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Base Ball, Cleveland 6, Detroit 5. Prof. R. W. Wetmore of the Detroit high school r -fiisfns to aecept the 8uperintendency of the 1) tnttlinced oil work. Fonr innii utered a flouriug mili at Mr. ClrmiMis and wliile oiie engaged the attention of the proprietor the others securwl $10 fruill tüe uioney drawer. They wera discovered and captured. The name morntng Mrs. Bush of Louisville Ky., a loarder of the Avery i lost $1,200 wortli of jewelry from her room. She heard and saw a party in the room luit supposed it to be ; ludy fi iend who OOOUpied an adjoiniug rooni. No clue yrt to the thief. A inau feil down a well 80ft. deep at (irand Haven. The doctors are reported Btill in at;endance. Mrs. Miranda Smith, wifeof MosesR.Suiith, died at lier home in Ada, Kent couuty, Michigan. Mrs, Smitli lived in 8U Clair couuty for maiiy ysars. Her home will lie reiiieinbered by many of the luciiberinen aml rattmen, located a few miles trom Port Huron on th bauks of Black River. They made her house their home during the mauy yeara (bat lumheriDK and rotting was carried on in this section. A large portion of thevillage of Alleytown was burned on the 17th. The "Matrimonial Aid Society of Michigan bas been organlz! in Detroit. Mayor Steketto of (irand Rápido had a saloi.n keeper named Crème arrested for disordcrly cou.iuct. Crème was fined f50. Later Cremu bad the Mayor arrestad for faleeimpriaounioEt aml a local jU9tiee has fiued tho Jlayor $50 on this charge. Appealed. The state board of agviculture have accepted tbe resignatiou of Fox, ttie stewird of the college. The reunión of the Lapeer county soldiere' aii-1 sailors' association at Hadley was a great success. About 4,000 persons were present. An elegant picnic dinner was furnished all, and addiesses were made by (üov. Jerome, Con(ressman Rich, Adjutaut-general Robertson and oUten. Base Hall: Detroit 8, Cleveland 0. The Alleytown fire burned 36 buildings. Twenty families are houseless. The loss is estimated at $11,000. The spoke factory of F. H. Starkey at Howard City, have been burned. Los, $3,000, uniumired. Con. Ji. Mallory of th Lansing House ceeds Fox as steward of ths State Agricultura! College. David Marshall an escaped coaviet from the Jacksou State prlson has been captured aud returned to that institution. Fraajt Moore of Mt. Clemens weut out crow huntiiii! early and wlien he returned, bis wife, who had just finished breakfast, was kneelinit dowQ to say her raorning prayers. Hu was dragging the loaded gun behiud him, when the door swung simt, striking the haminer ot the gun and diseharging the piece, the wliole load taking effect in one of Mrs. Moore's lees. The wouud was a very painful one, but not necessarily serious. Gen. N. Cburch, Quartermaster of the State Cominissioners, has concluded arrangetueuts with the Baltimore & OUio Railroad Company, to carry the (iovernor and staff, Legislature and State troops over the Baltimore &. Otiio Railroad to Washington for the Yorktown celebration, leaving Jacksou aud Detroit October 15, reachmg Washington Sunday atternoon, remaiüing iu Washington until Monday evening, then taking a steauier for Yorktown, returning froui Yorktown Friday evening for Washington. Detroit exportod only $2,496 in bJeadstuffs during July. Samo month last year $110,698. Rase Ball- Akroa 8; Detroit ö. E. ,B. Ives was elected vice-president for Michigan of the photographers couvention at New York. James Curley li ... nis head mashed and was instantly killed by heilig struck by the hammer of a pile dnver at Belle Isle. Dr. MacVicar, of the state normal school has resiqued to take a place in the baptist the ological seminary at Toronto, Ont. Frank Montgouiery, IN years oH, was killed on W. S. Gerrish's loggiug railroad in Clare ceunly.} Mre. Elizabeth A. Outter, a highiy esteemed old resident of Adrián is dead. One of Caro's business men has been fined Í15 for breaking open the pound and taking bis horse therefroui. Deacon William Haldane and wifeof Grand Rapids celebratod the r golden wedding on the 17th inst. The Mich. Salt Assn. has advanced the price ofsaltto tl 05. BaBe Ball- Chicago 10; Detroit 3. An officer in Detroit called at a eertain house to serve an attachinent aud was led to endorse "no effeets found" upon the papers and to make numorous consolatqry suggestions to the handsoine widsw who with much exhibitiou of deep sorrow led the way to the room where the corppe of her late husband lay unburied. After donating his sympathetic mite toward fuueral preparations, the official took his departure and the "corpse" arose aud resumed his pipe, which had been laid aside on the arrival of the tender official. C. H, Hodskin, deputy state treasurer since 1878, has resigned. At Hersey, A. T. Snyder'n store was burglarized to the extent of $1,000 Wm. J. Howe, 20 years old, a brakeman, was 8truck on the back of the head aud fatally injui'ed while passing under a biidge on the Chica o and west Michigan, near Muskegon. Isaac Wells and his men, who have been cuttiug hay on what is kuowu a8 the big meadow, about one and a half miles from DowoUlat1, have killed sixty-three rattlesuakes. Soiiio of tbein had twnty-two rattles, showiog that they were old settlers. Thomas Pryor, an lutemperate man of Albion, feil frora the bridge and waa drowned. His body was found iu the mill-pond. He was a uiason by trede, and about 30 years old. Jasper Cross, au old jeweler at Adrián has failed. Liabilities$lü,000. Assete $9,000. John Berry of Battle Oreefc, was acctdentally phot and killed at Armenia, N. Y. Ja nes H of Battle Creek, was killed at Muskegon while coupliug cars. Mrs. McKaue was seriously iujuretl at Fliut liy Ixiinj; thrown from a carriage, the horse becoming frightened at a passing elephant. Percy, a ix year old non of Richard Buimons of Cassopolis, feil froma load oí lumtier, and one or the wheels passed over his breast, killing him instantly. Base Ball- Chicago 8, Detroit ti. Tweive inDings. Michael Firnane, County Prosecuting Attorney, and ex-President of th Detroit board of education, died at Miuneapulis, aged 30. Fifty of the Chinese atudents reoalled bytlie government passed through Detroit on the 23rd, on their way home. Postuiaster Vincent of Lapeer, had his farm, bain and contenta burned by tramps. Loos $3,000. No insurance. Jas. G. Wright of Albion is dead, age 60. Henry McCormlck held at East Sagiuaw for a Canadian uiurder in 1870 is to be extradited.


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