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Additional local on second page. Awful hot is the cry. Wheat $1.25 per bushel. Praucis Murphy is in Europe. Dr. Watlinjf is slill in Europe. R. K. Ailes is iu his new residenee. No tempeiance meetiug next Sunday. Depnty sheriff Fred Wlalace is better. Thirteen new aubscribera since August 27. Council meeting next Monday evening. To-day Thk Democrat is three yeare old. The Chelsea schools open next Monday. Dr. Jlaclean is v9iting in Kingston, Ont. The juslices complain of business being dolí. The students have commenced to return. Business men contémplate u ijood full trade. A change in Joe T. Jucobs' ad this week. W. H. Adatns lias returned lo Hastings, Mimi. L. Weruer hail a birtluiay party Friilay eveüiug. The funeral of iliss K. Frey was held Satuiday. Tue uew liquor la-.v taücs effect in a few days. MUo Puloipuer been sick abed for seveal days. Mason Loug spoke in Tecumseh, Sunday eveniDg. David Rinsey has been taking a vacation this week. ihe eye and ear ward will be completad this raonth. There is aow every prospect of a fair ;rop of apples. J. H. Mayn&rd and wifo have returued f rom Putoekey. In 1830 Washtenaw county had a population of 4,032. The heat for the past few days haa been almost uuuetirable. James & McCleery's horse ran ftway Sunday afternoon. The first addition to Ann Arbor was made in June, 1832. Prof. Schaeberle aud fainily, have retiiraed to Lititz, Pa. Suuday is said to have been the secoud hottest day this yeur. The flouring milis at Dover near Dexter were built in 1846. A. R. Hammond is building a $400 barn in the first ward. Mrs. W. S. Hicks and family are in Rochester, New York. E. U. Stiles of Whitmore Lake, is coming to the city to reside. Hev. Geo. Taylor has been in the city on a visit to his friends. W. E. Depew, of Chelsea, will move ha faraily here to-reside. Monday was the last day of heariug claims in the Peek estáte. Mr. Christman's family were agreeably seranaded Saturday night. The late R. J. Price was buried with masonic honors yesterday. The pomological society was ushered into existence iu May, 1878. A number of pedestrians will start for Detroit tiaturday - perhaps. Patrick Martin is raising his house on Fourth street another story. R. Kempf and family have taken up their residence ia this place. The homeopathie hospital will be opéned the last of next week. Prof. Palteugill has flnally concluded to build a residence this year. Col. Burleigh will appearas "Othello" at Union hal!, Jackson, Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maloy are living with their son John in Kalamazoo. Auclion sale to-day of the personal effects of the late Chas. Kitson. As earlv as 1825 the government established a postofflce in this place. 'Led Astray" at the Ypsilanti opera liouse next Wednesdav evening. President Garfleld is getting better ano there 3 cause for coagratalation. Judge Patchen, of Detroit, was the guest of Jas. B. Gou over Sunday. Urs. J. W. Brooks fel) down stairs last Tliursdüy and iujurod her spiue. The tri-state fair is to be held in Toledo Bept. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. There are seven places in this city where ready made clotliing is sold. August Dupslof will answer to the charge of stealing chickens to-day. E. L. Alien, law class '70, of Chicago, has been in the city for a brief visit. Jno. Eiscle foutid a new pair of shoes on Miller avenue one dav last week. Mr. Mason White and wife of Keokuk, Iowa, are visiling Mis. Dr. Parsons. "Finincial standing of persons given correctly" is the latest advertiserneiit. Miss Hattie Taylor will teach in the Manistee high school the coming year. Theo. Christman has returned from Jaekson to make Ana Arbor hh home The special premium list is for the first time published in to-day's Demockat. Isaac Dunn has commenced work on liis new house two miles from the city. T. J. Hallock, of Milan, got out the puts for Cornwell Bros' . dam at Fosters Dou't forget the annual pioneer meeting at the court house ntxt Wednesday. Setli Sumner has purchased 20 acres of land in York, for $600 of Chas. Johnson. Patrick Gallagher of Webster, had nine liead of cattle stolen some days' ago. The masons have commenced work on the foundation of the Uuitarian churah D. Cramer is to take his son-in-law Ben S. Waite into partnership in the law business. W. Jenkins, law '81, leav-8 for St Louis, Mo. , Momlay, to practice his prof ession. Homer Andrews, the Oakland county wretch, has been sentenced to Ionu for 10 years. Tbe scenery and drop curtain for the opera house, is being paiuted by Chicago artista. W. E. Walker & Bros. will probably do the mason workon the new Unitarian ctiurch. The potato erop