In tb Hritish house of commoiiR the hill in ipinicd to ntlect the release of Kitualist Qraeae ii"in Lancmter jail wab killed. It ininteuded to have tlis laad rourt created liy the land bill in operation in October. Cousl lerable numlwrs of voten are piotMting lianibetta's election, and chart;ini; ilial tnere wre improprieties in the ballot. TUe Brititb house of conunons ban pawied Ibe appropriattoo bill. The iiiiuwr of Afghanistan ba rceivei rein rci.i'fiiuM'.tfi trom Cabul of Infautry and cavalry, witb Rome uut. Thertiisuo sigu of Ayoob Klian'x movinii Rom Canrtabar, filtluiuiíli he bas h Imd) "f Oavairf witbin 40 miles of KJidat ahllat. A pune is beinu marie op to tiuy an eRlate torMlcnael Havitt, to beprosenled to him 01 Iiíh release. Ayoob Kli in i reportad Ui bav onl.v nijjli! regiment of soldiprs, numberiu es than 4(X eacb. It i np .ited Ihat beuieditatesaiHtmat iiiiiii Citmlahar to Herat, as he is unable u meet th foroe tbat the ameer is bringinp; agalnst him. It is niiiioredtbaUlwiiisurjtente wbo raarrli cil ti pon (iabes have been defeatod wilb heavy loss. Parliameat was prorostued on tbe 27ih. Iu the Quenn's speech it is declared tbat self-rrov ernment luis been secured la tbe Transvaal by v bieb it is hopwl tbat the trauquility of África is assiuwl. In regard to the land bill tbe ijnoeii expre89es the hope that tbe benefits o tlie incasuiH niH.v be tuinnienBurate with the care sii'eu to it, and in aUuiioa to the co eriloü act, says tbat tbe txtraordinary power bas been useil witb vigilance and fiimness, bu witli ilisciiinination, and it was b'iptul that tbe ronditiou of Ireland will so improve tbat tbe power uiay be dispeiised witb. Cholera is announcvd in Japan. TheJapaneee are greatly trqubled with "fia mouBj," aud the Kovernineut ia ukiuL meas ures to cali in the surplus of paper currency whicb is now ata heavy discount. The villaje of St Jau Baptiste, Canada hurued. Advices from Petropaulouski rt-port the ar rival of the United States raüof steamer Koil i'rs, July 18. i'ortytwo dogs and hirge sup ply of dog feed, fur clotbiiiK, freeh food ani fisli wer taken on board. It lett for SU Mtch anls ! u..v 24. By the treaty concluded between China anc HuHsiii, tbe former agrees to pay the latter , 010,000 roubles (about Ï!6,75O,IKX)), U retain also, a partof Kuldja. Cbiua bas coutro) of the Ili and Zelougra Illvers, and the old Cash gar frontier. The street in Paris on which the official resi dence of tbe American Minister íb nituated ba boen named "Place des Elats Unls," by rder of the l'rurect of tbe Seine, as a compliment to ;hc Americans. John Dillon was giveu aBiipper in Dublin and in bis speech suji({etl tbat the land law w;i8 a had thiiij; because it broke up tbe fi,rn if tl; fight aud made it imposslble for the lam league to proceed as before. If the battlecould have been continued on theold Unes for anolh I er six months he thoutflit the Irieh veoujd have been niie to diotate theirowo termaand I sli landlordl in altogettaer." He propone to rtre Moni pabilo Ufe r i u few montns. Sikiih ralis od tiieFrench railroad wer BMt" IcinuBlyrAm vrdanl atraía iKimultoNice was xrreckuci mil theen laeeraod fireineu wtre killed and iiiii persons wr iiijured. ImmeDM rorst fnt-s are roported ín Aleeria. Alarbe nifetiuK oí tenant f.irmerB iu ('ouniy Down t'xpiessfd great atisfactiou with ttie
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat