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Aclilitional local on second page. Coal $7 per ton. Yesterday was a scorcher. Jno. L. Davidsou is dangerously IJ. And now the band boys want a stand. The court house is to have a tin roof. A f urnace is being put in JoeT. Jacobs' block. John Chinaman had skunk for dinner Monday . Louis Iïhoüa has purchased Fleming's coal sheds. Petoskey ouglit to bea good place for a lady barber. The streets were fairly black with people Monday. Edward, infant son of Gottleob jurke, died yesterday. Zenus Sweet purchased liis new bus team in Canada. The cellar walls of Manly & Hamilton's block are iiuished. Have you purchas;d a ticket for the excursión to-morrow ? There were 88 studenla in the homeopathie college last year. The juveuile band excursión just about paid expenses - that's all. The tent meeling Suuday will be addressed by Prof. Wilsou. Corn and potatoes are suffering fearf ully tor the want of rain. A stiff from Iouia was dumped into the pickliug vat yesterday. There will be speaking in the tent next Sunday at the usual hour. The complaint against Albert W. Stevens was dismissed yesterday. R. F. Sanford's horse ran away Monday and smashed the carriage. Jas. Hall was sent to the cooler yesterday for 5 days for drunkeness. Geo. Clarken has paiuted and penciled the front of his Main street saloon. Frank Ilangsterfer cleared out that excursión ice cieam last Friday night. The Dexter band fuiuished the music for the colored peuple here Monday. Willard Bunfield is building au addition to liis house on Etist High street. Prof. E. Baur has manufacturad a fine quility of raspOerry syiup this seasou. Six car loads oí excursionista froin Toledo, alteudcd the celebration Monday Six car loads of iron arrived Saturday tlie Toledo road norlu of South Lyon. The ariny wona is said to bedoingeon siderable damags to corn around Manchester. Prof. Wilson is down in the list of speak ers for thb state ttnnperance camp-mecting. Philip Bacb. aud wifc who have been to Vennout oiï a visit arrived homeTuesday. The Toledo bridge builders put in an Tuesday which means busiuess. The generil fund coinmittec have advertised for bids for paiuting the street sigus. A stone walk is the latest improvement in front of Mack & Schmid's dry goods store. The contract for building the coal biu at the high school was given to Fred Grauf. Oscar O. Sorg has just comoleted a handsome job of ïeseoing Fred Schmid's house. R. Meriiman, (colored) was arrested Monday f or assaulting Martin, the peauut vender. The reform school for girls at Adrián is ready to receive all duly committed persons. The next pioneer meeting will be held iu Ann Arbor, the flrst Wednesday in September. The Courier bas been designated as the paper to publish the tax sale of lands in this county. A number of persons from Chelsea and viciuity went on the excursión to Detroit lliis morning. Frank Dalton, a runaway boy frora Chicago, is held liere awaiting an answer from liis father. Hiram Kitredge will build a new bain 40 x 30 feet on the site of the oue lately destroyed by lire. A number of citizens will take advantage of the reductipn in fare to visit Grand Kapids and Petoskey. The Detroit frescoers who are at work on the ]i;iptist clmrch, have got O. O. Sorg to do the lcttering. We receutly saw at M. Roger's t-hop, a liuffalo Pitts separator, one of the best machines in the market. A grand naüoual reunión of the soldiers and sailors is to bc held in Cincinnati September 14, 15 and lö. We have made arrangements for a telephone, and it will be put in Tuk Democrat office iu a few days. Prof. Sage's music store has been pul in apple pie order by the paintera aud calciminersthe past week. As thcre is no otlier excursión this month, you sbouUl not miss going tomorrow with Company A. Jno. Kyke, tramp, was sent up jesterrlay for stealiug ï bundle of stockings from a wagou in the strect. Company A give their seventU annual excursión to-morrow. Let everybody go for a irood time is in store. Boylan & Sloiie have imished puinting tbe flrst ward school building and it is considered an excellent job. A week from next Sunday a temperance meeting will bc beid at the resMenee of Mrs. Glover, Lodi Plain9. Tbe late C. T. Wilraot beid a paid up policy in tbe New York mutual Ufe in suranse company for $1,500. For the next three Sundays union sre vices will be held in the M. E. chuich Hev. Dr. Steele will ofllciate. The Peninsular paper company of Ypsilan'i, will continue to furnish paper fo the state for the next two years. Jno. II. Sheetz, casbier of tbe Farmers Excbange bank, New Washington, O. is tbe guest of Hev. Mr. Belser. Alex. McClaren of