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A.n uunauied New Yorker will give a thousand dollar vaso to the be9t drilled hattalliou of soldiers at the ïorktown eelebraüon. Th controller f tbe treasury decides tlial ; goverument contract CflUnot lie mild liy the contrai'toi-, and Ihatto Rttenpt saeta a trans fer is to risk all my. In tl difference between Gen. Sherman and tísn Hazen about the uignal Rorvice corpn the attorney general has given a decisión in Ha zen'n favor as tothesttómof the dien. He thmka tliey are army Hio re nnder the law. The eovernment lias hecran a snit w-üwt ('apt. Howgatei' -I 'U,257 clainied U be Ulegall; drawn bj hlm. A coal minera strike ia coutemylated. Thel'rPMtlcnl's pulne and lemperatutv are not as favorable and l in becomiiiK restive. There appears t b no oew tnmhlefroin the wound but tbeioflamed parottd gland Massup. puratedand has liwu opened. Itdlsebarged a BUiall quanlity of bealthy ihih. i be recurreuce of similar disorders Is feared. A cónsul tatioo is being lifli! t determine tbe advisability oí ceinoviDí the President trom the Whtt House. (ieo. W. K!í(í tlie WasblDdtoD baokor is deaii. Ee leayes au estáte of f4,000,000. The cattlf comariMion mpolntea by the iec retaryof the treasary bas fieued h circular addreeeed to tbe governor ol Uie state wel ol the AllegliBiiies, cllinaltHii(ion to Uib dan eer of the spread "f pleuro-pnemnonla. It ie stated tiiat th infectie distnci extendí on the seaboard frnm New York to Washington ■uní for sonie diBtaime iulami: llnit heretofore Infectiou bas pread but Utile, because tbe movement of Ciittln has heen alniost wbnlly from west to east, hut lliat recently the practice of sendins; calve to tlie weet (rom tbe i (lairy distrlcti basassumed great proportlons and is a great source of daoser. lt is reoommendeü tliat the western Klates entirely stop tbis traffir. Base liall. Detroit 7, Chicago 5. Abou'. twenty cues'H fiom tti Frencb goveruuieut are expected at the Yorktowu celebralion, and Franca vM ki-h1 overa largti war vessel or two. 'I - will irr, pu senger U ïorktowu, Washington and baitimore duriug the clebiatiuu tor halt fare. Gnat soffering is reportéd froin Kentucky by reaBon of drougiit. The exceas of exporte of inerchaiulise for the 12 inontbs endiiiK July 'M, was 2,üi)t),'.l.") 91, against ï 1,717,501 ñu in the piecadlng The Bteainship liuierick juet arrived at New York, broufíht 211 Norman horses. The Yorktown cetitfiiuial coinmission aml the citizíus of aslnuglou aud Baltimore hav decided toeuter-ain ítuests iu Baltimore Octoberlü, 11 and 12, aml iu Washington Octobei 13, U and 15. Preaident (iarñeld has l)een k sinK roind rapi'tly. HisstrenKth is greatly reiucedaud alann:ng gymptoms are pronoaaoed. T!i hillrtiuwl parotid tí'aud Rives further anxiety, deveioping a serious carhurjclw. His bewele have to a deijrne retused aaiut;, falling to retaiu an eueiua, and rëpeating tliu expulsión upou a sscond adiuinistration accompanled wi'.'.i opium, ihe pbysiciaua iiow declare that tlie chances are agalnBt h'm l'ecovery, The only hope is íq tho iuiproved Btate of his stouiach aud the favorable coudition of the woiimi. The Presidenta lever is high and exhausüoü is teared. Efght thousand acres of lauil uear Lake Calumet, 14 miles south of Chicago, has been bought by a coinpany of railioad men for f 1,200,000. .1. i. Hately'H packiug house at th liiiun stock yard Chicago, buroted. Loss tl.UOü.OOO. The President still lives but hi condition is lioffiy crltlcal. Th luflamed parotld iriaml i dicliarK"irttirouu:li tli left, and cansen Kreat iimi..uiitte. The pulse aml tem i ■ ar ' ery lusrh, the former rcKisteriuü ÏSA ut ooe liiuf. The pbfslclaoa claim aot to . iQdonedftll uope. but every lodlcatton lg UBtHvorable auti u fatal issue is (reuerally looked for. Thaxe is a sliulit enconra)jeuient u the latesl reporto of the Presideut'8 couilitioi). His I)u!s is less frequent tlio k!i variahlt, and be iippearstu ret more oaturally. H lias tak.-n ii Biiütll quantity f snliil fooü for tbe first time In several days and retaiuml it mul appearod to relish it. HU mlnd is clearer. Tbe ditjorpaiotld ({land in .iisrharuinK more treelj nnd hopea are eotertolned Ihat tlin.uitn thi mediara the Tittated oondtllon may be alspellb '.. On the other l.and resplratton is moru-freqirmt, the granniatlon of the wouml is kus natinfactory and the diseharge froiu the wouml indicatte n further depletion of the sjsteu). Ku'ii tbe Bllghtly iinprovediüdicatioasareeaBeiiy graspol as tbe grimnd for a forloia hope auil soine ot those about the sick lied claim to have renewed faith iu his recovery. i ;,,v Hawkii, of Teauee, bas addrefsed the folluwiug letter to each of the Uovernors of the severai States and Tenitories: EXSCUTITO (IHH'K, NASHVll.l.K, 1KNN., AUgUSt 27. S To thn (iovornor of : Deab í-ik-I would most respectfully suggest for your ooDslderation the propriety of the QOrt ut the öcveral States and Territones, u the event of the now auticipated death of ur beloved Piesident, by public proclamauon -tiilK the peopte of tlieir respective lates and Territories to suspond all secular usídbps aud revxrently to assemble at their e-pective places of public worehip at euch our a may be set apart for the Tuaeral Ceri.mies, tor tli purpose of boldins memorial fivices aud devoutly nvoktnj; the b essngs of AluiiRlity God upon our stricken couuI havo the honor to be Very respe ctfully, (sizned) ALVIN HAWKINS, Governor. Prefi lent üaifield's mother still reniains at Hiram, O. Slie speniU mont of her time in auxiously watching for the mesaenger wlio brings frequent rfipfirts froni Washington. (irti). Sbennan is makingextraordiniiry prepamttona lat pieserviuif the peace in WasbinitfeOB In case of a fatal result of tb presidonl's wound. Thivats of violence to (uiteau are frequxnt. ml lt lí also deeniml probable that fihould 8M. Artlmr be called to the Presidenij, great aan will 1 uecessary to protect him in the xcited state of the populace. l.atest.- President CJarfield's case is faiily bopëfol. Theimprovement uoted in nis coudition in cur last report, whicli lt waa feared inicrhl b ouly temporary, bas been more than naiislaiued, aud h:s chauce 01 recovery apjears very muc.i greater then at any timo lor . hrable uumber of days. The reports 'or the past 24 houra are uuiformly favoraile, aud it eeems not unlikely, to cay the tbat the turnios point in thu case lias leen reachen, aud that the Preaidout may re;:üi! liiB healtb. The iutlamed tflatid, the mat source of immndiate dauger áhows a uarked improvenient, the utomach iieK wll, auri in other respecta Uw case is eertainJy uu worse. Of course bis conditiou is still extreniHly critical.aud the phyBicians are oaretnl loexpress nothing liecoafidence in afnvorïble teruiiuation; but the present outlook is wtter tbau was hoped for upon any hand two dy8 ago. A spcCially eucouraüiiiK synipUm s tb recovery by the' Presidwn ot the clear uae of bis inind, for tliis indiratra that the ;lood poisoning is yieldiug to healthy forces. The editor of the Quiucy, III., Herald bas of induljied in bitter tirades upon l'resiftent arftoii), aud the cominunity are so aroused hu; public vengeauce is almost inevitable. He las already bet-n socially ostracised and liung 111 etfiijy. The well-knowu Chicago commission firm of Raoisey Bro. & Co have suspended. Grain sppculation frot them into a tight place, but it is expectei that tbey will pay up and go on. A remaining wma of the Chicago packing nouee which was burntxi took fire the followiog atteruoon and is a total loss. The value of thle building and contente was about 4130,000 aiiil ih wlioleloss i-. estimated at fl,l5,000. A dlsastrona fire at Attica, N. Y., caused loss of $40,000. Five strikei's arresled in Chicago for attempting to blow up the Chica o Stove Werks last Juut). The following bas been sent to the Chicago papers, and is published as a curiosity more ttiana waroing: Ainedrans and friendsof lrpland are herel j waraed ag;iinst embarking upou any vesae! flying the BriÜ9h flag alter Thurs i&y next, September 1. Many may reaeh tlieir destination, but none are safe. Hï OK1K11 OF THE OEHTRAi OOMMITTEK. CblcafiO, AuüUBt 27. The Secretao7 o! the Interior has ordnred two niillion of acrs of public land in the Iuluth, Minn., district to be sold at auction. Rwceut events have clearly proveri that the reuiaius of the late A. T. stewart are not jet In the possession of those who are rightfulljrentitled to their custody. Three hundreii Milwaukee longshoremen struck for an advauce of wages of five cents an hoor. The first Dakota well has been bored at Yanktown. Abuudance of waterwas fouml at a deptb of 4(K) feet, and other wells are to be made and the city supplied with water from them. While Lieut B. L. Edes and Lieut. Ly man G. Spaulding of the regular ariny were planting mines for some experiments in Newport harbor a torpedo exploded and the two offleers were instantly killed. The steamer State nf New York, running betweert H:irtfnrd and New York city, struck a rook In the Coimecticut river, was run ashore aud sank iu shallo w water. The baggage master was drowned iu the lad s' cabin, where he went to see that all passengere were takeo out. There were no other hves lest, altliough there was a wúd pan ie At Port Royal a ferry house in which ten colored uien bad taken refuge was waehed away dmïog the recent gale ou the southern coaet. All the men were drowued. At various poiuts great datnige was done to shipping iincl buililingtt nnd a uuinbor of llves were lost. The Prfeident continúes to improve. The parotid gland is improved aud apother opening in the faca is faci'itating the discharge. The graaulatton of the wouud is more satisfaotory and a liinh degree of hope is expressed. Dr. Hainiltap now he believee that the President will recover. The President is holdiue bis own and a material improvenient is conüdently looked for iu a few ilay


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