on account of dry weatuer will be almost a failure in tliis ciunty. The jury for the October terra of court will not be drawn until the laat of tliis month. Mrs. N. M. Schoff after an eight weeks" visit in Massaohusetta is exöected home to-day. Jobn Harford was the flrst person to en gage in business iu this city, as far back as 1824. The Michigan state fair will continue five days from Sept. 19th to the 23d inclusive. Fannie Johnson has withdrawn her assault and battery guit agaiust Eider Brooks. Mrs. Dr. Harding is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cook oq Miller Avenue. Seventy-five cars of iron are at South Lyon for the ex'ension of the road to Wixom. The reform club receive $50 for the use of their tent during the camp meeting in Jacksou. The Ann Arbor nine play the llonroe base ball club to day on the grounds of the latter. The Episcopal church bazar will be held in the new chapel about the flrst week in Oct. There is talk of holding a couuty tcmperance niass meeting in the tent sometime this f all. Jonus Marsh of Scio, is drawing the lumber for a large bam which he is to buid this fall. At Ypsilanti Monday, the Ypsilanti nine beat the A. A. base ball club by a score of 9 to 5. Good butter is scarce but we presume there will beeuough brought in when the students return. Robt. Shankland is one of the old pioneers of Salem. He located in the township in 1832. llrs. Wm. Oaspary lias been visiting her brother in New York city for the past th ree weeks. Thos. F. Ilill has contracted with Wm. Biggs to buiM him a $1,500 residence on Thompson street. A seven months oíd child of the late Mra. Elizaoeth Dean, died yesterday, of cholera infantum. Will Baxter was severely kickeü in the knee Friday by a norse. Fortunately no bones were broken. .loe T. Jacobs, the clotliier, informs us that clothiDt; has not been as cheap for many years as uow. The threatening rain Saturday kent many f rom attending the farmers' picnic at Whitmore Lake. C. H. Itichmond commenced tearing down the front of bis old building on Main street Monday. The attendance of foreien scholars was about the same as on the opening day of the schools a year ago. Dr. Wheeler, house surgeon at the homeopathie hospital, has returned after a two months' vacation. The hose boys are praclicing running nearly every night, getüng reaily for the Culdwater tournament. Your attention is called to the cut of the Ypsilanti opera house and the advertisement which follows. The pomological society hold an important meeting Saturday in the basement of the court house. Geo. Collins, an old resident of this coi'nty, died at the poor house last week of softening of the brain. Holly Humphrey, of Saline township, has been bound over to the circuit court on the charge of larceny. Tony Denier's Humpty Dumpty troupe this season will be under the management of Adam Forepaugh. In justice Granger's court Tuesday, August Dupslof was convicted by a jury of being a disorderly person. Masons and painters are rushing business in the opera house. Wright, of Detroit, is to do the decorating. To-morrow evening the finance committee will meet in the council chamber to allow biils against the city. Mrs. Jas. Boyd, of Akroo, O., and neicefrom St. Thomas, Ont., are visiting Mrs. H. H. Howe in Pittsfield. Will G. Doty has been elected recorder of Athens Lodge, No. 49, A. O. U. W., vice Henry B. Dodsley resigned. The stone foundation for the iron bridge west of the city is finished and the bridge will be placed in position Sunday. W A. Mosley, who is engaged in the grocery business with A. R. Hall, has moved bis family from Grasa Lake. The Washtenaw county agricultural and horticultural society hold a fair on the 4th, 5th, Gthand 7th of October. A. H. Armstrong, of this city, formerly of Dexter, is United States deputy surveyor, near Santé Fee, New Mexico. Student: What is political ecouoruy? "Running on the same ticket with a very rich man who will pull you through." Geo. Cox who was kicked in the head by a horse Friday and thought to be dangerously wounded, is slowly recovering. A unión picnic of all the Germán societies, vigilant flre company and Germán Lodge A. O. U. W. will be held Monday. On account of the improvenients going on in the university hospital it wül not be ready to receive patients beforeOct. 