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The fortress at Puerto Plato, San Domingo, was burued July 10, and 25 Uves were lost, the most of tneiii by an explosión. It is reported tbat Ayoob Khan is getting dhort of arms, and that lus followers ato becoiniug dissatislïed, while the aineer is suecessful in raising freeh troops. Grevy, a large village in tbe Cantón of (irisons, Swltzerland, was destroyed by lire. Havana and Vera Cruz repoit a considerable prevalnce of yelJow fever. In the first named city there are now 200 cases. Some expressioas by Premier Ferry fc a speech are takan to indicat a complete surrender to (ambetta. The Isthmus Caaal Co. is losing ito men rapidly from jellow fever; amone the deaths being the subdirector and a number of the superintendente. The (erinau government is trying to stop the p-rsecution of the Jews. In Peru, particularly in Lima and Callao, the braya fever is epidemie. TIj s fatal in 24 houre, and there is no known cure. hepopesays heis resolved ueverto qiit me uBless forcibly compelled to do ao. In the Britisb house of lordn tlie reconsideration of the land bill was concluded, the house retaining the most of its auieiidmeats. The bill is returned to the commons and will be considered there at an early day. Tho two houses are thus brought into collinion and the situation causes great anxiety. It is said that (iladstone will suffer the bill to be lost before he will yield on the vital pointe of difference. Koorts are being made to bring about a compromisa It is said that the Krench troops plundered the lidiisw of liuropeaus at Sfax. The anti dorioal movement in Rome iucreases in Imat. The liritiMi Iioubb of lords insistí upon tbe retentioii of most of its amendinents to tlia land bill. The two houses are largely at variance npon the bill. Unnnany is vigoronsly suppressing tho antiJewish riot. Twenty-one arreets have been made in niitgle town. The inlations between China and Japan con tioue strained on the Loo Choo queotiou. An express train on the Grand Tnink nl!wuy wa tlirown from the track by runnibg upon a cnw uear Prescott, OntM the enginei'r killed, a uuinberof others badly mjured, acil the train Iwdly wrecked. The London Times thinks tbat a Eettlement of the land bilí difllculty will follow a formal conference of the party leaders notwUistanding the defiant attitude ef Lord Salisbury. Dillon 6aye tbat he is not physically strong enough to take bis seat in the house of commons during the present sessiun of parliment By the fallmg of an old building at Vienna 20 people were killed and 30 seriously injureJ H. Hri-Bon, one of tbe vice-presidenU of the French chamber of deputies, and who is recognized as the possible succeasor of (ïambetta to the presidency, declared in an electorial addreeBfor the abolition of the senate, the secularization of the property of the clergy, and the election of the magiatracy by universal suffrage. The British house of Commons have considered the land bill as amended by the lorde. The position of the eommons in relation to the liill was substantially maintained. Twelve iiersons were killed and 13') injured by the breaking down of seat at a buil fight near Marseilles, on a recent Sunday. Tbe Kussian government is moving to stop the persecution of Jews. Minister White bas left Berlin for London where be will spend some time before returning to tbe United States. The Cbilians have been routed in an engagement in tbe vicinity of Pisco, 42 leagues south of Lima. Of 400 Chilians attacked only 26 escaped. In the British house of lords the land bill as returned from the commons was taken up anu finally agreed to. Mr. Forster, eilief secretary for Ireland, will retain his office so long as the coerción bill is in forw. The iusurgents in North África continue to maketrouble. A party surprised tbe French camy at (iabis and killed 20 soldiers.


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