and M.'li Ail Ticket AgonLs si11 Tickets tv thts Lino. JtlAltI HUOUITT, 2sd V. S. & Scs'l Xing't, Cbicago. MUSIC STORE The cheapest ilacu 10 buv I i: 9, Bstej Organs, Vióllns, Quitara, hanlofl, Tambmirfnes, Drums. Flfes, Flapeolets, Zit hem, Accordeons. Piano Stoola, violln Boxea, Insinic-iii.ii Books for all kinds ol insmnmnis. Sheet Mnsic iiriïi. striiiKs.D.-st guality, all kinds; Mouth Organs, Brldges. Bows, Keyg and Roain. KviTviliiiifr tn the mnsic line from n ChiekerinK Piano to a .leus Harp can be founcl at J. R. s.(a:s Mnsic Store, No. 1 Washington st., Auu Arbor, OSCAR O. 8OR#, HOUSE, SIliX, AND Fresco P aii, I.M PAPER IIAXCINC. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST., ANS ARROH, MICHTOAN. Genuine Milwaukee il 1 . . jgBi kv & o Lager Beer Depot. THE CREAT BVRLTXGTOX ROUTE. jSBXo nther line runs Three Throuííli Paft sonsrcr Trains Daily betweon Chicago, Des Moines, Council QliifTs, Omnlin, Lincoln, St. h, Atchisnn, Toyioku and Kímisüs City. na for 11 pnints yn Kansas, Nebrusk:!, Colorado, Wyomlna. Montana, Nevucki. New Mc.ico, Arizona, ldaho, Orejón and California. The ShortPst, Ppppdii-st nriil Most Comfortav.!o via Hannibül to Fort Scntt, Denison, Houston, Aiutln, San Antonio, Gulvost'.)ii and all polllT8 In Tevus. The ui!c']iialt(l induccnifnts ffercd by this :id Tuurists, are as t'oüows: l'iillmmi (16-whecl) Palaco Sl'pp1nr Tarii. rini only o thi Line, C, II. .'t Q. Pnlaoc iiiMwim'-Konm ('ars. with florton's Koclininir 'hairs. No extra churre lor Scats in Kcclining Clialrs, The Farnous ("., B. & Q. üinini: ('nrs. Gortrpous Smoking Cars miert ith Elejrunt Higli-Daeked Itattan Kevolvinjr ('hafrs fur the exelusivc u;e of flrstp isoiitrcrs. Steel Track and Superior Equipniont, combiind with (heir Grent Throjign CarArransre. ment. makes tliis. above allothcra, the favorito Hmite to the South, South-Wuat, umi tho Far Wpst. 'l'ry it, and yon wlll lind travcling a luxury in-terid ol a discornlorí. Throimh Tickets via this ('elebrated Line for s.ile at all otliccs in the United States -and Canada. A il Information ahout Ratos of Fare, Sleept ing Jar AcooinuiodatioDS, Time Tables, &sn will )■ chcerfully srlveni and willsend Frt to anyaddret8 an elegant Cmmtii Map oí Uuited Bfutes, in colors, by applying to. VF.ROEV L T.OWKTJ,. (imiitiiI 1'asscTiL'er i-imu Chicago, ■I'. J. POTTER, Qenera] Uana6r, ciiieago


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Ann Arbor Democrat