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That Note Case

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To the Editor of the Arm Arbor Democrat : Dear Sir: - My attention has been called to the following among the locáis in your paper of last week, viz: Those who atteuded the hearing Thursday in the casw brouKht by Miss C'arrie N'oyes againxt Mrs. Marv E. Foster to recover $100 loaned Koster, were astonished that Hon. A. J. Sawyer ahould appear f or the dei endant. I ara not aware of haviug committed any breach of professional duty, or etiquette, or been guilty of any impropriety In whut I did in the suit referred to, while I know of no reason if employed by her why I should not appcar for Mrs. Foster in that or any other case,. stil] as a matter of fact I did not appear for her in that case, but for and on behalf of the reform club. Mrs. Foster never exchanged a word with me on the subject until I met her in court. The president of the club stated to meas I remember it - tuathe hid appointed Mrs . Foster, Mrs. Todd and Miss Noyes in sotne sense as offleers of the reform club, and empowcred them toraisemoney for certain club purposes; that these lanies through socials and public entertainmeuts had raised a hundred dollars, but, the club not being in readiness to expend the money for the purpose for which it was raised it was temporarily loaned to Mrs. Foster and tho noto made payable to Miss Noyes, as treasurer; that a difllculty had now sprung up and Miss Noyes, as he wasinforraed, now claimed the money as hers and proposed to recover it of Mrs. Foster and keep it. I believed that the people of whom the money had beeu received intended it for tne club, and not for the benefit of Mrs. Foster 'Dr Miss Noyes, and hoped that by a little reflec tion all partics would see it to their interest and would coDsent that tbe moucy shoulil bc paul over to the club. Aud in tliat spirit I appeared in tbat case and shall continue to work therein until shown to be d error. Xow I am not in search of "The fightDg editor," nor am I ' 'spoiling" for i libel 3Uit, bnt do hope if I have been guilty of any injustice, impropriety, or unprofessioual conduct in defending that 8uit, TheDemocbat will be goodcnough to tell its readsrs wherein. If I have not, then I appeal to the sense of justice ever apparent in The Democuat to retract the covert charge againstme contained in the foregoing arrack. Respectfully,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat