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DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 2O East Huron St. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Pure WInes and Liquore for medicinal pnrDO6CS. Cholcest branda of Cigars alwaya on hatiJ "FRËD SORG," Dealer In PAINTS, OILSJAIISHES BBUSHES. WINDOW OLASS, And all l'aintera' Supplles of the Best QuaJltjSHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington :st. ANN ARBOK. MICMIOAS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Hare on hand a complnte stoclc of everythiag in the Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, CoiToes, anti Suars In large amounts, and at Casli Prices And can sell at Iiow Figtires. The large tovoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, ia e good proof that in Quïlity and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast thelr o-n Coffees every week, aui) none but prime articles are aed. Their nakeryturns out excellent Bread, Calce and Crackers. Cali and see them. JACKSÖN FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - ZDZRIUST TILE. All our Drain Tilo are made of Fire Clay. are of unumuU strength and light wcight. which ma_ terially reduces the breakage and expense of transportation. The ditching for this class of tilingialeasexpen Rlve, as they do not requirti to be laid below trost, but only deep enougli to escape the plow. Whlléthtais more economical it also aids In obtainingiabetter "fall" or grade to the draln. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale ta small quantities, or car load lots, at th FBBDON LÜBER YARD. JAS. TOLDEET. Affent. pEEffS Gl LT ED G Ex ÏONlC IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In every case of Jtalarial Fever or Fever and Ague while for disorders of the Stomach, Torpidity of the Livcr. Indigestión and disturbance of the animal foroes, whioh ilcbilitatr, it has no equivalent, and can have no substitute. It should not be confounded ith triturated coinpound of cheap spirits and cssi-ntial oils, often sold uudar the name of Bitters. FOR SALE BY C. E. Holmes, Cook hotel block. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedyever ducovered, as it is ce rtain in it-s effect and does iiot blister. Read Proof Below, PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL Stoughton, Maas., March ]6th, 1880. B. J. Kkndai.i. & Co.. Uents:- In justice to you and myself, I think I ought to let you know that I have removed two bone spavins wilh "Kendall's Spavin Cure," one very larga one; don't know now long the spavin had heen tin-re. 1 have wiifil tiif eteht months. It took me four months to take the largt one ofT and two for the small one. I have used tèn botttes, Thehorse ís entirely well, not at all stift", and no bunch to be seen or feit. This is a wonderf ui medicino. It ia a new tliing here; but if it does for all what it haa done for me its sale will be very j?reat. Reapectfully yours, Chas. E. Parkk. Keniaijs Spavin Ocrei is sure in its eflfects, niihl in it-s action as it does not luister, yet it is prnetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove any bony prowth or other eulargement.such as spavins, splinU.curb. eallous, sprains. swellings, any lamenes and all enlargementsof the joints or limhft, or rheumatiKin in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or neast. It ia now knowntobe the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet eert ai n in its effectB. Kond address for Illnstrated Circular which we think gïves positive proof of ts virtues. No remedy has ever met with BUCh unquaUfled succesa o our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Prioe $1. per bottle, or six botties for $5. All Druggists have it orean get it for you, or it vrill be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enoaburgh Kalls, Vermont. SOLO BT ALL DRUGGISTS IN. H. DOWNS' VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR IIs a sure cure for Cough, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diseases, when taken M season. People die of consumptioi. simpy bccause of neglect, when the I timel use of tini. remed would have cured them ai once. nny-one years ot constant use proveí, tth. fact that no cough remed; ha ttood the tesl likt JDoMtna' M.ttxir. I'ric 3óc. iuc oi.d tl. K. .ei Iwltlo. Kor KverwlierO. DivBaxter's Mandrake KlVTER Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Con;plaints, Indigestión, and all diñases arising froni BilOUSHC66. Pnce t$ ets. perbottle. Foi Bate BverywhM. II K. u .v JOHHMSV ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMEJVT For Jflan and itcasl. The most perfect liniment ever compounded. Price ?jc. and 50c. For Salí Xvorvwbyre.


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