Cleveland, ba rented of O. L. Mattbews, tbe Gidney "lace on East University avenue. The Beethoven Gesangverein e.ive a concert at Relief park yesterday ufiernoon, and a dance in the evening. Alfred Exhinger has been sent to the reform school on complaint of liis futher. The boy was charged with larceny. J. Q. A. Sessions has fitted up an office in splendid shape adjoining VV. W. Whedon's noms over the express office. The painting of the Episcopal church jarsonage will be done by Oscar O. Sorg, ind will cost between $500 and $00. Bernhard Karch, a saloon keeper arrested for Ueeping open July, 4th Bas goue to the circuit court with the case. Neison Sutheiland had a horse stolen Monday night. a mate to his haudsonie colt, which lie considered worth $250. Messrs. Sawyer & Knowlton have been eroployed by justice Granger to see him hrough in that false imprisonraent case. Geo. and Jno. lleyer, convicted of asault and battery befoie justice Forbes of Saline, have appealed to the circuit court. AK L. B. Vaughn informed a Dkmocrat reporter the last of the week, that he ïad no intention of startiugabank in tbis city. It was rumored Monday that the I-eroit, flillsdale & SouthwOBtcrn railroad ïad been purehased by the Lake Shore oad. Ten arrests were made by policeman 'orter in July. His fees amounted to 22.79, and the city will be so inuch head. In the deuth of ex-governor Bagley, he state loses one of its best citizens, nd the cause of education a warm suplorter. Tüe city band will give an open air oucert to-morrow eveuing, and hereafter n the same uvening (Friday) uutil cold weather. A gentleman was in the city Monday u the interest of a Detroit house, who ias a claim ajiaiust Gidley & Wheeler or $150. There was no foundation for the rumor liat Mrs. Mary A. Foster went baü for i. F. Granger. Nelson Sutherland was lii' man. The citizeus living on Lawreuce street, ïave petitioned the council for a street ainp on the corner of Lawrence and 'hayer street. It costs the city very little for pólicemen, as they make more than half their wages in fees which are turned ïnto the ity exchequer. A 3 x 6 scantling feil from the dome n the university building Monday afteroon, and went crashing through into the resident's room. B. F. Granger is evidently not a canidatc for re-election to the office of jus ice of the peace, judging from bis conuct last Saturday. Mrs. Mary Hoffstetter, wife of Chrisian Hoffstetter, who was severely scalded ome days ago, by boiling water, is in a recariou8 condition. Ben Brown carries the key to the office f the Wasshteuaw mutual insurance ompany dunng the absence of S. Fairhild, the secretary. The fare to Detroit, Monday was 85 ents for the round trip. Jeft Dav a and few colored citizens availed themselves f the excursión rates. The Chelsea reform clut) according to he Herald is in a bad way. The hall ormerly rented for a club room is now ïsed for a store house. Stephen Fairchild had his grip-sack stol n in Detroit last Friday by a colored man, who volunteered to carry it for him from he train to an omnibus. Eider Brooks has caused the arrest of tirs. Fannie Johnson for an alleged tresass, and the case will be heard Saturday )efore justice Winegar. The Eastman house is now owned by itrs. Elizabeth Clark. Last week some of the papers stated that Martin Clark md made the purebase. Jas. McMahon, an employé of the Tt A. A. & G. T. R. R. arrested for raaking hreats against Jno. Martin, will have his xamination August 12. W. J. Bonnet, who s to-day one of the solid business men of Charlotte, workcd at the bakers' trade some years ago in his city for Geo. Albrecht. The children who participated in the exercises of decoration day will be given a picnb Saturday by the ladies of the society on Rhoades' island. Policeman Millman arrosted nine persons last month: drunk and disorderly, 3; assault and battery, 4; larceny, 2. Ilis fees amounted to f23.23. If you intend going on Company A's excursión yon should bo at the M. C. depot by 7 a. m. tomorrow morning as the train leaves at that time. It cost nearly $15 to repair the street lamp on Detroit street smashed sometime ago, wliich sum isdemanded of the young Salinites for running into it. Farmers who are interested in the subject of budding trees are invited to attend the pomological meeting Saturday, in the basement of the couit house. The barn which has been moved in the rear of the opera housu by II. R. Hill, formerly stood on a lot or. Spring street owned by Mrs. Morris Gregg. Ascoal is so much higherthan last year wood may possibly be used to warm the couit-house this winter. County clerk Clark is considering the matter. The front of Thos. Eaiï's and F. L. Parker's building could be materially improved in appcarance, and made to look as well as the old Muynard store. A tcmperance meeting was held at J. Cornwell's near the Lodi town hall, Sunday evening, which was addressed by John Schumacher and D. P. Markcy. Jas. Donegan, who has made his home 111 North field f or the past 18 years, died Fiïday of cholera morbus aged 75 years. He was bom in County Suuth, Ireland. A. V. Rosenberry, of Menomee, Mich., is comiiic; here to reside, and will enter the medical department in the fall. He has rented 21 Kast University avenue. The colored individual who assaulted Johnny Martin was flned 7.50, or in default of payment 15 days in jail. He hadn't the money of course and went down . Aid. Fleming lms been authorized to advertise and sell at auction to the highest bidder, old bridge No. I to be removed when ordered by the bridge committee. "Henry Hurst, the colored man who was wanted for stealing Mowersou's horse, wae arrested yesterday morning in bed by chief Clarken and patrolmen Mmman and Porter. The tUree rowdles who kicked up a disturbanee Sunday near Steeb's place, paid the costs of their arrest and imprisonment aud departed to tlieir homes in Northfield. It is expected that 1Í. E. Frazer of Cheboygan, will dcliver the address at the aunual meeting of the Pere Maquette monument assoomtion at Macinaw next Wednesday. Levant Brown who was one of the speakers at the reform club anuiversary three years ago, has accepted a position in a railway office in Chicago, as stenographer. Good. J. A. Polhemus in order to keep pace with the times has purchased another new hack - making five which he uow owns. The one which arrived Tuesday is a perfect beauty. Aid. Ilutzel is of the opinión that in consequence of the breakage of so many of the gasolina lamps, a new styleof burner should be used, and he has the matter under adveriisement. The citizeus of the fifth ward want a patrolman to keep order in that portion of' the city, and have recommended Natlmn II. l'ierce for the position Keferred to the pólice committee. Therc isunmistakable evidence tliat the ate Mrs. Hall of Pontiac, wasjpoisoced, and Dr. Prescott, of the university, has discovered arsenic in portions of the body sent kim for aualysis. C. H. Itichmond has been given permission to obstruct a portiou of Main Street in front of the old Sutherland store with building material, whilo the store is being repaired. Thad Thompson was awakened last Thursday morning by sume one prowling irouuil his house. He got out doors just u time tosce a tnan and boy making off with 30 of his chickens. The bilis against Gidley & Wheeler continue lo come in. Tuestlay a irentleraan representing a Cleveland house left a bilí for $213 against the above firin with O. L. Maithew for collection. The case against Cbristian Bach of Uhelsea, was dismissed by the plaintiff Jno. Matthews yesterday. Iustead of be ng charged with larceny, Bach was sued 'or damages for shutting up a horse. City expenditures foi the month of July: First ward, $51.44; second, $283.14; third, $76.50; fourth, $98.91; flfth, $220. 99;sixth, $141.00; general Street, $26.04; contingent, $208.43; general fund, $188. Offlcers Andrew Smilh of Williamston, and Frank Steffen of Chelsea, were in the city yesterday, looking after cattle llueves. The cattle had been stolen frora x farmer named Farrel, near Williamston. Mr. Coddingtou has complained to the couiicil that draymen are in the habit of chargmg all kinds of prices for hauling, and he would like lo have the natter ooked into. Ueferred to the license comuittee. We are under obligations to Q. W. Phillips of Alouroe, president of the Michigan state agricultural society, for a coniplimentaiy to the thirty-third annua 'air to be held lu.Juckson, Sept 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. Pontiac Enterprise: AU who expect lo go to South Lyon this season by way of the Anu Arbor railroad are requested to lave extra taps pul ou their boots. lt is exoecled the trip can be made at the rate of tuiee miles pex hour. Monday sheriff Wallace forced an eutrance into the Gidley & Wheeler store and áttacbed the stock of mlllinery goeds. Marshall Field & Co., are thus (ar aliead, but it is impossible to teil what uew turn may be developad in the next 24 hours. The reasou why ex-regent Uxter of Teutnaeh, talked to empty beuehes at the temperaucu meeting Sunday, was proba - jly because the niaiiy fnends of Dr. Tapian (lidu't care to hear the man who was instrumental in having him dismissed from ttie university. The following complinienlaiy nolice is from the Pontiae Euterprise of July 2(i: Last week Tuk Aks Árbou