1. Jno. Collins is working on the foundaion of a new iron bridge to be built by he M. C. R. R. company near Chicago. Alpha YY'ashtenaw Bryan who was born n this county Feb. 27, 1824, was the rst white child to behold the light of ay. Captain Man'y wil] know Sept. 13tb, whether Cerapany A will be one of thé ompauies to represent Michigan at Yorkown. The business men more than ever now ealize the necessity of water works, ince the Street sprinkler hasgone back on liem. The attention of our readers is invited o theadvertisement of the statement of he state board of equalization iu to-day's )aper. Miss Nellie Seywert of Cleveland, O., nd Miss Miller of Philadelphia, aré thé uests of Mrs Muehlig, on South Main treet. The lady who advertised a "lost chain" iu The Democuat last week. learned where it was the day after the paper was isaued. A match game of draugh.s will be played this evening, probably between Ypsilanti Mnd Ann Arbor players by telephone. Adrián will probably have water works. We could have them here too if the diod. eyed men would take the matter iu charge. Kate Kean, daughter of Frank and and Mis. Louisa Kean, died Saturday of quick consumption aged 10 years and 4 montas. A boy 14 years old made a criminal assault on a little four-yearold girl in Dexter last week. He will probably be held for trial. Mrs . Mary Reicahart, of Scio, aged 57 years, died Tuesday. Funeral this morning ut 11 o'clock fromthe Germán church iu Scio. As there was a dispute about certain claims presented against the Peek estáte, the case has been held open until September 8. The schools opened Monday, and there was a scrambling tor seats. The altenduuce was about the same as usual on the opening day. Mis. Mary T. Lathrop, the woman preacher well kuown in this city, has been elected president of the W. C. T. U. of Michigan. Firm Heudricksou had his thumb aniputated Priday afternoon. It was injured recently in playing ball, when mortiticatiou set in. "Guilty or not guilty?" asked a Dutch justice of a prisoner. "Not guilty." "Den what do you want here? Go about your peeziness. " In order to make the forthcommg couaty fair a success some tall work has got to be done, and the question with tnany s, will it be done? The pickling vals at the medical colege are full of "atifls" no less than 90 being on hand. This is a jood advertiBement tor the college. Juo. Boahan who is about to engage in the saioou busiuess, has filed the necessary bonds with Jno. Frey and Hiram Kilredge, as sureties. The pólice wei e called to quiet a disturbauce Saturday night betwoen a number of Polanders who were haviug a big time over a barrel of beer. Nathau H. Stene, of Jackson, will receive $11,700 for building the new Unitariaa churcb, and uot $13,000 as a city paper had it last week. The little Maurer boy who ruu away froin home several (tays ago, brought up at the ïesidence of a relative near Napoleon, Jackson county. Fred, a niue year-old son of August Ranselika, second ward, feil froin a wagon Saturday aud broke his thigh. Dr. Smtth reduced the fracture. Eberbach & Sou, the wtll known druggists, have purctiascd S. P. Duffleld's laboratory in Wayne at acost of f3,000 and will move it to this city. Only the foundation ior the Unitanan church will be completed this season. The masón work has been sublet to the Walker Bros. for $3,965. L. R. Slawson some years ago one of the city fathers from the fourth ward, but now a resident of Bay City, has been in towu visiting his frieuds. Jacob F. Hoffstetter will purchase a lot of T. Porter, on Washington street, providine the title can be perfected. The price agieed upon is $1,LÜO. A child of Stephen Pierson, of Freedom, was strangled to death fciturday by falling into a pail of water. The little fellow was only 1 year old. Edward R. Slawsou, fornierly of this city, a gradúate of the literary and luw departments of the umversity is serioudly ill at his resideuce in Bay City. Jno. Schumacher, Prof. Wilson, Cüas. Boylau, and other members of the reform club were in Jackson, Sunday, attending the temperance miiss meeting. Robt. J. Price for many years a resident of this place, and lormerly of the linn of Ailes & Price, machinists, died Tuesday at the age of 55 years. The dome on university hall has got to be re-slated and perhaps taken down entirely. Mr. Appleyard has been asked to give til lowebt figures for the job. X . YY. Jewell expects to open a ncw hotel at St. Louis, Mich,, about the lirsl of January next. Uutil that time he is teinporarily sojourmügat Racine, Wis. The aQuual meeting of the Washtenaw county pioneer society will be held at the court house next Wecinesday. It is ex. peeted there will be a large atteudance. Gathering news the past week has been tedious work, and if to-day's paper is not as good as usual it is because it has been too confounded hot to run around much. Lorenzo Sawyer, of Clielsea, and bis daughterMaggie.havegone to New York to be absent about tour weeks visiting friends in Elmira, Canandagua, and otber places. Haller & Son wbo bave purcbased tbe store lately occupied by Slater & Graf, will put ir. a new plate-glass front, and repair it generally bel'ore movinj; tbeir jewelry store. A spark trom a locomotive 011 the ï. A. A. & Q. T. H. Ii. set tire Alonday lo a stack of barley on Juo. Hageau's farm and it wasconsumed. The barns had a narro w escape. Tlios. I. Daniel, foruierly steuographer of tbe Wasbtenaw circuit court, will represent tbis state in the international short-hand convention which conveues in Chicago to-day. '1 he Kate Glassford company uuder tbe management of Robt. Grau will appear in the comedy-drama "Led Astray" in the Ypsilanti opera house uext Wed nesday evening tbe 7th inst. A special meeting of ttie board of regents is to be held for the purpose of examining the modified plans for the new librarj building. The foundation will probably be laid this fall. A. B. Covert, the taxidermist, who left this city in July to make natural history eolleclions in the woods of northern Michigan , is said to be quite seriously ill at Cadillac, Wexford countv. The Washtenaw county agricultural society was founded in 1848, and the late Wm. Finley was the flrst president. The flrst fair was held the same year where the Catholic school now stands. Tecumseh Herald : Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor each have telephone exchanges, and as tüey are connected the good pcople of these two towns are trying to find out which is the branch of the other. The remains of the late Mrs. Jno. Thomson were brought here for interment, She was the mother of Mrs. Andrew Sutherland, this city, and C. R. Thompson, Battle Creek, where she died. A lazy young man complained that he was overworked in his business to which the father replied: "I suspect Tommy, that overwork is not your trouble, but that it is that you need working over." Howard S. Peters, late book-keeper for J. W.& A. T. Keith of Detroit, died Sunday. His funeral took place from his father's residence G. A. Peters in Scio, Tuesday, and was largely attended. This is the latest western form of sayinga man was hanged : "He was unaniraously chosen by a convention of six property bolders to jump from a new pine platform intotlie sweet subsequently." Probably next weck through trains will be run from Toledo to South Lyon over the new road. This will be a great conveuience to persons desiring to go to Lansing as they can then return the saine day. A checker match has been arranged by Aid. Keech to be played between this city and Ypsilanti by telephone. As there are several good players iu both places an interesting game may be expected. Tuesday we had the pleasure of eating soine luscious peaches out of Mr. Clark'g orchard. If Charlie is as lavish with his fruit to everybody else we are certain it will take off the profit by a good niuny dollars. The annual electiou of school trustees will occur uext Monday. As severa] thousand dollars will be voted at a meeting in the afternoon, every citizen who is interesled Id school matters should be present. A Sunday school institute was held in the Baptist church, Manchester, ast Sunday. A number of religious questions were discussed and essays read, and an addresg by C. D. Gregory, the state niissionary. The street sprinklers didu't makt their appearance Monday; and i f you could have heard some of the business men rave and teai their hair, you wouldn't think they ever went to churcu a day in their lives. A silk umbrella supposed to have buen lost by the ill.fated couple f rom Ypsiiauti who were drowned in the Hurón river, was picked up near the scène of the accident last week by Martin Seabolt, who was fisbing. The trustees of the Unüarian church have been cowpelled to rel'use Ihe offer of a Mr. Lathrop, a Boston gentleman, of a 2,000 pound uell, as they will have no place to put it. There is to be no belfry on the new church. Brother Ypsilantiau in getting a "spoiled exchange" last week you lared better tüan some other papers for they got "no exchange" at all, as wc had barely enough for our subsci ibers. It will be different in the future. We bad no intention of casting auy reflection on the reputation of the Hon. A. J. Sawyer in expressing astonishment at his appeaiïng for Mary E. Foster in the suit brought by lires Carrie Noyes to recover money loaned on a note. It bas been stated that the stupidest papers published in Colorado, are tliose directly in the interest of railways or corporations, generally edited by men who know as much about newspaper work as a monkey does about geometry. Rev. Mr. Sunderland preaches in Boston next Sunday. Rev. Ira C. Billman, of Jaekson, will preach in the Unitariati church of this city in the morning, no evening service. Mrs. Sunderland will occupy Mr. Billman's pulpit in Jaekson. The farmers' picnic as announced in last week's paper was held at Whitmore Lake Saturday, but the attendance was not very large. The program however, was carried out. There was speaking,' singing, and music by the South Lyon band. The juvenile band will give a concert in Dexter, to-morrow, Fnday evening. The little fellows play immensely, and we trust will have a full house." The people of Dexter shouldn't let the opportunity pass to se the wonderful musicians. C. XI. Mauly and J. W. Hamilton were in Detroit Monday to complete tbe necessaryarrangeraeuts for putting up their new block. Lucas & Tesimer, who are to do the brick work, expect to have it completed in 30 days after work commences. An old lady named Weeks f rom the east arrived in this city Saturday, destitute and without means to continue her journey to Elkhardt, Iud. She applied and was given lodgings at the ja, and Monday Supt. of the poor Davis gave her a ticket to Jackson. The marriage of Mr. CoUina Johnston of Detroit, a gradúate of the pharmacy department of the universily, and Miss Allie Sul ton of Northfleld, took place at her father's residence Saturday evening. About 100 invited guests were present. An elegant repast was servcd. Hou. RufusE. Piiinney, probate judge ofMonroe county, paid tlie city a visit Friday. This was the gentleman nominateii by the republicau conveution of this judicial district, but refused to run as be did not propose to be deieated by Judge Joslin, the democratie nominee. Some men have cunous ideas and Judge Waples belongs to this class. He was heard to reinark ai the uctvs ofliee that vice-president Artlijr was uspltudid man, and that Conkling was a better man than Oartield or Arthur. Waples evidently belons to the Uilleau stripe. A man who will subscribe for a paper and take it two years without puying lor it, and then refute to take it from the office deserves to have his name published. We have two or three iu mind- one of them an Ypsilanti saloon keeper. ïheir names will be published unless they "come down " In answer to letters of inquiry 1,300 circulara have been sent out by the dean of the department of medicine and surgery to persons asking information about the college. If one-half of this number should conclude to uitend lectures this winter how tilinga would boom in the medical department. The following is said to be a dead sure cure for cholera morbus. Take equal parts of tincture of cayenne pepper, ture of opium, tincture of rheubarb, essence of peppermint and spirits of camphor. Mix, and take 15 to 30 drops in water every 15 minutes or llntil relief is experienced. Dose accordin? to age and severity of attaek. The Ypsilanti opera house will be opened for tbe first time this season bj the Kate Glassford Comedy Co next Wednesday evening, on which occasion the company will appear in Boucicault's charmingcomedy-drama "Led Astray." On the followlng Thursday evening, "Canille" will be preseuted. Seats can be secured by telephone. In the last five weeks 126 new names have been added to our subscription list which is an evidence that the paper is appreciated. It is our aim to givelhe people of Washtenaw county the best local newspaper to be had, and judging from tke roany notices we have received from the press of the state, we feel warranted in sayiug that we are dou; it week after week. aenünel: Mary Kuebler, sent to Adrián from Ann Arbor, alleges that she is the victim of several rnairied men of the latter plaoe. A.n uncle living in the vicinity, offered to take care of her, and attenipt her reform, but the authorities concluded that the only way to keep her from the gentlemen of good society was to put her out of their reach.This, it appears, is what the people are taxed to build reforniatories for. A pauper at the cnunty houae went before justice Granger with a story of how he had been abused by those in charge, and asked for a warrant, but the justice isued a aummons and the matter will be inquired into. If the keeper or anyone in charge has been transgressing the law tüey should be punished. Because a person is poor is no reason why he should be abused. Perhaps an investigation is necessary by the board of supervisors. Time will teil. A meeting of the business meu was held at the court house Tuesday evenin? to take action relative to haring the streets sprinkled as they thought they should be. A committee was appointed and waited apon J. A. PolUeraus, who offured to do the work and guarantee satisfaction for the sum of $50 per week. A telegram was sent to Manchester ycsterday to ascertiiin if the sprinkling wagon there was for sale, and the matter will probably be definately lixed u a day or two.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat