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Ex-(ov. John J. Batrley died at San Francisco on Wednesday Ï7th, aged 19. He waa bom in New York State; was Kovenior of Michigan ibTl tol875; was a larg inaDufacturw and the proinoter of a largo uuiiiber of wilerpriseH. He liad beeu iu failing lieallh for Homo time but recent report led hU friends to fwl hopeful, and llm aunouncemeut oí bis deatli wm unexpected. The contract for paper for tbe State printing has beeu awarded to the Península Paper company "f Ypsilanti. Two yerman women foind the DoJy of an unkuown man near Lincoln. He wasabout 50 yenrs oid, of medium size and smoothly ghaved fiíCe. He was rery tastefully dreeeed in a lirowD checked suit. Thore were no papers on lila person by which be couM be identified. In his pocketbook was $17. Near Uirn was found a revolver; he was Ehot through the heart Verdict, suicide. Alonzo Jetfrey staggered into the Fox house at Ithaca, with a terrible gash cut upon bis forehead, and the story of the fraeas iu whioh he was wounded runs back two years, when a Mre. Scott (fot a judginent of $500 against him at the end of a suit for slander. JefTrey says tliat whilo atteinptiug to enter her cuauiber laat night, sne etruck Mm witli wlmt is auppoaed ' was an ux. He says he got a lettor Bigned by her signatura in vit ing him to cali upou her, but binding him burn the letter and that he diil uot burn it but weut to her house, and on being asked it he had burned it he answercd "yee," and that she immediatoly truck him. Botli partiee are married but do not livo with thoir respective partners. Friends of Mr. Scott claim that the letter stery is a job put up byJeffrey. Jefïroy has beon arrestad on a charge of burglary with intent to conimit rape and murder, and Mrs. Stott stauds charged with an aasault with iutent to kill. Prof. Clark of ïale college is spending liin vacation at Ann Arbor. The professor, who is a gradúate of the univeraity, class of '50, was for a time professor in the normal school, ïpsilanti. He was also a major in the öth Michigan cavalry, and for six inonths was in Libbj prisoii. a farmer named Charles Toda, living atxiut a mil north of Itbaca, feil f rom a load of hay and broke bis neck. A project íp on foot for the erecüon of a $8,000 hotel at Higgins Lake. There are about 2UU pleasüre seekere there at present. John M. Miañaban, living near Port Sanilac went home with his wife from Lexiagton lK)th being drunk. He went to a Celd where hii son and a nephew wttru cuttiug grain and niaile some disturbance, bilt was induced togo to the house. He soon reappeared and scolded the nephe because be did not keep up with the "'.n n ''iittiug the grnin, and went to kick bim. Im' Ih boy ran. Hi ; son interfered, when Umi Oid man wized hira, and in the Biuablle fell upon tlie grain crad:e, cutim liimself througl! the ttngh. He was currieu lo Uitihouw. wheie he dieil in about two hours. His w;ie was asleep ou the bed aad did net kiniw o( the accident uutil ha was dead and nried. The house of Wiu. Delice at ('lio, has been bu raed. Total loss. The dry kiln of the Bvrkey L Gay furniturn company at Grand Rapids, filleii with costly hard wood luniber,was with ita contenta dauiaired by lire to theextent of $6,000. One of Ihe daughtors of a Mr. Cooley of Huron was out late, and on getting home he went after her with a horsewhip. 'ihe niother nteered, but was t reatad in the same niannerasthe girl. 'Hiena son, about twenty, árew a revolver and fired two shots at hls father's head but neither took flïect. The boy then made a (ew bruises on his fathea's head with the bult of the pistol, and t!i ilTairended by both beiog arrested and lod;ed in jail. Hanifi WafBo of Coldwatr died of con oumption, aged 88. He was one of the wealth iest men in the couuty ami iu his e;irlier days was active in public atTairs. Mrs. P. (íould of LoRoy township lost lier bar, two bornes and a stack of wheat by a spark from au engiae used iu tbrephiuff. A dead body found in the river at Detroit wa3identi6ed as Jqsepk A. Fixley, forraerly au engineer at Williams fc Oo.'s Lrewery. Constable OliverP. Dicka of (Jraenfielil, has settleci with the Michigsui Central railroad couapany for $10,000, lor ilamages sustained by losiug a leg by an accident at the Michigan