Democuaï furnisbed the best local panes we have seeu iu any weekly paper. Nearly seven columns of yood liye local matter ought Vo be appreciated by its subscribers. The slreet and sidewalk committees liave been iiislrucled to establicb a regu lar grade lor Mam Street, coiimiencing at tbc iiitersectiou of Maiu and Catherine streets, and euding al the iutersectiou'of Main and Williain slreets, that the strtet and sidewalks liereafter be worked accordtrig to the s;rade. llerald: The graiigers of Wateiloo, Chelsea, North Luke, Lima, Dexler, Stockbridge anl Uuadilla, will liold their barvi'st feast, or picnic at Norlh Lake on the lülh of August, llim. J. J. Woodïnan is expected to deliver an address. Othei speakers wil! be present. A general invitation is extended to all. J). J. LÍüSá took the contract Mouday evening lo build lor the Keek manufat: turing compauy, a building 40 x 58 feet and three stories high, tor $'J,:300. It is to be built of wood, with iroa sidiug, and the work of excavatiug has already com menced. II. Kitredgo will (lig the cellar and fuinish the stone for the foundation. The horse stolen from David Mower son, Ann Albor lovvu, was found at the toll-gate nea:' Ypsilauti, where the thief Henry Ilurst olïered to. sell the animal for $75. The toll-gate keeper went for money, and returned with au uilleer, when Ilurst who had remained at the house skipped out. It seems he knew the offleer. August Ileiz, wool buycr, ruceutly sold Uis wool, when every tieece was opened and carefully examined by a gentleman who represented au easlern house. In all 350 pounds of tags were fouud. Who thé honest farmers were tliat sold Mr. H. the tags, of course Ue does not knuw, but proposes to be uu tlie watch if he buys wuol another yeur. There was a liglit in Geo. Ardner's saloon on Depot street öaturday nigbt wbich was started by a colored man named Goiï, a well digger, who insullec a nuinber of persons present. Jelï Lewis took it up and for a snort time the ok harry was to pay. Uoil' got his fingers nearly cbewed off, and in the melee severalchairs were broken. Owing to au item in the form of á com munication which appeared in the News Monday evening, relative to the bridges now under way, Aid. Fleming infonnei the couucil there eould be no just grounds for complaint because the work seemec lo move slovv. The iron and timbera hai been shipped, and the bridges would b put in positiou when the material arrived Chief of pólice Clarken distributec last monlli the poor fund as follows: First ward, $6.25; sccond, $5.45; third, $1.06; fourth, $14 .18, fifth, $7.25. Since Mr. Clarken was elected to the office he has been more económica!, indigent persons have been provided for, and it bas cost the city considerable less thus f ar, than the same monlhs last year under ex-chief Johnson. Lansing Rcpubliean ; Prof. J. B. Steere, the noted traveler and lecturer, speut so much time in the forests of South A nier ica, which teom with deadly "sarpients," that he now looks upon our lusty Michigan blue racers as harniless pets, to be protected for their usefulness in killing rats, mice and squirrels. The professor talks good theory, but itis against liuinan nature to let the reptiles live. The T. A. A. & G. T. R. R. was coinpleted to South Lyons last Friday, and in lonor of the event the citizens of the village were given ii dead head rido to his place. About 200 availed themselves of the offer, and were accompaaied by he South Lyon band. Tüe train reached icre at 9:30 o'clock at night. The city and and a hundred or more citizens were at the depot to welcome the South vonites. Thu celebratiou by the colored people tuuday was asuccess in very particular. 'here was a largo number of strangers in [ie city some placing it as high as 1,000. 'wo bands were in attendance, the Dexer and Toledo bands. The exercises were held in Firemen's park. Speaches vere made by Capt. Allen, D. Cramer, nd Prof. Wilson. The day closed with grand dance in tue eveuing. The best f order prevai'.ed aud all seemed to enjoy :iem3elves iininensely. The following persons wishing a live )aper have subscribed for The Democrat 10 past wees: Joseph Ilutching, J. G. Curster, Dor Kellogg, J. Rayer, L. D. 'aylor, Jas. Jlaloy Jr , F. B. Adams, Chas. S. Fall, W. E. Depew, Jno. J. Valker, B. F. Boylan, Wm. Menthew, N. H. Wmans, C. II. Joues, Chas. W. ullivan, Chrislian Sanzi, Peter Carpener, deputy register of deeds, Geo. H. Winslow, F. H. Voorheis. All but four ake the paper for a year. The man who lights the lamps in lie third ward met with an accident Friay night. A lighted lamp which he caried in his wagon sommunicïted in sorne way to a large number of gasolinu lamps, nd the result was an explosión. The iisoliue set fire to the wagon, and the ox went up iu smoke. The sidewalk at lie corner of Spring street and Miller venue where the accident occurred was et on fire, and but for the prompt action f the lamp-lighter considerable damage vould have been done. E. Buur complains tlmt whcn entering he yanl of mason Graf in the second ward Monday evening, he was attaoked y a small dog. He asked Mrs. Graf whelher it was a biling dog, and she anwercd in the negative. Shedid nothing o quiet the beast Mi1. I5aur says, and wheu lie had fiuished his business he tarted to go, but was foilowed by the og who bit him as he was going out of he gate. He is of the opinión tliat the ity autliorities should protect the people gainst dogs, and that a large number of vortliless curs should be killed. Barry County Democrat: The nominaion of Judge Cooley of Michigan, to fill the vacancy created in the supreme ourt of the United States by the death of ustice Clifford, would be a fitting recogition of tlie high est order of legal ability bat exists in the country. Judge Cooey's commentaries are household works with the legal profession of the United States; his decisions and opinions rank as ïigh as those of Marshal and Story; he is ust in the prime of a vigorous life; and he section in which he resides is not over represented on the supreme bench. A state teachers' institute forthis county is to be held at Manchester commencing August 15 and conlinuing through Friday. Prof. J. W. Robinson, .of Manchester is the local comraitteeman. As it is desirable to make the institute of the greatest practical benefit to teachers, the most experienced and successful instructors have boen engaged to conduct the various exercises. Especial attenj.1011 will be given to the "Theory and art ot teaching," and "United States and civil government." The inorning and nftermoor sessions will be devoted to the discussion of topics of particular interest to teachers, while the eveuing lectures will be of a popular ch aracler. Geo. Welcli Sr. , is a gieat big lazy ellow, who, ií he can manage to get ïoki of a few cents a day wilh whicli to iiiiclinse budge, is contented and happy, le has been irrested at different times or getting intoxicated and abusing bis 'amily. and of hite has evidently been getting ready for a trip to the workhouse r somcwhere else, judging froni his actious. Last Friday night he was on the, and threatened to raise u - 1 with his fainily. Alter he had carried on lor sometime, his boys with the assistauce of neighbors concluded lie liad better bc taken to jai!. They got a rope and jound liis hands and feet seeurely, and started to carry taitn to Ja.ll, but he was :oo mueh for them. While one of the party went for the pólice, the others lield the old man down. Soon oflicers Miliman and Porter anived, and afier putting on the "darbies" Welch was willing to go along and he was soon given over to sheriff Wallace. It is considerably over a weck since Albert W. Stevens, agent for Marshall Field & Co , Chicago, swore out an attachment on thegoods of Gidley & WheeIer, milliners. The papers were given to deputy sheriff Fred Wallace and then to ofticer Warren, but as they were able to obtain service the attachmeut was given to sheriff Wallaee with ïustructions to force uu entnuice into the store. Lasi Friday afternoon, iu oompany vvith Mr. Stevens, he went to the rear of the building and while tryiug a window Kil win li. Gidley, falber of iloward Gitlley, who holds a chatlel mortgage on the stock to the amount of f 500, it is alleged orderei his sou to sboot the first man who attempted an entrance. Shcriiï Wallace says he saw young Oidley reach for his revolver, when he concluded it was time to cease operations. The agent for tbc Cbicago house then went before justicc Freuauff and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Edwin B. and Hovvard E Oidley, on the charge of opposing the sheriff in the .service of procesa. Whilc the justice was busy making out the pa pers, constable Imus armed with a warrant issued by justice Gninger, on tbc complaint of E. B. Gidley, arrested Al bert W. Stevens on the charge of assault Mr. Stevens gave bail in the sum of $1(K for his appearance for examination wit' Clirititiiin Mack as surety. Constable Loomis urrested E. B..and II. E. Gidley and took them before justire Freuauff, wliere they gave bail for their appearance for trial to-inorrow. II. T. Morton became surety for the Gidley's. Seemitj for costs were also demanded andgiven in cach case, so in any event the county will not be out a cent.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat