Real Estate Transfers
The following are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday, August 24: WARBANTY DEEDS. Robt. Curtis to Sarah C. Parsona property in Ypsilanti $960. Geo. W. Voorheis to Jno. Warner, property in Dexter village $140 A. E. Gardner to J. E. Gooding, lot in Milan $800. Susan K. Albright to Wm. W. Kelley, 4 icres sec 13 York $170. Ira L. Carpenter to Wm. II. Romig, lot in Dixboro, $350. I Arthur and Marión Coe to Spencer Coe, 16 acres sec 30 Augusta, $560. David G. Rose to Wm. F. Refuss,property in Manchester, $200. Wm Clute to Alex. W. Hamilton, Iots7 and 8 b 0 s r 8 Ann Arbor, $800. Develle E. Smith to Walter P. Holmes, property in Salem, sec 14, $115. Mary E. Watson to Josepli L. Rose, property in Ann Arbor, $370. Jas. L. RosetoWm. C. Jolly, property in Ann Arbor, $450. Andrew Greening to W. E. Stevenson, 120 acres sec 19 and 30 Dexter, $5,000. Reuben Kempf to Louisa French, lot 7 bil Congdon's add Chelsea, $2,185.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Robert Curtis
Sarah C. Parsons
George W. Voorheis
John Warner
A. E. Gardner
J. E. Gooding
Susan R. Albright
William W. Kelley
Ira L. Carpenter
William H. Romig
Arthur Coe
Marion Coe
Spencer Coe
David G. Rose
William F. Refuss
William Clute
Alexander W. Hamilton
Develle E. Smith
Walter P. Holmes
Mary E. Watson
Joseph L. Rose
James L. Rose
William C. Jolly
Andrew Greening
W. E. Stevenson
Reuben Kempf
Louisa French