avenue crossing of the D. & tí. C. R. R, wbicli in under control of the Michigan Central. (iov. Jerouie, on beha 1 f of the state offlcerp, tclegiaplifid a message of condolence to Mrs. Bagley. Charles Avery. supposed to have been drowi.ediu Sister Lakes. Cass oounty, some days tgp, ban Hinco been seen alive and makinj; tracks toward Chicago. Some of the large cigar uianutaclururs at Coldwater, uBderstanding ttiat their union men would strike, dischargtd ihem. Wheat was tndly winter killed in St. Joseph cnunty, and the yield will not exceed onefourth of au average erop. A son of Adron Cbapin at Fentou feil from a stuck broke hls arm. Mrs. R. F. Steele, wife of the former editor of tbe Omkba huuriay News, died at the resldenee of her fatner, I). (i. Wnght, at Sou tb Haven, of enlargement of ttie spleen after an illnessof 18 nionttis. An association to be Known as 'The Michigan state survivora of southern military prisons," bas been organized, with tbe following ofüesrs: Col. Deïos Phillips, president, and tbe followiug viee -presidente, one from each cougresfiional district: lst, Wm. Atkinson, Detroit; 2d. W. Fred Schlanderer, Dexter; 3d, Col. M. Shoemaker, Jackson ; 4th, F. W. Travis, Van Buren county; 5tb, G. W. Usiiley, Allegan; Ötb, E. A. Carter, Oakland county; 7t)i, Oscar Kendall, Port Huron; 8th, Geo. Niblack: Kb, V. W. Bruce, Big Rapids. Secretary, Robt. }'. Jainee, Kalamazoo; treasurer, Henry T. Bmitb, Paviliou; chaplain, Eev. J. A. Sprague. 3. (i. Young, one of the pioneers of Isabella county, diw at Salt rivf r. He was 80 years old. Prof. W. S. Webster has resigned a teachership at tlie reform school at Lar.&ing, to accept the position of superintendent of the public schools of Beuton Harbor. Shorüy after tho recovery of tbe body of Mrs. Hall, at Davisburg, four sepai-ate portionB of the same were forwarded to Prof. Prescott, of Ann Arbor. Prosecuting Attorney Smith has received a statement trom the Professor to the effict that each of said portions gives unmistakable eridence of the presence of arsenic. A postofTice bas been established at Hollowaj'e and Homer Wilson appointea postmaster A terrific explosión of nitro-glycerine at tlie Cleveland mine, Isbpemiug, instantly killed two ïniners aud did great d.amage to the mine machinery. Revenue returns for Ut district of Michigan for July '81, 116,730,üi; July 1880 $7,837,.;. A fire originnting in Sturtevant's Ilvery, at Whitehal!, spread rapidly in spite of all efforts U clieck il; auil over two thirds of the business portiou of the town is now in ashes, involving a loss of aboat $130,000. Many persons are liomeless nud the vilatre p.-esentsa sad sight. The origin of tlie lire is u::knowu. Charles Packard attempted suicide at Adrián by psisouin, but tho doctore eucbred biiB. Domestic infelicity. At Grand Kapids, part of Fred Hartman's iron and brass fouudry was burned. Dainage to building and patterns $1,500; insured. Henry McCormick has been held by Judife Gage at Kist Saginaw for extradition for the murder of Jno. Panpman iu Mulinertowimhip, Ontario, on the 27th of June, 1870. The e?idence against hini is quite strong. Roscoe Conkling bas been invited to deliver the address at the Allegan county fair In September. Tbe widow of Jobn O. Josa of Centerville hataccepteil $12,000 from the Michigan Central railroad rouipany for the loss of her husband who was killed last Fdbruary in an accident on the air line, near H.irron Lake, Berrien county. Adam Schuier and Krank Karty, prominent Allegan county inrnient, are going to their birthplacee in Germany aud Switzerland in thn hope of inducing quite a large number of wealthy füjmers tbere to emigrate to western Michigan. A training school for nurses is to be established iu Detroit early in the f all, with gradúate of the Bellevue training school at New York as instructora. Jas. Donegan, of Northfield, an old resident past 75 yars of age, died of cholora morbus. The "oldest masón" has again appeared. This time il i Col. Kdwanl Sawyer of raJ Blanc, It l years old, who it iu claimed saw the ligbt several years iu advance of Rev. J. E. Dav9. Rev. J. A. Barrows, a native of Medina and a gradúate of OUvet College, goea from the MavericX church at Kast Boston, Mass., U the First I'rosbyteriau Cliurcb in Chicago with a ttalarj of $6,000. Revenue agent I). 1). Ppaulding has been asfiigned to New York city, aud Kevenue Agent Kowliug is asëigned to the (ltipartinoiit of, with headiiuarters at Jietroit. In rettpouse to tbe invitatian of Cbairman Parsous to be present at the Michigan state fair, (ien. (irant writeu that he is uncertain whether it will ba possible for him to accept or not. A Htorehonse at Marehal belongmg to W. E Ilostey wa detroyed by fue with ten lumber wagons and several grain drill, buggies and reapsrH. Ihe fire was incendiary. Lnts $1,800. Asinall ham liflonging to Gro. Groffwas a!so buroed; lossabout $180. At Bethel was bom a monslrosity in the thap ui ■ doublu baby, joined by the breasts. It lived only a short timo. It had one fully developsxl face looking forward from one side and on the other Bide was a single ear. The our lees and four arms were fully developed mi of natural ehape. John MeHarry, light house keeper at Old lismrtn Kolut, coumiitted suicide tiy jumping verboard from tlie steamer City of Traverse t the inouth of (irand Traverse bay. Nu cause 8 known for the act The boly was recovera). John liilton, a young lad, 16 yeare old, sou f a prominent farmer of Cainpbelltown, was rowned while bathing in Hess lake, at Saranac. There are now only 725 convicta in the state prison, the lowest number reacued sioce June, 875. Mr. Sarah Simpson, who was Bhot on the treet in Detroit, as is clRimed by her husbami, lied from her wouuds. The mail catcher at Buchanan, failed to secare the poucb, but threw it under th wheels where Uie mail, which was a valuable one, was utterly degtroyed. Hugh S. Peoples sues the Poet and Tribune for $50,000 damages for publishing allegwi new dovelopmeato in the Martha Whitla cise. A 15 ton maas of purecopper is being taken out of the MasB mine, in Ontonanon county. Charles Reagrn and Frank Prushagen shot each other in an altercation in Detroit. Anotherfire at Wbitehall. The dopot was totally destroyed. Los to tenanU $1,500. While Lnfayotte Robb was atteinptiug to saw wood on a portable saw on Alfred Crane's farm iu Oshtemo, the saw suddeuly tippeil over on him and bis legs and the lower part ot lils body were acerated iu a terrible manner. lt is feared he caunot live. A fire broke out in the planing mili at Bay City owned by Mrs. Thomas Carney and leased by Hyde & Trombley. The fire departuient was called out, but befoie the llames could be checked the mili and contenta, the dwelUuguouse nnd blacksmith shop of Henry Williiiuis and the brewery of T. R&sa wero entirely deBtroyed, and the Bay City gas works damaged about f2,000. Hyde i Trorablej's loss wa f4 000, Mrs. Carney's $K,000, Roea's 4,O)0, and William's $ 790. The fire originated frow a apark from the engine. W. M. Curtiss, for many years a resident o Charlotte and formerly froin New York, died at the age of 86. A large black bear lias been killed near Dowagiac. Rey. O. H. Spoor, pastor of Congregational ahurch at Dowagiac has accepted a cali to Charlotte. Williain Harrington, a shamooder, recently employed at the Wyandotte sulphur baths has been arrestad' charged with having fired a revolver atLeonard Nightingale, book keeper of the River Park Hotel. Chas. Cerrume, who had hisleft legamputated a few days ago on account of the injuries be received in Elereds mili last werk, died today. Forest fires are reported f rom every quarter ofthelower peniasular of Michigan, north of Buy county. A. V. Pierce of Moshervllle, comtnitted euicidH by taking corrosivo subliinale. (iov. Jeronie bas issued the following proclamation: STATK OF MlCllKiAN, ExKCirnvK üfkicb, ■ LANSINO, AUC5UST 2, 1881. The people of Hicliigan bave heanl, with deep sensibilii y and rgret the annoiincemeHt ot tbe death of John S. Bügley, recently governor of the coinmonwealtli. The wriiceB he rendered to the s!ate and the generous public spirit displayed by blm on alt occasions jnstly entilles liim to the gratitude of our citizens, and hia memory to thuir profound aml affpctionate respect. A' a inopttr xun'ssion on bebalf of the state goverumeiil, I herliy order that the several xccu'ivr lf)ai'tiniil# be clowd on the day of his funeral, nd that flage on the Capitol be dUplayed on tbat oocíibíod at half-mast.


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