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News Of The Week

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An oíd man oained Daniel Dongherty, lo op'-ratinjr a button saw :it. tbe mili oí John . üwfii at E ist Sayloaw, cul bis rlghí hand off. David Stirllog' of Salon Hapids, pioprletor of SUriinu's mineral sprlag Ib iead. Piodate Hubbard, Iheoldettt pioneer of Oakland couDty, : ed al hl n Idence Id iiiruiingbam, iu tlie Mst year ol h 9 W 1'. And rus, stat senator from Knl 'county iu 1877, having becouw lnsan froina wound iu the ln-ml .vrd during t was foeingtüktm t Kilamazoo asylaiD clepu!yMierilTniul:ni ;i -isUuit, huí míe In rctttnx awaj at liiohots1 station, aeat tottle Creek, and has not ben bard ot Bine. He ís violent at tlineB. Mr. Audrusis4i mr oí ace aad bas an honorable :ind inentonou war record. Hh reoetved the wouml tliat ocráatons hia tronóte al the twttlt oí Mí Bidge, and was atoch re d the service la Muy, lMif. on ncoountof diHíiliiiity. Sopliie Lion has te'U bouud over for trm on (he charge or aasault wlth Intent to kil D lí Hibbard, at Jackson. A bond iorl,oüu was turnlshed by J. Harowand J. Streeter, and Sivpliie ri-íuni(l i. Mi - S. M. Merritt, who recsently reiruiv, d to Goldwater trom Cheyírme, commltted suicnie liv hau-ins herself at the resideuce of .her sister, Mts. John Browers. She was parUaUy insaneand steps were beine tnken to remore lier to fie asTlum at Kalamazoo. She marte an nttempt upon her life the day prevlouj by cuttiii" her throat and the corda Ín hrr wnsta, but war. discovered i Urne to prevent her cou■ummating the attempt. She was o4 ïean oí age and leavee a husband aud Mveralcbildien. Base ball: Detroit 7, Chicago 5. A negro named Cbar'ey Dew waB nnirderert at Riley, Clinton c muy. Hh body waB tound hangirig in bis barn with ratelnthe hea.l Buffirient to have caused instant death, witli onc leg dtelocated, Dnüses on the back, and other marki of a desperate gtruggle. Iew liad been charged with abusing his wife and beiug crut'M-hisstoík, aud liad inany enemles, and aboutthree weeks ago wastared and teatberedbya crowd, ami wnrnd to chauge his couree'or he w oíd I" IdUed. Thcre w no Clue b thc inurderers. Peter . Smitb, agent of the Michigan Central railroad at ('hestor station, bas beun taken toIgrai)gS Indiana, una requisiüou froiu tfafl iovernor of tbas stat, tn answer Ut : oblrge of npe, ïhe body ol a woman ploked up In the lay at K (.: IV was is idnutiriwi as Ihat of Mihs Hinck'.cy. losl Oflïteamer Metropolis. Six saw-mills at Oaceda have suspended work v!{ to the men Uavlng etruok fora rednctionof woikiug houn trom twelve to eleven huurs per day. (eo Ko;-ller of Toledo shot Philip Uttlet and Jo'iu Sbidel at East Saglnaw. Thej In i deleated Roeller's pui pose to shoot Millere wife with whom he fonnerly hehl iutimate relations. The barn and house of Capt. Fnuik Walton Dwigbt of Poit Austiu were lmriie.1. The fire caught 'rom a lamp overtnrnunc m the barn. Th wbeat f roui IK a'.'i ee and the most of the Other con tenis of the barn were destroyed. Loss 1,200, lnsuranoe $m). Major K. A. Sümson, a prominent bat man aud the postinaster at St l'hnilea, had hit leg badly cru6hed while wperlntendlng toe loading of some heavy Uinbsn on the cats. Jos. T. Escott of Hig Rápida, g IPer "f Lapeer, aud G. W. Huckingham of Flint, have been appointed as the uew board of managers of the house of correctiou at Ionia. The Oacoda mili strike has developed r riot. All milis are stopped aud great excitemeut prevaile. The Michijjau medical college, corner of Gratiot avenue aud Antoine strettts, Detroit, has instituted a free ambulance which is at the services of all sick aud iujured persons t.o transport thein Ut wltich every or house they may desiro to go. A surgeon with all needful appliauces for wounded people ha also beu detail'd t. aecoiwpany the amhuiance, and ïiolict departmeLt is xpected to act m conuection witli its movements on BUCh occasions as it inay be tirought iuto use. Three Rivera haa deaided lo lay iron water malus. Three men arrested aud sentenced at Mauistee for highway roblierv. The Kev. E. C. Wiaslow of New Haven Couü., has accepted the cali extended hun by the Congregational society of Portland, and will commence his labors soou. Two boysescaped from the Port Hurón Jai! in one nigtit and the ufxt night two cliuius ollowed their example. Base Ball- Detroit 9; Chicago 1. Harvey J. Keunedy, of Clarendon, has had Uie ham aud oontents burued. Incendiary. Anson I. V:Iio. om? of the tarliest pioneers of (fuesen county, d.ed al Fiiut of pueumoma after u brief illness. He was (.turnt 60 years of age, and was well kuown and much respectad. He held various county offiees at the time of bis deatb. Joseph Fry, a machinist of Battle Creek, was iatally injured at Alexaudria, Ohio, by a heavy piece of machlnery fallins upou hiui iii a mili be was fitting up. l'atrick Conkline of Deerfield ot iutoxicated while in Howell, was thrown from h8 wacou on his way lióme and iujured so tbat be died the following morniuK. Col. Van E. Young bas been elected chief oí pólice at Grand Rapids. The "Western Michigan Farmers Club" 01ganized at Grand Rápida. The mili ownere at Oscoda have accded to the demaud of their men for making 11 hours a day's work, and the strike is ended. Senator Jame Caplis has been appoi uted prosecuting at;ent for Detroit vice Firaaue, de ceaeeil. The body of Neil McKinnon, a Canadlan, was found in the lake nar Eyerson mili. The cor oner's jury rendered a verdict t bat Iih wan mur dered by some nnkuown penou and his bodj tbrowninto tho lak A house and four barns burned at Por Hnron.


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